HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/02/1971 ...T."'~-"~"""-.'~"""""""." .~ ..,.....-...--.....- .-......---....-..-,-.,~-~~_.- - ~ . . Fishers Island Ferry Distrih: lJIIIricro-M a,s,..:wAcr" ,..... N. y.....,.~(Nft'(L-..(f/ N. Y., 1941, 0...,.,.,"" FISHERS ISLAND. NEW YORK 06390 ;.- ~ ~ , " WILFRED C. SINCLAIR MANAGER. SECRETARY TELEPHONE 788-7-463 AREA CODE 516 BOARD DF CDMMISSIONERS LAWRENCE S. BALDWIN. CH....INM....N PQLLY EDMONDS RAYMOND F. DOYEN RICHARD V. FOYLE STEPHEN ""O~ELL f MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSI:1NERS OF THE FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DIS'lRICT April 2. 1971 :. 'A l-pecial lIIe.tJn!'; of the Boar. .f COl1ll1lilllionera of the Ferry Diltrict 01". y .a11.. by the Ch..irm..n an. h.li in the office of the F.rry Diltrict, April , 2. 1971. Pre.ent were COMmil.ionera Bal.win, E.mon.., Mor.ll an. W. C. Fli~l..ir. ~r.-Sec. Alia pre.ent were Mr. William laulkfter .n. Mr. Robert i__11. General .i.eu.lion enlue. on Buil.in!'; #383 lyin<< on Airport pr.p.rty. 'Mr. Wall ..n. Mr. Faulkner .re intere.te. in l.a.in!': I.e for their bUline.Il'lI. Mr. F..ulkner .t..te. th..t the buil.in~ nee.1 quite. bit of rl'lpaJrl an. " ...no~a ti onl to m.ke it .ui t..ble. he menti one. th", Im"lIhe. .oorl, win.owl. .to. ..n. thlt a p..rtition woul. h..vl'l to be inltalle. to .ivi.l'l the buil.in!':. DJleu.lion enllle. on .lectric lervice. The Mana,er Itate. that to procell. thi. application a fair rental mUlt b", arrive. at to meet the approv..l ot the F..er.l A~iltion Aiminiltration. It wa. resolve. th..t the nartiel requ.ltin~ thl'l le... of thil buil.in~ work un th", re."..ir cOlta an. wh.t , th.y waul. cnn.i..r .1 a t.ir rental. The Minutel or the Meetin"s he1. ..ab. 9. M..rch 4 an. Mar.. 2). 1971 werl'l rea. an. anprove. al rea.. The Boar. asree. th..t any r.,.ir werk .one on either ve...1 for which t~ ~.trlet mUlt pay for mu.t b. authorize. by the Chairman. Comm. Mo~ll .u~!..t.<< that the Boar<< of Commillioner~ let un a re~u1ar inlpectionl by tha Bnar. of each ~elle1. Motion by COFm. Morell an. .econ.e<< by Comm. Baon'. th.t vn'lcherl #45 throu!';h In. inc1u.i np: #73 ine1ud ve J n the aJl10lmt af .51,451.88 re~r.lentin~ the outltan.in, obli~ationl of the Ferry Diltrict tar the month or March 1971 be pai.. Motton unanimoull~ carrie.. The rollowinF hi'l Wftre receive. for haulin~ out the M/V Oltn.a an. .oin, related work theraon. Bldl w.re a.vertile. an. openea'" onMarch 30, 1971. Thamel Shipyare & Henair Comnan~ B1eunt Marin. Corooration Newport Shipyar. Gr.enport Shipyar. & Repair Co. (Cooie. of these bi.1 are herl'lwith attache.) General .ilcullion then an.ue. on r.movin~ .ea. tr~el on thl'l Ferry Diltrkt pr.,.rty. Thil wal to be .iseuI.e. at the Town Boar. Meetin,. Dilcullion eneue. on bi...Motion by Comm. Eemondl an. .eenn.e. hy Comm. Morell that the work on the MIV Olin.. hft awar... to Blount Marine Cornoration "I aoparent low bi..er. Motion unan1mou.1y .arrie.. General .ileul.ion then .nlu"'. as follawl: Commi..lonerl .~re.. that they waul. eliminate the metal ItripI on the op.n ~ teek of the Olin.... pro,ellerl to be or.er.. nut to be put on at a later ~ "te. Mana!';er .ireote' to ~et a pric. for puttin~ t5mbl'lr on the .ock. The f Bear. unanimoul1~ appr~fl. 1ftalin, the .irport to M~. Richar. Grebe of F~hl'lrl ~!.1.n.. N.Y. al pl'lr th .propo.e. 1.... cov~rJ . Me,tion M ... to a.journ i aM maanimoul1y oarrht at 4=45 P.M. 'UA ~ /J/II , " ~; Appro...:~u."'~v.o J"3<<f:.t.,,,.t'.- . . In:l'~'i:<~'::~.c. __u______-.._ _ - . NEW LONDON, CONN., Mar ch ~iO, 1971 TIIuaes SIipyanI & Repai' CompgJ J:~~~~ X~XX:fl(X Te~~3-V,:t ;n Days No Disc014nt fop ~a8h Fishers (sland Fen-y District BoxH Fishers Island. New York Auemioll: Mr. William Sinclair Gem lemen: We ale pleased :0 submit the follow ing hid on hauling, launching and ac,'omplishin!', specified work on M/V OLINDA. 1. :Z. Haul vtc>ssel Clean from and up to and meluding tilt' I;,ain ~lIanl. all the hull bottolll, n'llHwing all rust and manne growth and wash w/ : 'esil Wd't" , Spot all bare placl's with two coa's 01 d,PI-COIlOS'Ve paint, then apply two COOlS of ami-corrosive paint ovel botlOm, one C!'i-!' over I ,[1, then two coalS of ami-fouling over bottom and (Lie coat 01 black over hu!i. Remove and replal:E:' a:l zinc plates d III fas'c'llmg,~ (nine in all) Clean seachelSt and strainel- and paim as abuve. Pull And inart'cr sea ('hei"t PAh P. \", 3. I , 4. 5. 6. ,. 8. I j ! , I . ~ r [" .l ,il j,J _.1 ~''''''I ...!,. .. Laulll:h \ esse!. Price, items 1 thlll 8 ">2,200.00 I kerns to be accomplished if deemed necessa: y: Pull bor h shafts. inspect and gaugl' for aCl'U: a,'Y' Inspect .1nd renew strut bt'arings. (two 4 x',,>, 16 marine be,irings). "C. Ren!:'w all pal:killgs in stuffing hox D. SanJblasl inttc>tlOr of Jazartc>tte fllld inll'll()rs of ill!, !ow skegs, inspeCT for crads or ltc>ak,.,. Heplael:' 01 repa:r p':Jt'''!l .1llcI tf dmin)l; as T quired and lecoat mtel ior With o nt.' ""at ZillC pi "nel' d:le! ont' .:oal Of paint. A. B. sou. 00 36:1. UO llS;tlO "~:.: ;i,~'i,:;-ir. . I. Before any chan!!es can be made to thl:' vt:'sst.'i, ha~ ro bl:' approved , b)' the Marine Inl>peetor and d,Je to thl:' uncel :amlt\ oi what hai" to he dooe to eliminate the vibration, the on'v faic,.a, 0 hid is at $9.5U Ill. I()O. (Kl/ I d7.d I l'tt " 9. 'i0 "". skeg -, }!~~; '" '-i ':,.' .;: ,.. ;~7\:'::-,~.- 9.50/ hr. ~~:~: .,'" ~- --4 lteplact' propellers wtth suitable 5-blad(. It.'plaCl:'ll1elllS to combat ~}:Yibration without detracting from vessel's p' est''': operating ,speed 1>'\!:''''i'-:''' maneuverability. Propeller specs n,'lst ht' to :he approval of oi:~r"o.t1er . -~",. ,~, ' ~V'?~}. , 1,8:'4.00 Pair II _....~~"~".,.,"'""'T"'..~ry:-~ ~,',:- ',' '-, . ..,..~,. .",..., ~ ,'-' .~., ---...........-:.~'7"):"~(-...'"';":'"~:~. . -' ,.~.('~ ~.:-:- ~'"'!I'!:.-''''t!c:-r.,~~~_ ~~:'~~ . ~~n l I . NEW LONDON. . c:QNN. , ,,, , ;.'....,6> ~.. ; ': . . .....~~....c:.,. "f;....~JO(..cKX .~XX .' Page 2 Terms-Net 30 Days No Discou~t for cash ~ Replace stllrboard pilot house window ancl repair frame seatl.,. to prevent tucthe'r cracking. . Check out engine ins! lUments in pilot houSe and repair or replace those defective. $100.00 L. ~. ..," l~'; , ~'1~ :~i"'r' ~~' -'-:-'- ", '!.501 hour I. ~ ,( 'thank you fo\' the opportunily to bid. Respt!ctfully submitted, ,. ~t:~ . ~'a... ~_~#_'fIA.~ . l - . ' . _; Thames Shipyard & Repair Company ~. /l:.... . b~ ..... "',~....y.~.~~ !.. jOhn H. """'. "" t. · . Pr,.", idf-'nl . . tI' ~, t. " -~ l > ~;1~~~' if ';i~;:~ of;."_, .- ,,;' ~~~ y,:;\- ",~<,t '-~: " ..' '-'...., ;~~i;.",::>,;, -~~ .". ~ .>.", '. - \':: - ,-,." ,,~' . '~i ~,~_:~~\>, :';~';,,: -~'.i, ,'.' )Co,' . ",~....,,; .:',. ,: .,,~,~i"~:"~,~,ii.";'~'ll~_"''';;~;S;:~!-'~,~,',...ii,:.~~;t,,;;~~~t:o:...~_, .',~ '.>1'~. _ .' -=_~.,','-i~J',i.L.,~i"'~";:"':-' ;~"~.k;:..i..h:~ll;;,,~;j:;~;';-~',~:y" ,_" ,,'~_ __!!!!!I!__ __ "___ __ _"".,.,--;",,}.~,_~_,7"7~'W"~""~.~,...... ."~."'~:>'T"':"_' -~~,~,.J " "-',,~,iIo;, 'h : '~'1"f'<: ~ '_:' \~....' ~ ,.' ",,:,~ ~,__ .~t:,.. :l~-' ~.':l" """",,'-,,"'" ~..,r~1.~:"'~, ..~~~~.~~~~ " . ~_I ~~ ., ' "I ,. - " '''''..- , i .; ~~ ~":~. ~ t~~~,~:;-, -~"~ -;'1 ~;.~.. o-~.. fr' .. If._ ., "I_~ ~.. '....". f" .... .~., - -"Y'! . ... ~'--- -"':l"'-" -. ~~,.~;. '~t -=:i' ~,l'r ~:i~ -A. --i-:-~' --;--1- ~ ~A"/j(_ ~~~ 'f;;' -~;...... '\" ~ ~."~_.., ~.. _? 8. F" _.~': ~.4;;~ c. .,$ D. 7", 4" 'W' ~}/: ~~,:'~, :~ l E. ~t~~: 3~:t::~.~ ~. . ~~<; ;: ","", . -~~~\ \:~~:.~:;, ~i" -~.',5;~ , =:~f ",; ~~\' "'::-""'",,''"l''::'!''''.~'''. ",'!J!f\"'" ~~ AND LAUNCHI~G the M/V O~NDA I . 2. llAtul v....1. fl..n frOll eDd up t.o and indud i nit the main guard, all t.h.. hull bottOll, removing II J I ,'ust and marine growth and wash "it h fresh w.te,". Spot 1111 ha,'f! placE>'; wi th two I;:) coat." or anti-(,ol",'osive p...int, thp.n apply "'0 (2) ,"cats of .lIlti.-corrosive paint "y,-,' hot.t~', on.' Ii) ('0;0' o"e" hull, thp" two (2) ('oats of ant-i-fouling over' bott ,'m and on.. (1) coat "r bl.ck over \. hull. , Il_ovp /lnd ",pI.cO' all zinc pI at.... and '.lI'tenine:s (nindlin .11). Cl~.n se.cheat and ~trainpr and paint .a .~ve. Pull and in.p....t sea ......st ,'aIve. l..t'..," all dl'.ft aal-ks, YP.;",..l'S name .nd home port. l..lIn,'h vessel. .' . 4. S. 6. 7. I!. lump Sum Pri('e, Item #1 thru and i'lI'iudinll: Item ItR: $ 2890.00 'ro~I"'al to accomplish th.. follo~ing if dreaed nccessar)': /I.. Pull both abar." inspect and gauge for .c('uracy. . 532.00 Inspect .., rea.. strut bearin/l:s. (Two 4 . It x 16 _rine h,'arine;s). $-.270.00_ Il.t.'npw all packincs in "t-uffill!1; box. $ 95.00 "'....dbl."'t int ",'io, of I aJ:al'ett.<.: and interiors of hollow skegs, in"pect fOl' cra<.:ks or l..aks.. Replac.. or r.'pair plat jng and framing as pe_ qui rpd and recoat int prio,' with on.. (1.) coat z i fl,. pri_,' and 011" (I) ('oat: of paint. ~~""k ve_l for liource of vibratioll, re- inforce stl'UeWfe in f.shion approved by 1 .S. Coaat 0...., to eliminate or da.pen vibr.tt....'. ~1 .cceptable to Owner;fl11 skees "i~" c......4..t. or install two (2) 1ft x '6" hi..... atrut. ~t1 ft. lone, or both if ._c.._.". \" .~i~' . ,. .. ?, ,. ~ $ LMaOR AND M~~[RtALS ~ LA~. AND MATI.IALS $ .on~.................. ..... ~~~. $j j " i ,,1 j; ij i, :1. I' i' I' I j. f: ~ , ii ~ it ~ ~ fl ~ ~ t~ ~ " I ~. f ~ 1= ~ ff. , r ;; l :i I ;~ ,& ---'- ~ mf'!'~ ,;r-.' . -"1!JJ'" .. 'ii" ;: :i:'";~, "', ,:f,< , , _itabl. S ribraUon "" 'i I. P.....llt. ~r.tint ':. ,ve-..ut1:y. "rop,'11"" speoa epprov.l of Own.-r. " ~_." #,.~~'t . ','.'" -~lfi_+rti~,: ""'!!SI;.;' ," ',], ,~' ' .. ~-==r'''_ : $ ~. AN' MATI"ALS ~;'.' 1"":' .a. ...... .t.arll_reI pilot hc".." '. i .,dow and "i\ 1'.,.1.. fr..' lIe.tine to pl..... ..' ."lJJ'Ll~.r ~1 c.....~. ~~{", j: ", .~.~\; ~,. . Check -~J(.. ~".t.r~m'" . ! : "b<.... -~~~'i"" L..."._1iIIt1actl t.ho..., .1.1.,' .ve;. $ Luo. A.' MU&....... _~'r, <, ',. _',," lt~~:~;,tF.;:~;;.;:P;.::.;lt~" ," ~ ~~;~:~:;:Jl. .,f .:r:.~~~:t~rl:~:~" t;::~J~f~~3:X ~....... _ I .... ~,...... ..~"'~-_~, ~' "~..,...... "... t.;o.... ('OO'JAUOII. ~l'd.\ ... ,',~<; ~~' .:~ .,.., ',j~~'~'4f HfJUlred to , ' .?,. ~.~.t~ i~.t cleek .1a~e.. ., '1 ,,*,'~'14..... ,",.. 'MqN up to _laC fH. $A~. An MATUULS '~'~>f':"~"~f:" ,f" . , < "Y~i: . ,', > ~;.}OJ "',: . ~ li',,- . .",,-. ' $i. . ...!"lr,:~,,;o: :.>'i~" ',' '~:illt,. '..- .,' ~w. , ",,' ~:.:~h">\~':.h" ,)" ~-.~, __':":':f,*:;;,;.,...:)~~.?$~~ :~,~ ..., -_A1.~'.-:~>:r:" ,:'~"'_ .~t~-~~~~~~'?~-~,~" /. .or ~~"-,\:(~,!;': ~,I,-','."'~~/';:!:1>i' ',. ':~:~,_::,~'~" .,~' ~f~ ~" 3!~,',jr\ ---, ';-.:.",' . ,~. .,MtF;~2;;:';: -jiK' -~ ~!;~\ ~/,. 4:' ~K" ,'[t;t', , =~;~,.. ~~'[;~'\it", S LMa...AU ~U.uu ~ ! , ~,."""""",,, ! Resped',.....1tt.ttd '. ; GREEN .,.,:',;:'__ SHIPhu.-LDING CO, I~ ~'Eu_ HAIIA.'_ " --- - , i t .. J i I ~ .. ! ~, . - ;;; -Ii . i . . . I -,,'~ : ;,-. .j ", ','"",;: - ,:-,. ~.\' ~: " ,,3: r - f, .' t: Ii ..,... ........ ~.:,.....--...-y~,..---""-"'. ~ ~. ~c~ ,.~ -.-""1', -,""-~ "'"."'~'~ ~'''''''7'1'' ...;I",,'\"r""-~,~ "~~::'-;-__:':,.",r :""",.....~,._-. ~i<<'- -,!~ ~~".. . _~!f~1", . '\f~!;. .'. ~...-. '",-' ~ ,..,. , lII!!'(". ~;; J. .,1,j,~. :'lI,. -.;...... ~. 'f-~t. :'...... ~;f!' .. .'-~ -"il ,T' ~~::~,- ii:1:'. ~t;.. -,-, i ~i c' ;1" . ~ ~~., j .~/. .~ -;;i~v:~:. :~5Y;;? ~'fc:,,"'\ c'~" -~~..:.; ~J"-'i .. ~~:;k~;;; ...,f< };;t.' . :t .:iP.._~ :1';..:-..... ~.., r""" _ 1. s. s. t. 1. 't. ~~~~... ~, ~:::,. -~2~j:~..~. i; ~ !, I' .I f ,! 3. ..ul .....1. Cl... f.... ... up to aDll inol"~i". the ............. all t.he bull bo~....., ....Ilni.. .11 ruet _cl ..rin. ....... aDll w.aIl with f,..... w.ter. ' Spot all b.'" pl.... with two.(Z} oo.t. of aDti-corro~iTe paiDt., tbeD .pp17 ~_ (Z) co.t. of .nt.i-cor....i". ~int oy.r _ttoa, .. (1) co.~ ov.r bull, tllen t.- (2) co.~. of _U-fouliaa o....r bM.....:aDcl one (1) co.t of bu- OYer ~. 1MI11. ae.o.... ..... repl." .11 auac pl.t.. ..... f.....c.... .11) . 4:1.- ..acheat .... lIt.r.i8.r aDd paint .. ~ t.rr.... ~l ..... iaa.......oh..t valvo. IMtter .U uefl;..-....-, "....1'. ...... L.uach .......1. . t I I l r t I. . .'\>'\,:~ 'I .. {Din. ~:'.'~:',;,' "I' ,,- '~' . ^ 1;,;;" LUIIP S_ Pri.., 1tea ,aa .... ....rt. ,,''iI,.,. " _' )_:,;,:p!/.:?,,~: 'c"~~\ ltea 'I ~hl'U _d' i8cl....j'j" ',." .,'. '.!...ta~.oo ..,....al to .cC:OlIpU.h ~he followina if ",. d ..co..ar71 A. Pull ".b abafta. in.poct and..auce for "cur.CJ. . a66.oo .> t. l..poc~.... rIll n~.t...-.riaa.. (Two . X 5 ~ l.~ ....riq.). . 275.00 . S~.oo c:. an-' .11 ~_..... ill .taffiaabox.' t. f,,~"l" i...-.... .. l...ret.t.. aDel i...w...... of hol1..ak~~. lp~,.~t. for crack. orl~. ...pl.c. or repai.. pl.ti.. and fraaiq a. ..... quirocl aIId. ,.....t interior wi t.h one (1) ,ooat ai8c pr~r aDll ODO (1) co.t of paint. . 68S.00 CMck .....1 for .....co of vibr.t.i.., re- . UlfOJ'co .t........ i8 f....toa apprgyocl bJ I.S. CoM~ G..... .to. .li.....t.. or d"'V.'" . rioJJr.MM ....~, .....t..bl. to OtmeI'J Ull _rr.7p:.:;1JICSP, iut.ll two (:J.ll.!~. ,. . ,....... ,ill"'!+- 7~. loaa, or ......; .. - - ..."... '.: -".>.'.~"), ~>;.;: - - -, ;;, ~~~.: " , . J IT.. !,' <..:1". .,;,.,'11",; '.< ~"....o.. '..< -- - , ,'--""":'''~;. ':U..-,. <,:::;':"~;' ' .. ..'~ '''~-, " - f'~:-::,{, :.:;' , ;,_~~, i;:: . '{i> lnlli1 1 -...... .w.",;', . ..:..F' :~ . :~~i~. 0' ., , ,i>ii';: -~ ." ,- I ~ 7"\;'"i'<"'11 , ..~,Ii, ,', "'- ~lf/.",~" -[ >li!"'- - 'Ii ,c_,"o"" '\ , ~rr-,\,;.<>i , ; ,?l:'", "'!I>i >ll," .. ~. . ).),:~( '.' ; ;t{~r.v;:-~'-"""""" T~' "'~~. ~ -0;..... ~ 'f~'_;-'" ... ~~". p,.. Jleplace propeller. with suitable 5-blade '~.:::,r.placelDent.. t. cCMlb.t vibration without tractinlJ fl'Oll ,...1181'. present operatil1J .eed and .aneuverability. Pr'opeller .e~, .,st be to the approval of Own"r.. i~', ~: ... 'lII . '1, :i) JI" -----.., -,: .., " ,i -~ ~:". r:> 'f ~:-: '~ ~, -r,~, , -:.~,~i' ~lr'" t ~'. '". ~j!~n' ",~;l,; , ~1:. ~R:~.".; -.. , ,t" ~. .~. ..' :.,.\ -", r' -~,. ~'f'!'~~. -1&iI4 J:: . ~'~ , , ~....~: ~"" _"h;i< ---"(~ . :''.1.- . ,,_,~'l.. ~~.;~,i --;"':"-.' . ~~i; t...':~: . -, .:\!t._ - .i;' 51-":' -~ :-;( ..:. I"~ 3", -~ ...::\:t: -'!liil. -=1' ~l";''- ;1 ) .t: . ".:,' ""L~I'_" ~';~~':I~:;:: .l f' cIe;t G.Meplace star~rd pilot houst' window alUl repair fralle aeating to pre\-ent further .cracking. . H. Check out f'neine instrulllent" in pilot hOll_. and repail' or replacp. those d.-f'ecth'e. Mid two (2) lon~it.",dinal st I'l.pS 01 1/4" . ,latE' 3 ft. wide on .8 in dpck c",nter l....,'"*' ;'....infol.cE' deck und..r tJ'silp,' "he..l t.ra_..( ,Inside ..dg.. of plate. to be ,lo....t..d 2o-'if:O~ lIlent.erlirl", e!lt,end 3 ft. olltboard port'ilPi(<; atal'boar'd. Plates to he ,'ontinllouS weld - .11 edgp", and plug weldt'd as I'equiredt.~ .ssurf' tight fit to pre-sent. deck plat6.. Deck plates IWst be do~g..d up t,Q snug ,fit.' ,:!....':..;.;#.. ;I..,'" ~,;:' 'f'f''''\ .,,'., $ . . . ~ '.; ...,~." 0', .> - >." .'" -,-;, .. .. ..'- ;,~ ',: $~4 ,., ....,'.,....... ":",_.:;,..'." """-. ',- "':-,," .'- .,,-:' $~ ,.1< '-:'If''':>.''''' ":>'..~:.' ,,".. ;.: ",,' "f $...~<" ~ ~ "'-:'1a'-:~(k~\~~r~':~~"" ........ "";':;-;:' I '- , ~..5.. ~'<,,;~. - 't. j',j 8. -;j'{,,:~~ ~'~'" ...:...~.- .r:;~".~. .. Propof'.l to acco.plish the fo Ll owing ~. if deeaed necpss.r,': .~A. .;, ,~.. ':,< ~~';_:. ~JJ.'. Inspect, .acI r_ew st"-lt, bead nl[S. i+ (Two 4 x Sx 1.6 "rine bearin!ts). $ 285.00 ~!..'t" ;j,:,~ ....:';";c:. a._ all p.cld.... in l!Ituff'inlit box. $ 70.00 i' - Jf".,..." Sandbl..t interior of la;,ulrettc and interiors ~!'.-" of hollow ske... inspect fO".cracks or l",aks. lr ~"::@a:~ ~:-~~ r::::':I,a:~t~r::~n11 ;"c;:; ~'...,..- ..1M" pl'i_r ...._._..~..1.) ~.oat of paint. $ 955.00 :'J+,. ~ repl..... '.:' '. .. innalled. ~_ Cl.0II: vo...1 f.ff_J....Of vibr.tion, r.~ ~;~. iaf'orc:e .tNO..~~t._ien approved by "',!~'~:/ ,U... C~c.""'..l~,~"""h or da.pen i!':. .' .......U-.to .~.Cl9*.lt.le to Owner; 'Ul . -..",'..Mr~~ _..~~~'~ ....u. ~" .(2) 1".x 6" Ji")'<..e.i.red .tl.....~_. - .' "ft. 1_ :~r both if '----, - ,,'. " . ",' ......". ,',- :' - '". , I . . =~;.L!..Iil.~...". .~.' 1 ., . 13~.oo ~.,;~"'" ~~."';';~'<>":J+" ';~;':i',it, pt........~~. .... . . . : ~~~V- .",i~:;~~~"~ ~..,,~:.~:;~.~:.:~:" "~'~~~,",~::'~'ll;~-r;~~z':~~~".'- "l~ . . . 1 . 2. ~ .. ': .. "~~-"'~ ,.'-~-, ":'_ -!, . . .... '.~~':,,',~"__~"~~';'_":_:"'oo . PI"". le1.and '~."'l'ic1; A.b.,.. blaacl, Xw'l'or-k . " ," ""'.,"!-,' ~:Q~ '._._11 ... :'1""1 'lI~!' i I I ! ,', , .... :.'~ . .. 1..--".. '" 1UiIb~ Jlairine Co~,..tion 4.1.~,. S~ree~ .. Wa.ren, ..1. 02885 ,\>" , " ':. FrOlf;: .t- ",-; , " ecAVJc.DIO AQ LAVllCHINt; the M/V OLIND4 i I I -:1 , .\ . Haul ye...el. f lean t"'OII .1ltI up to and ,inp}ajdinc ~he ~in guard, all the hull b"ttoa, ~oyinl' all ''lI'<lt,.and marini!, growth and wash .. i th f,'eah w.~er. Spot. all hlU'e plac4'!> with IWO,,(~) .(.',)at... of anti-corl'osiv.. paint, th"1I apply 1...0 (2) oeatsof "lit i.ot'orrusive paint OYP" hot.toa, 0Ilf" fl,l to.it: o\'eo.., hull, fheon two (2) coat" of ant.l_1 ou 1 i "e o. erlJQtt _ and ,ji\<' 'I) '0"" of' tit.ek OV"r hull ~ R,.",ow' 'Inri r"p]a.... all ?"i.nc pi.at...", ilnd ,...tenin!ts (ni,,,' in .ll ) . Clean "earhp.,t and .trall\f>':~'itdpajl\l as. above. Pull alld Ul"p..d sea ,'h',$i:' ,''#'f~p. L,.tt:~,. all draft .a,'ks,. t';ll'fo}"" 118m,. and hOlae port. laulll' h Vets .....1. . , ; .~. " j .. Lump SUIII Price, It.'mil thru ...~,tl itwludinlt Item 418: $ 1,625.00 Pull bot.h ....,., .ccur.cy. in.~Clt; and !{lIug., fo.' ,.; ,( , i $ 336.00 ;J!iI,tI i I. I" I'", k ~ i~ If;';, .:.U::i..';; fl" rr- g::?i* .' c~\}-;t;,; , 111- ..:-;},'<. fi~: .' j ~J, J." 1t.1o.: Ma..ch ~, 1M1 ~~, _f5~<,,>t_ It'" a~-~~i;;~); .i~ -~ ~,!' ~~. "'. ~.. ~ -~~::-."";. ;'?~.'" .?'- ,','-.' ~.' . .'f*- . It..., ~ . .... ~.'.; :/. ;... _#', F. W.,.,- ~ -- , .'f' ~;'{f~:"~ --'":,~I .-; \'QI;- W. '''" ---:~>l_~ . """,i."'.,,,,: -"-'-'''~> "'I"' ,,,,,",,,,,,.,"~~",",,,,,,,,,,,..,.;.,,,-:~,:r ~"''''~ ':;"~,'~t~.(,,.,.~~,~~~!ffl'~~?~_~~~ " ." , CbL' ," "P...... "-,, .. l'. ':~ .....M , , " ~,dCt' ...~ Repbcepro..U.... wi th...f:~.~~j:~...t4... ...L~ .....e.._. to ~tvibl".~~'<Ift~t..QUt __ t nett.. '''OIl ...eeli. PJ'e.~ltt.o~l'.tlft4r sp..ed ... -eu....ability. ~~*~i..r ap.~ aust he to tile approval of'i ~'';'r. $ 1. a,.itQ _,-'9 G. H. Replace .tarboarel ,pilot repair. fr_ se.~iJ1e to cr.~kinc . __ ,_ . . -'.'~'......+(;' Check ouf -<<,.. iR~!"fiJl~, .nd ......11" ......laett(~.~ .' -- . - ;':,r'-:~t~~r'~<.___,__;;;:.._. . Add two (2) lonCi..udinal.f.I"~~,:'Of '1/." plat~. 3 ft. ..a., on ..in de~~~l1t~r'~~..~ ,'p.inforce deok uader traih'r:"'~lt;r.c'.. . Inside edce otplat-ea to belil:l~.t.",d20!L oft cent.erline, extend 3 ft. out';-l9~td.poJ't.n4 ~tarb9.rd. Plates to be cont~n~iil!J.,:~ld on .Ii edgeR and ..lug welded'.$r~~,irecito uaure t j ~ht ft t to pre.se"~~';~aJ.at>... Deck plate!l aust be dOC.e'4uit{(d'~.tiug H~. .', ,.f . ),617 ~OO ,.. '''.,':.'''.0'''' .~.;,,.. .... , ,;' ':" " . .,;,....:. _." . ',.-,'" .'d.. I. Re.pe~tltJJ.l,. ....'-itted, '. BlOUNT Note: Prie.. ..oted are aa:lI:imum coat. Jolt will be done . . Oft. per hour b.si. with any time ..ved to.be ewaer'scredit: i- (; ,~ ::l"';""'~' ;-" .... ':~';;'" ,: ~~~:~ , . ~~/tJk'~~~>~~"(,, ~' ('r.. < ..j0:~Zk::-~~:~'~~~L~;l~ij,2,,~;;~~~:if;--;' "",,>;,~,,~;'.,:, ~ ~L ._'- .i:l !!! - .1Ii ,~-.. -Ii.' ," i. . -- . '1': . . .. ; -=-- '.. '.:\' ~~- . 1:- - Jr' - -- -=- j!! ..- -mL...;.- i~ -,.-,; ., :~ ,', :~ n; :, ~ r1 ~ f:~ , '! \~ ';.' to' ~ .~~