HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971 CERTIPICATE OF ,INSPECTORS OF ELECTION 01' THEPISHERt> I~LAN1) FERRY DISTHIC'l' WB (JAr/,ill. J!). tlaJI-u/l; ~ l ,~?<_.,..v.. .", 'j Pll. ,'._ 1:,. an. ,t..~_~. 1... 4.1/ .................. ' ,as 1 nnecters er the Eleot1en er the Fi.~ra IsI... .!'erry Dlatrlct, DO: HimERY CERTlFY as rellews: O. t.. l.t. Ilay .r Au~uat 1'71, the Apnual Meetin, reI' the Electien er Cel'1llli,asiener er cae F'laaera IslmllFerry Dis trict was heH. at the Fiaher. Iala" Flre Heuae, Pishera lalani, Mew Yerk at 2:" P.M.. Sal. Meetlnt; wa. lIuly .alle. by Notio., ae.,y er1!l1l.1qn i~ her.te annexe., IItatin" ta. ti.., place ami. Iturpe.e er tile Keotin~.,' C'!tio. er l!lalll Betice were .estell ..Il.. )tleueualy i. at leaat tiye .ubIio _laeesin sai. District, at leas* te. lIa,.a .rier te the .ato er the .e~tin~. t. wit, en July 2~, 1'71 aa rell.w.t OJle en the Deer, Unien Free Sch"d DistrIct, #4, Fish.rs Ialanll, N.T. 0.. en ths Bulletin ileaI'll, Fishers IsI.;n,j Civic Asseciatitln. Pi-shera Ialanll, New Y$rk OBe .t, 'n.. ...1' ",. the Flshers r"'l 'nil, F'erry District Theatre, Fish8r. Islm., New,Yerk Ofte en the Bull.till Burll er thl'! F'il;!'er8 Ialmll Ferry Distriot rl'er.i.al Pishers Islanll, N.Y. o.e en the Bulletill Rearll er Ellza"etl1 All'ltert, Fiskera ISlaml, N.Y. At h: {)(.) I'.M. a1't..r tile .ell. hali Y'elulne. .nen fe,r reur aeura, lIaill I.llpeoter8.f El8ctifln canvasse. en.. ',,,re an. HB, tl1e areresaill t...ecter. er Electien, DO H,,;REBY CEhTIFY tInt tr.f! rl'!llUlts wer8 a. rellewlt . /" {I" fr../t,,^",nv' J~(. fer Ce_ini'mer , " '/ ef flve year. j.1fd..-. U U.:.c...____.~fer Ce_iss1ener ',' -)./), er riye ,.earl ~: 1(, ~VJ;J fer Ce-.1u:!.eMr , " I. er ti". yearl ' -; -' !tJaiai..i reI' C.-.1sshner of riye year. tel' Ce!lllll18siener ef five year. rer Ce!'\'O!issloner ..... of 1"i ve ."\'Iars fer Ce1l\Mission\'lr 1':1' five year. rer Co~.1sei.ner ---~f rive yearll rer Ce_isslener .r five y.ar. reI' C._iasiener ef five year. .~_.- -.~..,~.,....,...--~-~~....,.- . . w ';' ~ , I l ~; j; ~ ';j (zL,v.t.. I Vet.. - were east for were .aat rer LVete. L.Vetes LVetes LVetea LVetea were .aat fer were caat reI' were ca.t reI' 7JtliU--<.! it(; "..;,,1-. ~ \, L :1 r/)//../ "Jt.;Ll L. ~ L{ L ~ ,~L 'XI ') /' L,(.'/}\...' ;.... (It. tL' '/ v were callt ror were callt 1'''1' ho' / Vete. wereoa.t rer - '\ ete. - W~t~fIJ c..at reI' Vetee were .ast r.r - VOID VOTES I BLANK VOTES 0 """'--'71".""'-- . , ....l:;;,:...::.;...~.c;,,~~i.. " ~.Ji.. '""''''';'-':...,,;ii.2. ,.-;.:k\~~ji~:~:~; _iill,;,~,,'~l~~'\_, , , ,.'It 1)'i\'\'f'~;' ''''''!i!.J'''j~}'':';'J.',L,,,,~,jjj~'i.AtJj:JlLk.--,,..~ _Iii reI' a te1'Jl 1'1>:1' a t,1'JI' :f fe1' a te1'll rer a te1'll fer a te1'Jl reI' a te1'Jl reI' a teril reI' a t81'J1 1" er a teI'JI reI' a t.1'JI .:',.:,':;,._:",.:: FISHE:RS ISLAND FIRE: DISTRICT Sept. 24, 1971 ALBERT W. RIC~D, TOWN CLERK Southold, New York Subject: Special Meeting of September 2~ 1971. ~his is to certify that the Special Meeti~ of the Fishers Island Fire District was held in the Firehouse on Fishers Island, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, on Friday, Sept. 24, 1971 for the purpose of voting on the proposed budget for the year 1972 in the amount of $48,753.35. There were _~ qualified voters who cast ballots at this meet- ing and the results of the canvass were as follows: For AEainst ~) Void Dated at Fishers Isla nd, N. Y., Sept. 24, 1971 cc/Commissioners