HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/05/1971 ,~-;:~~",",i;~""~~,,,,"', n. J:l.J.,~I.1J1l m,~"\lWr.~.,:jl'iC~-~.c .."- -'Oc., . . Fishers Island Ferry District bIma Cf'MlllNle, ~ /IwI 01 ",. N. Y..s..c", 1.I.6II&01lvt"1I' (...... tt/ 'N. Y., l\).fl. Clwf'lrr 60.>>1 FISHERS ISLAND. NEW YORK 06390 WILFRED C. SINCLAIR MANAGER. SeCRETARY TELi:PHONE 788-7-463 ARI:A COOE 51& BO,,"RO OF COMMISSIONERS LAWRENCE B. BALDWIN, CH.......""'..... POLLY EDMONDS RAYMOND F. DOYEN RICHARD V. FOYLE STE"HEN MORELL MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE PISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT Ma:,," 5, 1971 . 1~..ia1 ...ti.~ .r the Bear. .t C.~i..i.~.r. .t the Fi.h.r. I.1an. FePPT Diatri.t wa. .a11.. by the Chaira&n an. h.1. i. the .tti.. .t the P.rry Diat.i.t May $, 1'71 at 7:30 P.M.. Pr....t wer. C.~.i..i.n.r. Ba1.win, o.y.., 1"eyl., P.BCaent., M.r.11 ... W. C. Si..1air, ~r.-S... Minut...t the .~.ti.~ .t .~ril 2, 1'71 v.r. r.a. aR. appr'T'. a. r.a.. C.... Pey1. a.k.. why the ..tal PUaft.r. .n the 01i..a w.r. r'..T.. fra. the bi.. The Mana~.r .xp1ai... ..... GI..ra1 .i..u..i.n th.. ...u.. .n the Oli.... M.ti.n by C.... M.r.11 an. ....n... by C.~. F.y1. th.t T.u.h~rl #74 thr.u,h #'6 i~lu.iT' r.pr....t1ft~ tIM .ut.taR.in~ .b1i~athn. .r the F.rry Diltrillt r.r AwJOi1 1'71 in the ...UJlt .t $21,540.22 b. wai.. M.tian unani",au.ly e.rri... L.tt.r rr.J'!'l Mr. R.bert Wall a.. Mr. Wft. Fau1kn.r wa. r... re~.r.1n, the ea.t .f putti.~ B1.~. #383 i. .hap. t.r r.nta1. C.~. F.y1. .tat.. that the r..r .T.r the .ir..rt ha~aJ' va. 1.akin~. Chair.an Ba1.vin .ai. h. w.u1. 1..k at thi.. C.Nm. F.y1. a1.. '.t.t.. that the p.pai.. t. B1.~. #383 wa. .ntir.ly up t. the t.... t.nant.. ~ Bear. a~... th.t the pr.p.... p..tal .r B1.~. #383 i. the ...u.t .t f p'J' Y.aJ' v.. ....pt.b1.. M.ti.n by C.... Mer.11 Ut. ..e.n.",. by C-i a.a that v. a...pt the pp.p..a1 .r Mr. W.11 aU Mr. F.u1lalel' t.r Bl.S. ", t.p . thr.. ,.ear lI.rie. .t the 1'..ta1 pate .t '1200 p.r y.a.. Metie. ta.u.1y .al'pi... The MaBa!.r va. .ir..t.. tp pp..... .... with the .. ... tha T-.. M.ti.. by M.p.1l Ul. ....n... by Ce_. Eo.!!.. that the Di.tl'iet ....pt the pri.. .t .1435 tar .xeaTati.. .t the bank .. the ail'p.rt .ubaitt.. by D. K.by1u.k & S... M.ti.. un.ni..u.ly .arri...ChairMaa Ba1.w1n J'.p.rt.. .n the fire ...a~. at the the.tr. ... the ..tt1...nt .r thi. .1ata. Th. ...a~.r .w.k. .. the parkin~ pr.bl.. .t the New L.n..n D..k. G.n.ra1 _i..u..i.. .n.ue. .. thi.. Th. Mana~.r w.~ t. inT.sti~at. .... an. 4raw up . ..1uti.n t.l' thi. pr.bl... Gen.ral .i..us.ie. ...u.. .n 1i~ht. t.r ~ ...k at Fi.h.r. I.1an.. Th. ChairaaR was t. inT..ti~at. SaR. an. v.. .utheJ'i... t. ha.... thi. w.l'k ..ft.. M.ti_n .~. t. a.j.urn an'" una.i..u.1y eU1'i14 at ':50 P.M.. / . /.), . /;~^ ~ , i~:~~~-s..r.tary ....,1'......: L. S. Bd.vi., Chai!'llll.. Beap. .r C.~mi..i.neJO. -~-----",--....!.._.-