HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/04/1971 - --.-.. ' ,. ., ~ ~. - - ~ ~ ,,.. . . ~ .,.\.. ~ ~-........ .. ' ... ~" j- ot, ~,'~ ~ ;., -~. Fishers Island Ferry District """"'c:...c..I"'_A<<<f ....H. Y,_~{'-'<fH.Y.,,_,a.o-"" < FISHERS ISLAND. NEW YORK 06390 "':~,:.... >i;:.' : ~ ~ 80_D OF' COMMISSIONERS LAW-"CE .. .ALDWIN, CH.UU4.N ..aLLY EDMoNDa RAYMCIND ,.. DDYIIN NICHAIIO Y. "OVLII IITIE"H&:N MDJIIELL --!-",; WlU"REO C, BINCLA'" tIIAtIAoEII - BECIIETA"Y ftL.PHQNE "..-7-..a ....EA CaDlE: &16 ~. ,~ }.. MINU'l'ES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT Mal'ch 4, 1971 t ~A e~eeial meetin~ of the Boart of Commieeionere wa. .allet b~ the Chail"Man ~"_t helt in the ofri.. of the Ferl'Y Dhtrict, March 4.1971 at 7:00 P.M. ~"eeent were Commie.ionere Bal4vin. E~on... Foyle, ant MOl'ell. Cor~i.aionel' +~te acte. a. Secretary. Dieaue.ion en.uet on the tock at Fi.here I.lant, ~~th l'elation to the uee thel'eot by Contl'actor. bittln~ on the new School ~i'on.trl,letion. The Commie.ionere a~ree to cooperate with them until May ;(' Sth, ant if the .itua'ion .hoult chan"e then thil oannot be ~aranteet. " e thereot woult be ba.et on a fee per lan4J n~. The Boart tir.ctet the ."",,"a~.l' to contact one Bitter who reque.teti thII intOl"Mation al to whether 'it plannet to u.e our pier tacilitie. or woulti he provi.. hi. own. A t, tt~r wa. reat from Robert A. Wall In whiah he requestet the u.e of c~11tin~ #383. The Boarta~reeti that they were all in favor of thi.. '.tion mate by Comm. Foyle an~ secontieti "v Comm. Morell that the IYltem '.r payin~ bill. be im~roveti. Motion unanimou.ly carriet. MotIon by Oellln. Foyle anti leoontieti by COIl\M. Morell that voucher. #20 throu~h anti \lnelutin~ #44 in the amount ot $37503..08 renre.entin~ the out.tan.in~ ~.bli~atl onl of the Ferry Diatrict foT' F.brulr~ 1971 be pait. Moti'm '~ani~oully earri.t. Motion by Comr. Morell anti lelontet b~ Com~. Foyl. ... inerea.. the mail hlula~ete.bv $15.00 al nrov'.e. tor in the current .~~et an. make it retroactive to January 1, 1971 if ~ol.ihle. Motion .;;:'aniJllollely c arrieti. Motion matie to atijourn anti unlnimou.ly .arr1 e. at d30 P.M..) "rl I' r- r, t! 1 ' . ,'. .... It ' "',Ll Cc .J...l.!."..."", <t~.::.. .-- Polly ~onC. ' ~! Actin~ Secretary J ,,~,:F1tI'OTet:,'?' ',/,' - /,1' 7 .v! . i...."'~ ..,t.'I r> f (\:... L. S. Baltiwin. ChaJrman Boart of Commil.ionerl .' _J' , f. ~ 4t ~-","1 - -:i j~ , ' ;. ~.-