HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/09/1971 '_~"_""'''''''''''''''''T__'''_'~~__'___ ""'"' "rI'1' ~T _ -....~ ..,."..-~~ ~.... ~ .":!!-....~~ ~~ _.~ ~-.~ " ,,... ... . . WILFRED C. SINCLAIR MANADER . SECNETARY TEL.PHONE 7138-7-463 ..AIllEA CODE $16 BOAlllD OF COMMISSIONERS LAW_CNeE 8. BALDWIN, CHAI..MAN "aLLY EDMDNDa RAYMDND P'. DOYEN "ICHAIID V. FDYLE .TaflHI:N MDRELL ." ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (j '" ;i i vi Ml I, ~ ~ ~ J ~ _r ~ i ; , -, iJ ;*! Fishers Island Ferry District Ilkri<<"'-'ds,--,A<o., ""'H, Y._~a-"H. Y.....,..Cloo><<<600l FISHERS ISLAND, NEW YORK 063~ MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMIS"I()NERS OF 'rHE FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT Feb. 9, 1971 A a:pecial meetin/l; of the Boartl 0 f' Commi l!l!donera of thf' F.I. Ferry Diatri ct waa call~tI hy th- lhaJrman ana hela in the office of the F-rry uJatrict, Feb. 9, 1971 at 7:00 P.M.. Preaent were Commis.ionera BalawJn, Eamona., Foyle, ana lnC. Sinelair, M/I;r.-Sec. The Minute. of the Meetinp: hela Dec. 12, 1970 were reaa ana approvea aareaa. Letter aatea Jan. 29, 1971 from the Dept. of Tranaportation, Urban Ma.. Tranaportation and AaminiatraDion was reaa r.lative to Feaeral Funa:\n~ for Ma.. ~ranaool'tation Aaaiatance. Motion by CO!llm. Etlmona. ana .econaea by Comm. Foyle that vouchera 11 throu!l:h II 19 inclusive in the 8.Mount of $12,578.77 repre.~ntln/l; the outatanalnp: obl1~atioDa of the Ferry District for January 1971 1--e oata. Motion unanimou.ly carrteti. Motion by Comm. Eamonaa .nd seconaea hy Comm. Foyle that $15,000 whlch waa in the hua~et for A capit.l re.erve funa for a new ve.sel he put into a bank account where it coultl araw intereat. Motion unanimou.lv carrtea. General aiacu.sion en.uea on letter of Blount Marine Corporation r..p:al'riinr, corl'ectin~ the vibration en the M/V Olinaa anti al.o in.pectin~ other ferri.. unaer conatructinn at Mr. Blount'. yara. General aiacuaaion re/l;ara:\n~ borin~ the hull of thl'l Mystic I.le. The l1anap:er want"a to know if this illn' t aone will our in.urance covera~e be valia. veneral aiacua.ion on leaain~ the Pir. Di.trict ana the Garba~e Diatrict two hunkera on lana of the Ferry Di.trict. Chairman BaItwin alao aupreatea that all the ola aeckin~ from the Pier be placea in the Meaquito Hollow blmker ana he burnea there. The Boara ap:reet that this ahoula be in oraer. The Manager was tltrectea to make an apnointment with Mr. Luth"r Blount to inapect t'errie~ he has unaer conatruct:\on at Warren, Rhoae IaIan~ on February 2a, 1971. General aiacuaaion en.utt on extra trina of the Olina. while the Myatic Iale ia in the shipyara. General ail!cuaaion en.uetl on thi.. The M&n~,er wall tirec tea to arran~e an extra tripon Sa turtiay if there ia a t'r..i,ht hui1tl up. The Man.g..r aakea if the ~oara want..a Mr. John AnDelt to act .. inapector for t,he retecktn/l; of the Fi .her. Ialantl aock. The Bo:a.~a ."r.....tI that the:", aim't tMnk it wall necea3ar,ca' ,'Jdon m...... to aajourn ana unaniMously carriea at 8: 35 P. M. ," 11,1 {I L (..<.. (If a . ~~. Sinc"a!r, M~r.-Sec. if ~, r , . ~:: '.-. .'l ~ i i' Approvea:. ! ) -,",' /,,'{' , 'I Ii<' i<-l.- L. S. Baltlwin, Chd rman Boara of Commi..ionera