HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/08/1971 ------- .n_~...n '. " . Fishers Island Ferry District Oillria CrtllUtJ 8, Sp.td.ll Aa r>f 'Tilt N. Y. SloW Lt...!.",,,.. \L.lln (>1 N. Y . '>H7. (.'J.....t:>ln t>..ll;l) . . FISHERS ISLAND. NEW YORK 06390 WILFRED C. SINCLAIR MANAGER. SECRETARY "~.,a:PHONE 7BB-7~46:J AREA CODE 516 BOARD OF C[]:MMISSIONERS LAWRENCE B. BALDWIN. CH"IHM"'N POLLY EDMONDS RAYIl4DNO F. DOYEN RICHARD V. FOYLE STEPHEN MORELL MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT July 8, 1971 A special meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the Perry District was called by the Chairman and held in the office of the Ferry District July 8, 1971 at 7:15 P.M. P..aent were Commissioner~ Baldwin, Deyen E~nds, Foyle, Morell and W. C. Sinclair, Mgr.-Sec.. The Minutes of the Meetings held May 5 and June 3, 1971 were read and approved as read. Motion;by Comm. Morell and seconded by Comm. Edmonds that vouchers #124 through #142 inclusive in the amount of 1,17,577.66 representing the out- standing obligations of the Ferry District for the month of June 1971 be paid. Motion unanim&usly carried. Comm. Doyen recommended that the Board -.at withHrs. Suisman n..t Tuesday tt discuss the situation at the airport General discussion ensued on the parking of automobiles on the New London Dock. The Manager recolllDended that the revised parking rules be put into effect this fall rather then the sUllIDer at this late date. The Board agreed with this. The Board approved the accounting services of Klei~an and Kanabis in the amount of $1380. A letter was read from Mr. Kelsey relative to the train waiting for Mystic Isle passengers. He expressed his thanks to the Ferry District and the railroad. The Managar reported on the proposed lease of Bldg. #383 to Mr. Faulkner;and Mr. Robert Wall. The Manaqaer suggested that Mr. Tasker prepare this lease and present to the Town Board for their feelings thereon. The Manager reported that he had a figure ~roa the Lee Mac Paving Co. for paving at the New London Dack. The Board tabled this and with the request that a new quotation De sought for doing this work this fall. Chairman ,Baldwin stated that we need,another welding .achine for the theatre. The Board directed the Manager to purchase same.; Motion made to adjourn and unanimously r ie at 8:45 P.M. Approved: ~ -.Y~~~_ L. S. Baldwin, Chairman Soard of Commissioners ____.__~.-'--''-'----'------____~_~, .';'.'._;,",-,.'.c.C,~.,~._. 0'.