HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/23/1971 .~ ",~-.,.-.--......,......~.~...............-- ~, I ,.< ....~ . . Fishers Island Fetty District _o-Ma, _".., .... No T. _ LooIoI-a-., H. T.. ...,. """-6001 . ~ - ~ '-..:, "FISHERS UlLAND. NEW YORK 0&390 MINUTES OF THE MEETING 0Jl' THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT March 23. 1971 4 .peeial hearin~ wa. call.. by .uly poate. notic. an. by the Boar. of OeMmi..ioner. on Mar.h 23. 1971 at 2:00 P.M. at the Fi.her. I.lan. Fir. leu.e on the matter .f 1.aain~ Klizabeth Airport to Rlehar. Gr.be of Pi,her. I.lan.. New York. Pre.ent were Commi..ioner. Ba14win. E4mon.., Mere11 ani W. C. Sinela~r, M~.-See. The Mana~er reai the Notice ef the Heari~ an. the prope.e. lea.e of Elizabeth Airport. COmMenta were a. follev.: Doe. the Di.triet .hare in the reTenue. of the airnort? No, the Di.triotr.eelTeil $2000 per year leaae rental. The Di.trlet .houl. ~et .ome of thi. aoney. The Airport hat been operatin~ on Ie.. then a break eTen ba.i.. Thi. repre~ent. a !Uarantee. ineome for the D1atriet. What about in.uran.e? The .perator hat to provi.e in.uranee in whieh the Town an. the Di.triet are name.. Ju.t automotive repairs to be con.uote. there? Yea, no fuel or ~aa to be ao14. , The operator hat to in. tall a fenee to box in autnmobl1.. (maxi!l\Ul'll 10) beln, repair... If for aome rea.on I have to irop out of this operation can I ,tret rel1'1bur.e. for my expenilture.? W. C. Sinclair: The lea.. .oe. not nrovi.e for it. At thi. poInt the followin,tr member. of the au.ience in.ieatei their approval of thl. lea.e: Garion Ahaan, E. Perry E.wari., Geor~e Kin,tr, Robert Wall, Ser~e Doyen, Polly E4mon.., Arthur Wal.h. Kenneth E.war.., Paul Eiwar.., C. Dixon, J. Ga.a, Jr., Mario Zan~ettl, C. Zan~hetti, Mary Grebe. Mr.. A. Wal.h, Illeen Wall, Mr.. E.P. Rivar'" Mr.. St.ve Morell, Alfre. Grebe. Mrs. Mary "'Wett1,Riohar. Grebe, _ ,', Chairman Bi.l4w1nthen tlo... the a 2:22 P.M. t, k Sinolair, M~.-S.e. ~. WILFRED C. SINCLAIR MANAIIER ... SJ;CRETARY TELEPHDNE 7.....7~463 ARtA CODE 516 ". 1. . Mr. Robert E~elhoff: Chairman Bal.win: Mr. Robert E~elhoff: t, Chairman Hal<<win: Mr. E~e1hoff: Ohairman Bal'w1n: 'j Mr. E!l:elhoff: W. C. Sinclair: Chairman Balivin: Mr. Riehar. Grebe: 80-"'D 0'" COMMISSIONERS LAwttENOIE .. .ALDWIN. OHAllllMAN ..aLLY EDMONDa RAYMDND ,.. COYEN R'CHAIIO V. ,.aYLE .TI:~HIEN MDRIELL ,,' A"1"OTe4:~ Ji 7> "I ~ . /. ~t.Jj"J-(~ L. S. Beliwin, Ohairman Boari of O...a..ioner.