HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/17/1970 ",.._,1IIII19I'IIlII~ll ~'>'!Ji;. ,,!.,~~..:.=, ':~~~.'.",:~~g ~ ."'!J,,,,:-.~,.~ :;'~~._'f~.'" '"___,"" J"T'-'- _~,.,. -~-~""'=~""""--~":"..,,..r",_ . . --,... ... Fishers Island Ferry District Dfltncto.u.i B,SproaI Acl of 'flu- N. y, Sullt ~pkllU,.,{l..JWJ of N. Y., 19of7, Clwpfn fw' :!'- --,)0..__ FISHERS ISLAND. NEW YORK 06390 WILF"REO C. SINCLAIR MANAGER - SECRETARY .~'h:tEPHONE 7BB-7-463 . . AREA COOE 516 SOARD OF COMMISSIONERS '-AWRENCE S. BALDWIN, CH.6,IR""AN POLLY EDMONDS RAYMOND F. DOYEN RICHARD V, FOYLE STEPHEN MORELL MINUTES OF THE Mf~ETING CF TilE BOARD OF COM~ISSIONEKS OF' THE FISHERS IgLIND FERRY DISThICT Nov. 17, 1970 ') A .peeial meeting of the Bo~r. of COmMissioner. was calle. by the Chairman an. hel. in the office of the Ferry District, NmT. 17, 1970 at 2:00 ?M.. Pre.ent were COMmis.ioners Bal.win, Foyle, E.mon.s, Doyen an. W. G. Sinclair, Mu.-See. COTllI1l. Morell was absent. Also present were Mr. Robert ':'asker an. Mr. John Appelt. Chairman Bal.win o"'>ene. the meetin?, calleli for .1IculUin/l: a ~ropo.e. airport han~ar buil.ing lea.e. The Boar. rea. a r~.llme of the lea.e eon.ition. a. prepare. by the Mana?,er. Discu..ion en.u~. as follow.: Comm. Doyen.u~~e.te. that the Di.trict nut un a fence aroun. the parkin?, lot of the prono.e. ~ara~e. Mr. Tasker .ai. that the Di.tr~ct an. The Town of Southol. .houl. be name. in all lia"U i ty c overap:e of the t..r:ant. No oon.truction i. to he .,.me unles. firgt a'"Jp~ove. by the Commi.s1oner.. No ~a.oline or fuel to be .01.. The airport office is to be u.e. for airnort buainels only. The tenant 1. to Install at nlg own exn~nee a heating .y.tem. a arop cei~in~. overhea. .oor. etc., 1~8ce rent~l to be $2000 per year. General .isculllllon then en.'le. on otne~' deta111 relatIve to thll leale. Mr. Ta.ker i. to .raw the propo.e. lea.e an., retllrn it to the Di.trlet And a public hearln" will be hel.. in Lhe F.I. Fire Houae. The followlnc r~solutlon wa. intro.'-1c e. b'1 the Chai rman an d arionte.. hT the unanimou. a ffirma ti ve vote of the Bo.r. of Commi..ioner. a. followl: C~M~. Bal.win _ ~el. Comm. Eamon..- Ylla, CO!l1T'l. Doyen - Ye., Com",. Foyle - Yes. Comm. Morell W~ll ahs~nt: WHEHEAS the eo~r. of Commi..ioner. asvert~geli for bi.. for the re-deokin~ an. fen.er pile worle at the Fish"r. ISlan. }o'erry Pier at }o'isherll Illand AND WHElEPS only one bi. wa. recelyed for .ubject work from Hol>,rook &: Son Inc. or We.tbrook, Conn. in the amolmt ')1" $24,425 with a unit price per .trinr,er of $10 per lineal 'foot In place AND WHEREAS ONLY $13,000 was allocat~. in th~ Bud~et of Estimate. rtevenuel an. Expen.e. for the perio. Jan. 1, 1970 - Dee. 31, 1970 un.er th.. Cate~ory "Maintenance Expense. -"Repairs, H..novation. - Docks & Buil.1np:. AND WHEHEAS un.er Maintenance Expenses - Kentir. Floa tin?, Eq11i ')men tan. Maln- . I tallanee the amount of $39,450 wag hll..~...te. of whiCh :,,26,000 wa. bucip:ete. for two GM V-12 En~ines for the Myetic Isle. All thele enp:ines wiJl not he "ureha.ell in 1970 a .urplu. exillts in the amo'mt of $26,000 THEHE}l\()kE BE IT KSf,OLVED that $17,000 of .ubject $26,000 surnlUll funli. exiltin~ in II'l.intenance Expen.e. - 'tenair. Floatin" Equipment r-e tran.rerre. to Category "Maintenance Expense. - Repair., Renovation. - Dock. ~ Buil.in~ll AND BE IT FURTHER HESOLVE:D that the BOllr. of Commll.1oner. therefor", nen.i~ approval of the Town Boari of the Town of Southol. wi.h to award John G. Holbrook &: Son Inc. of We.tbrook, Conn. the contract for the Deckinp: of a 1'1er Struetnre an. the In.tal1ation of }o'en<ter nilin" an. relat",. work in the amount of $24.425 plu. deck .trinp:er. wheT'e req'Jir". at a unit prieeof $10 per lineal foot in.tall... Iii ~. ,... , .;;;:'0"'; ,. _ _.~. ....."~.~,..,,, 1 1IlII_'l..r'~~~'~'~WT~,.,,'nRlr'lm,.~_.. 'n ... . _ _" """III!II'IIIWII "., _""_'" I'MiIl",_,III"'W""'~~ -'. . " Fishers Island Ferry District ~ ~~- Dkrricr Dr.unf S, SllKild Aa of If'1w N. Y. Suuco Lq&U&t..,.. (lAw. 0/ N. Y.. rOof". ClwaPf:"" 600) FISHERS ISLAND. NEW YORK 06390 w1l.irRED C. SINCLAIR MANAGER.. SECRETARY TEL.EPHONE 7B8-7-463 AREA CODE 516 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS LAWRENCE B. BAL.OWIN, CHAIR...."N POLLY EDMONDS RAYMOND F". DOYEN ~ICHAR!O V. F"OYL.E STEPHEN MORELL Nov. 17, 1970 (2) The follo1iing re.olution wa. intrO.'loe. h:v the Chairman an. a.opte. b:v the unanimou. affirmative vote of 1;h.. BOilrd of Commi.sioner. a. follow.: Commi.a1oner Bal.wIn - Y.... Commi..ioner Edmon.s - Yea Commi..lon"r DOJ'"n - y". Co~ml..ioner Foyle - Yet Commi..l~ner Mor"ll - Ab.ent ~ WHEHEAS the employee. of the Fishers I.19n. Ferr;r Di.triot have requeste. that the Boar. of Commi.sloner. of the Fisher. I.lan. Ferry Di.trIct relo~ize the Civil Service Emplo;rees Associ.tIon a. the exolusive barpainin~ 'a~ent for the employees of suhject DI.trIct THEREFOKE BE I'~ "E30LV),~D that the BOArd or COP1l1li.s1oners of the r'isher. I.lanli. Ferr;r Di.triot, Flsh...rs Islanri, New ''-ork lio hereb;r reco,nize an. aecept the Cl'9'il ServIce Em'11"yees A~soc1,,:10n as the e}'clu~iv", anri .ole har~ainin, a~ent for the e~nloTe"'s of the FiRhers Island Ferry D1.trict of Fishera Ialand, New York for the le~al perio. preacrIhe.. General .iaouaaion then en.ue. on work on th... M/V Myatic 1.1... in which Mr. Appelt particlpnte.. At thi. time it waa unanimou.ly .eci.e. not to have the hol.s san. blaate.. Nlot1.nn ma.e to adjourn an'l unanimously r.-- carrie. at 3::>0 P.M. . -; J \ L, (,,{ . f ' '" -- 'W.-d. sdl.<,la'r; Mp;r.-Sec. , , Approye.: L. S. Bal.win, Chalr~.n Boar. of Com~l.aionera ~ .,