HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/12/1970 ",,'".''''''T''''''''' -- .-.-~ Fishers Island Ferry District .,.,....""""""'......,....., ,....N. Y._~a-"N. Y" ....,"""""Ilool FISHERS ISLAND. NEW YORK 06390 WILFRED C. SINCLAIR M~DER .. SECRETAIIY '--r<<COHDNE "..-7".63 AREA CeDE 516 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS LAW.KNCE .. BALDWIN, CHA"I"'AN ~aLLY EDMaNDS RAYMQND ". DOYEN IIICHAIID V. FDYLE .TI:PHEN MORELL MINUTES m' THE MEETll G OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE FISHErtS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT A apeeial meetin~ of the Boart of Commiasioners waa eallet by the Chairman ant hel. in the office of the Ferry DistrIct, Dec. 12, 1970 at 2:30 P.M. Preaent were Commiaaionera Baltwin, Eamonta, Morell ant W. C. Sinclair, Mgr. See. Abaent were Cemmiaai~era Foyle ant Comm. Doyen. The Minutea the the Meetin~a helt NOT. 17 ant Dec. 7, 1970 were reat ant approvet aa reat. The Mana~er reat letter from the Inaurance Company of North America re~artin~ an inapection of the Myatic Iale ant in which it waa recommentet that the hull be boret to .etermine atability an. aea worthineaa. Alao recommentet waa a... fire pump be inatall.t to'au~ent the other p~. General iiacuaaion then enauet on repaira of the Myatic Iale. The Boart then eliminate. the noon trin at: the Mylltic Iale on Sunta:", from Jan. II, 1971 to April 4, 1971. It was then chan~ed ao that the laat noon trin on Suntay waa to be Jan. 17, 1970. The Mana~er then reat correapontence relative .to frei~ht charters ant a comnlaint by Mr. A. John Gata to the ICC. M.tion b:", Comm. Morell ant aecontet ~v Comm. Eamontll that vouchera #332 throu~h an" inclu.inp; #358 inclnai...e il'l the amount of $1),099.44 re'Prea"ntin~ the outatanjin~ obli~at~ona of the Ferry Diatrict for December 1970 be pait. Mation unanimoualy carrie.. General tiacnallion enauet on mail haul a,..", ami the poaaibility of ~ettin, a Diarrict owne. truck. General .iacullllion then enauet on an offer of Luther Blount to faaten the akep; on the Olinta to the hull which ahoul. correct the vibration thereon or the posaibility .r puttin~ tifferent wheela thereon. Chairman Baltwin au~~eatet meetin~ with Mr. Duryea relative to State Ait. The Mana~er then reat the Town A~eement with their employeea for 1970. The followinp; reaolution waa introtucet by the Chairman ant atoptet by th", unanimoua affirmative vote of the Boart of Commiallion",rll all followa: Commiallioner Bal.win Commiaaioner Eamonta Commillaioner Morell Commiasioner Foyle Commiaaioner Doyen - Yea - Yea - Yea - Absent - Abaent ",,;:. WHEREAS the Boar. of Commiasionerll by rellolution on Nov. 17, 1970 tit accept ant reoo~ize the Civil Service Employees Aallociation all the exclusive ant ao1e bar~aininp; agent for the elllPloyeell of the l"ishera Ialant Ferr", Diltrict AlID WHmlEAS the Boar. of Cemminionere by resolution on Dec. 18, 1969 .i. .~.pt the A~reeMent aa between the Town of Southol. an. the Employeea of the !~ of Southo1. tate. Jan. 2, 1969 aa a ~ite ant noliey for the elllPloy.ea .t the F.I. Ferry Diatriot cOT.rl~ wap;ea, vacationa, lonp;eTity, aick lea...., ..tirement an. ~ait vacations ro~ 19,u -, . . Fishers Island Ferry District DfItria c....d ~ s".w Aa. ...., N. Y................ (z.-", N. Y., 19f7, ~f'I' 6wJ ,.",-* FISHERS ISLAND. NEW YORK 06390 WILFRED C. SINCLAIR MANAGER - SECRETARY TELEPHDNE 788-7-....63 AREA CODE 516 BOARD OF COMMISSIDNERS LAWRENCE B. .ALDWIN. CHA'''MAN POLLY EDMONDS RAYMOND ,.. DOYEN RICHARD V. "OYLE STEPHEN MORELL -2- (Dec. 12, 1970) AND WHEREAS it wa. provie. in the resolution of Dee. 18, 1969 that any chan~ea in .ubject arreement for 1970 woul. be incorporate. in the F.I. Ferry Diatrict employee. poliey an. woul<< be effectiye for the perlo. Jan. 1, 1911 thro~h an. inclu.in~ Dec. 31, 1971 rHEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Boar. of Commi.sioner. .0 hereby accept the a~reement ma.e the 23r. .ay of iJecemher 1969 a. between the employee. or the Town of Southol. an. the Town of Southol. for the perio. Jan. 1, 1971 throu~h an. inclu.inp, Dec. 31, 1971 for the employeea of the Fisher. I.lan. Perry J)htrict. The rellewing resolution wa. intro.uce. by the Chnrman an. a.opte. 0" the unanimous affirmative vote of the Boar. of Commi.sionera a. tollow.: Commi.sioner Bal.win - Ye. Kommi..ioner Eimon.. - Yea Commi..ioner Morell - Yea Commi.sioner Foyle - Abaent Commi..ioner Doyen - Ahaent RESOLVED: That the Boar. ot Cemmi..ioners of the Fi.hers I.lan. FerrT ~iatrict ot the State ot New York elect. to participat!l as a n.rticil'ating"employer in the State EM~loy... Health In.urance Plan anrl suhject to ani in accor.ance with \be proYi.ion. of Articl. XI of the Civil SerYice Law an. the Regulatio.n. SeYeP6tR~1the Stat. Health I..urance Plan, a. Dre..ntl,. exi.ting or he.e.tter amen..., together with .uch provi.ions of the in.urance contracts a. may be al'prOYe. by the Pre.i<<ent of the Civil Service Commi.sion ani any aimin- latrativ. rule or .irective governinp the plan. Motion ma.e to ..journ ani unanimou.ly carrie<< ''',proy..: ~~AJ'A..~ , L. S. Bel.win, Chairman Boar<< ot Cemmi..ionera