HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/03/1971 . ~ " -~. -. ._~ . . Fishers Island Ferry District Dutridc......le,St-WAftfl...1w N. y....,~u....~ H. Y., IOf1. ~"''''6001 FISHERS ISLAND. NEW YORK 06390 :t, . '.. . . WIL,.REO C. SINCLAIR ~4HADER - SECAETA"V TELEPHONE 788-7-463 AREA CODE 516 .DAIIO OF COMMISSIONER. LAWACHeE S. BALOW'''' DHA..1lfAN POLLY EDMDNDB RAYMOND F'. DOYEN RICHARD V. FOYLE STEPHEN MORELL m.ut.. .t tlle Mllatl.~ .t tlle B..r. .t C...l..l..... .t the 1'1e.1'. hl... F.-ny D18tr18' J_ 3, 1'71 'f" A ....1.1 ...ti.! .t tke Bear. at C...i..l..... .f t~ P.1'ry Dl.trl., ... .all.. by the Ch.i~ an. h.l. In tlle attl.. at t~ P..ry Di.tri.t J~. 3, 1'71 .t 7:15 P.M..Pre.a.t v.r. CaMMi..iener. B.l.win, D.y... M.r.ll. P.yl. ... W. C. Stadur. ~.-a... Matian bI C_l..te..Jr M.r.ll .. S...n'" by 0..,. D.,... th.t y.u.h.r. #'7 thrausft #123 ta.ludT' i. tbe ..auat .f $2S,87'.47 1'.pr....ti.~ the .ut.t...1a~ .bli~.ti... at ~ Farry Dl.t1'l.. t.. May 1'71 be paU. M.th. ua.al..tilly .ante.. 'I'lle Bea.. apprn.' .. pur.ka.. .f tva .ah.!..y t..1'. f.r tlle My.tia 1.1., (.227.60) f... Ba...tta Br... I... 141 Sh.w Straat. Xaw L.n..ft. C.nn.. "P1 h.r.with .tta.h... ~ MlDa!.. .... bi.. 1'aa.i... f.. tbe r.p.lr at the 'l'k..tr. Buil.ln! Fir.. 0.,1.. .f Whl.h ape har.with .tt..h... Bl.. v... ....1y.. f... A. J. Ga" O..t...t1Jl! C.. ... the P .1. Utility C.NPa.y. CISI. D.y.. .... a _th. ........ by C.... M...ll that tlle Di.trl.t ....pt tke bl. .t the P.I. Ut111., O...all1 a. the .,p.r.at l.v bi..... M.tie. uaa.1a.u.ly .ante.. '!'h. Bea.. .tat.. that .. v'1'k veul' be a..ept.. If ift pal.tl.! tk... v... pal.t .patt... e. tke ..at. .. el.-.1". R.,..'i~ tbe parki~ 1., 1. X.v L_... the Bea" U..u.... the t.ll.vi.!1 St1ek.:n ,. u.. .n puklD! l.t. puk '.1'. .. p.Jrt..t... .aly, tlle ...t.. .t l.tt .P'. f.. 11nia! up .u. tel' tbe f.Jrrl.., ...~. t. b. !1... parki.! .lta.. .. ... Ii.. .Jlly. Th. fell.vla! I'e..lu.l_ ... tatr..u... by tCkairaa. Bal.vt. ... ..ept.. by ta. ua..1..u. aftlpaatlT' Yet. et the Be.r' et CeNal..i...r. .. tell.v.: C...1..i..ep Bal.vi. - Ye. ft Dey.. _ Y.. ft Mer.l1 _ y.. ft Peyl. _ y.. ft E4a.... _ Ab..at WHEREAS It 1. the tat.p..t .f tBe Fi.h.r. I.l... Ferry Di.t.l.t t. .~.~. tBe .erYl... .t the t.11.vl.~ ..p1.y...: Th.at.. C...hl.. -mPep veek, Fl.h.p. Re.r.atie. L....p $11.25 per aaev R..1'.ati.. L.a'.p $11.25 ~'P .aev Cl.pl.al Ai. $7.S0 p.r .h.v .ni. H.1'Ill.~ .....t Ml.t1.te. J B aal'taf1elt B41aua. WIll t. 1.1.... ft ft ft J.Y. ... " _!J t ft --~-- :-. . . . Filhers Island Ferry District _o-N.,_""'" ...... Y._..--u-ot.i:Y..._."""'n'" FMlHER. ... &.NO, NEW YORK 06390 . ~ :/~..._f'. -~. WtLI'MQ Co 81NCL.AItf "_II:R . _nARY TCs..EfINDNE 7....,......:. AREA COOO: .,. SIJAIIID OF COMMISBIDl'CS' . I.A__NeE B. BALDWIN. O"~......- fICI........ EDMONDS ....y..aND ,.. DOYEN "OH4IIO V. I'QYLI: .TIEPMCN Mo_eLL . .~<1 'A. Ju.. " 1'71 - (2) lII.i.t...... - G7a.. CutUM - G..uau AlPlMU V."b. Md.l...... Maa .....50 "1" h~ Pi.MY' 1:.1"', ..Y. ...... L.a.. D..k .n-" 8wH' a.16 m.ll ml Ilea., U..urlll., C._. , v.t..... .~ '.......k Oftll! - "i..... hI.... ..y. "bid. C. Si..lal1P, c1uk - Pa.t Ti_ - .2.5~ )t.1' C', '-i1:. ~: ~'-:i , .~..... heut,Pi..... 1.~, ..r.' 1f c. ... ~S all .t ,.... ..,l.y... ar. ...... ... '1'. .a1...tly qua1it1" 1. ~ )tI.iti... 1..1..t... ~-<tiORBrm 1'1' RBSCLVBD that all .t the h.r.tet... _ti.... be .....-4 "" tM Pi.her. hl.... P.-ny Di.t.lot .tt..th. J.. 23, 1m _t at .. ...,....tl.. .. .p..iti... .'i.. ..... t. a.j.Ul"D ... ~ .&c "-'1" t :to o ..~.,-:,.:t . ;o~~~ . .10- .l;~ ,.;;"; '\.;-' '.,;.-0, <'= { i "~ ,to,; .(~ ..,.,......1 'i"'o r L. a. 1lalU1., ...1.... Bea" .t 0...1..1'''1"' ,',- ~ ~ < .!: ;.;.;. :'I~~ .';- 'cO . - .,.~ t- ~ .f . ;r~,~ .,> ,". ~ ~ :c._ .-L