HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/05/1970 ']1I1'~~.':CLr.1Im!1'r-=-_1I_______~ _--=_~ .." . . ~"---''''7-~'''''''''''''''-'''--- '. Fishers Island Ferry District z:.rictc::w..d s, s,.w Acto{ "r.v N. Y. Stall u,bWrvrrfLa"" 0/ N. Y., .CIot? ChapttT 6QQJ FISHERS ISLAND. NEW YORK 06390 WIl..F"RED C. SINCLAIR. MANAGE" .. ElECtlETARY ..~ !fLE..HDNE 7..-7-463 '. .~; ~" ARItA Caoe: .'5 BOARD OF" COMMISSIONERS LAWRENCE S. BALDWIN, CHAIRMAN POLLY EDMONDS RAYMOND F'. DOYEN RICHARD V. FOYLE STEPHEN MORELL MINUTE" OF THF MEETING OF 'l'HE BOARD CF COMMISSIOJ';EIlS OF THE FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTilICT Nov. 5, 1970 A .peelal meetin~ of the Boart of Oommissioners was callet bv the Chairman an4 hel. in th~ office of the Ferry District Nov. 5, 1970 at 2:30 P.M. Pr.a.nt were OO~issioners Bal.~in, Foyle, Eimon.., Doyen, Morell an. W. C. Sinola'r, Ml!:r.- ec.. The Minut~s of ,he ~eet'np' hel. Oct. 5, 1970 were r... an. aoprovetl. as rea.. Ll"tter was Y'l"at from tll' F. I. C1vtc Assoc. .ate. Oct. 30, 1970 relative to meetjnp' w1th th.. COl1ll'1issioners. General aisoussion .naue4 on this and previo'ls tiiscussion rellltive to cO"lJ"lutation hooks. Chair- ma~ BalJiw'n reoort..a Il clll1 from Mr. Bopert r"~llra1np wait1np in line for 2 houv!'l f.:)r Il ferr;r on Sunaay .ue to exce!!sive trafflc. This traffic h.. not been Ilnticiplltea b;r the Comnis!!1oner.. A letter allt..tl. Sent. 25, 1970 from Henrv lluce III r",lative to th", Ferr" ooerlltion lIoheaul..s. "ooll'llmlt...r tickets ..tc. was rella. The H_nllp:er Willi tl.irectetl. to write that this letter was rece1.vea from th.. Sun..rvillor a.nei. contents not...a therein. > The Man.,..r rella a l..tter from the FAA relative to a lellse of the hangar bull_In" a.tea Clct. 29, 1970. General .iscll!!sion then ensuetl. on the or,,""'.e_ lease Ie: Tenant to collect fees an4 keeo Ilntl. to nav the Di.t~'ct an annulll pllyment, lights and water billetl. to Tenant. The Boartl. a~ree. that the annulll lease fee would be $2000.00. Other item!! aiscus!!e. we!". Ferrv l)ia trict take oare of all :--!IIntenanc e ( @';rass cutti TIp'. lighta) ..lntai.n roof of builtl.ing, tenant to put in hellt, Di!!trict to nrovitl.e a ,.rki~ plac. tor the ~Ilrag., District to lIet lantl.inr fees.etc. Motion b, Comm. Foyle an. seoontl.etl. by Comm. Etl.montl.!! thllt voucher!! #278 through #301 1ne1ua1~e in th.. amount of $42,445.20 representing the outstlln.'n~ o\11~at1on!! ot the Ferry District tor O.tober 1970 be paid. Motion unan- 1~~.ly earrie.. Generlll tl.lscussion then en.ue. hv the Bo.r. relative to tl'atf1.e on Thur!!.ay!!. It was apre.. that th... purser keep traol< of oar traffic leavinp Fisher!! I!!lan~ on Thursday Il!! to when !!ubject cars nlannne. to r..tnrn. Aft...r th.. noon trio if there would be Iln overlolltl. for thl' 3:45 P.M. Trip thell the Olinda wo"}. he called in and waul. lO1l1i. Cllr!! ln line an. .epa1"t b~for~ the My!!tic Isle. MotionctJlii" ~o lltl.jourI? a~d unllnimously oaM'1.. at 4.3'1 . .M. j' " .l. I. &{6-t.~ \./w. .. air, Ml!;r.- ec. Altpro.....:;:(. I . :L~01(th~( L. S. Bal.win, Chairman Bo.rli. of Conml.lIionera ',,,,,- :,~i,'".:'~':~._ .. Jl...i.,;,;i.Iii,W.iL_~~.LL__::::-"'~__ __.__.,..L___i_;~,__