HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/05/1970 _.~"~[ll!'JWt..:i;._,,,-:-~-~ :-:l.. ~ ~ _-_,;c'" .;::":~,,_ _,~_~" . ,- d."ll'<'..-- _~""_"~ ---~ .. . . . Fishers Island Ferry District [)bcriccer.t.dB,s,.do:d Aaol ...Jw N. y......~(t.WlaI N. Y.. 100D. ClwalMer6w) FISHERS ISLAND. NEW YORK 06390 WILFRED C. SINCLAIR MANAGER - SECRETARY TELEPHONE 786-7-463 AREA CODE 516 Minutes of the Meeti~ of the B08rd of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferrv Dis~rict Oct. 5, i970 SOARD OF COMMISSIONERS LAW"IINCE B. B....LDWIN. CHAIRMAN POLLY EDMONDS RAYMDND F'. DOYEN RICHARD v. FOYLE STEPHEN MORELL .~. >' ,. ~ .........!". A special meetin~ of the Board of Commis"ioners of the F.I. Ferrv District was called by the Chairman anc held in th~ office of the Ferry DIstrict, Oct. 5, 1970 at 2:00 P.M. Present were Commissioners B.ldwin, Edmonds, Foyle, Doyen, Morell .nd W. C. Sinclair, M,r-Sec. Minutes of the Meetin~s of the Commissioners heldAu~. 20, .nn Sent. h, 1970 were read and anproved as r.... Motion by Comm. i>monlis .nd seconli",li by Comm. Foyle that Vouchers #247 throup;h #277 inclllsive in the amount of $22,386.06 representini>; the outstandinp; obli~ations of the Ferry District for September 1970 ne oaili. Motion unanimously c.rried. Chairman Baldwin spoke on the work bein~ done .t the New Lonlion Termin.l. General liiscusgion ensueli on extra liolnhins for protection for the Olinli.. Motion by Comm. Emonds and secondeli by Comm. Morell th.t Comr.. B.ldwin be appointed Chairman of the Bo.rli for the ensuin~ year. Motion unanimously carrieli. A letter _s read from a Mr. Kelsey pointinp; out an<< requestl.n~ certain trins for the winter scheliule. General .iscussion ensueli on winter scheti.ule. A letter from the Senior Class was rea.. requestin~ a ctlart~r for the Senior Class on ~a.u.tion ni~ht, June 25, 1911. from 10 P.M. to 2 A.M. The M.na~er wag directed to look into this. Motion by Comm. Doyen .nli seconlieli by Comm. Foyle that the Jones Destruction Comnany he awareed the demolition of Bld~. #8 (former Band barracks) for the sum of $2000.00. Motion unanimously carried. The Board of Commissioners then worke<< out the winter schedule, a copy of which is herewith attached. General discussion then ensued on po. sible leaain~ of the han~.r buil..in~ to R. Grebe to be useli as .n automobile repair shop. Comm. Doyen recommen<<eli ~ivin~ R. Grebe this opportunity. Comm. B.ldwin stated thAt the operation of the Airnort woulli be the primary function anli the p;ara~e seconti.ary. Comm. Foyle liidn't think the ~ara~e was a proper operation to be cond~cteli.t the airnort however tmlier the circt~stances he would not object. COmM. Mo~ell steteli that the matter shoulli be checked out with the FAA, explain the sJtuation and work out the det.ils. Bomm. Edmon8s went .lon~ with the oropos.l. Comm. Balliwin su~~esteli cuttinp; out the bank back of the han~ar for use in parkin/l: cars for the ~ar!l.~e. The Manaper w.s liirecte<< to work out th!l .stails with the 'fown and the FAA. R. Grebe was to operate the ai.rport as well as a p;ara~e on a year roun. basis. The Mana/l:er saili a variance vould have to be ebtaineli from the FAA an<< that he would procee. with this. Oanm. Edmonds spoke on the weeds p;rowin~ at one en. of the airport runw.y. '!'he Manap:er stated that he would have weeti. killer applied to this area next Iprinp;. Motion made to adjourn and unanimously carried at 4: 15 P.M. Prior to adjQurnin~ the Board directed the Msnapp.r to meeti with R. Grebe relati ve to his plans at the airport. -11 \1) ^ .. Lf' .{~ Approve.: ~'Mt~ w. 'e';,;s~~r;,\...-Mgr. _i:>ec. L. S. Baldwin, Chairman