HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/03/1971 -- "(.)mr;~"~-Y~,,,l!'lJ&:6li'.c ,':;lI',~~""';"","~_''fi''J<''''''''''~;:''!'.Il''t',''''-'''''''''''.~''Ii''~~.lIM'l''~''''"1>~~-',c..,; fl""",.",..."...--.-......- ~._--'~ . . ";,. ". Fishers Island Ferry District Dumct Cf'MUd B, Sf/<<i4l An D/ 'I" Iv N. y, sw., It.....,,_ (LMe., t1/ N. Y., I~'. elwPi" b) FISHERS ISLAND. NEW YORK 06390 ~, . .,. BClARD l,-.H- f IMMI~j~;IONt'" WILFRED C. SINCLAIR MANAGEI'<! - SECRETAR'y TLLEPHONE' 7BS-'l 46:1 AlOlt:A CODE ~~16 L"'.I,".l NL:l :~"'L()W:N. I"U;L Y f r'MLN: ,'-j j-..'A"MCIN<l ~ ; 'L'V~"N f. ,;Jl(J('" L' (:1-<"" ,,,. ir".l', '" ~,NU'~S ~~ THE MSETrNG ~;F' THE BOARD Or COMMISSIONERS OF THE FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT Sept. 3, 1971 ~ . special meeting of the Board of Commissioners was called by the Chairman and held in the office of the Ferry District, Sept. 3, 1971 at 5:15 P.M.. ....ent were CODDissioners Baldwin, Edmonds, Morell, ,.!'oyle and vi. C. Sinclair, Manager - secretary~ lhr M~nutes of the Meetings held July 8, August B, and August 17, 1971 ~er~ 'k-~a&'~Ahd approved as read. Motion by eo..i.sioner Foyle and seconded by Commissioner Morell that vouchers .178 through #209 inclusive in the amount of $18,325.73 representing the outstanding obligations of the Ferry District for August 1971 be paid. NDtIon unanimously carried. General discussion ensued on extra trips of the Mystic Isle. The Manager stated that we were having problems Inaofar as obtaining the services of a relief purser in order that Ernest 3. Bowles is interested in taking hls vacation and also a relief parser in needed for the weekends. Chairman Baldwin suggested Walter Griffin of l"fihers Island.; the Manager cU.Jgested Robert Doy",n. Th~ Board directed to check into this. The 1cllowing resolution ~~5 introduced by the Chairman and adopted by the unanim"us affirmative vote at the Board of eo.missioners as follow.: COllUllissioner Balch/in - ",-5 Col1llllissioner f'oyle ic.' Commissioner Edmonds1~S C~ssioner - Morell - i~-" Comais8ioner - Doyen - Absent ",,; ., ~ =1. ~; ':.\1., '" ~~:;, =. .!',c' ;'! =?\ .",: ~J ~: It i. in the interest of the Fishers Island Ferry District to _,~. -.ploy the services of a party to fill the position formerly hdld by ,~ D$\ald Sweet of 416 Fitch Hill Road, Uncasvllle, Conn. who resq1led as 'el watehllan at the New London 'rerminal THERtFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Gary Lee Thompson of 101 COr:q:1ecticut 31vd. .OaJcdale, Connecticut be engaged to fill this position AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Gary Lee Thompson be compensated at the ... rate of compensation as Donald Sweet hamely at 190 per week to be ~:.-ployed for the remainder of the season only. lhe Mana~r reported that ~ the new wheels for the Olinda had been rejected by the Bureau of Ships ~... flaw. there1n. The Manager also reported that Captain Al Bicknell'. ~"".t1ng contract expir.. Sept.-ber 30, 1971. The Board ~anislously J:~ ,...11 that if posdbl. this Contract be renewed until the end of the .~'jIIler. 'l'he Manager al80.;.tated that it was ti_ to start thinking ~....t t.he winter schedul.. General discussion ensued on ...ting with the ~, ~ AssociatIon representatives. The Manager also spoke on the poor ~::.,aditj.on of the furnace in the New Lon on Terminal. Motion lIIade to adjourn -'. .. \In.ni~us1y carried at 6:15 P... ~'f~< 'ApJtZ.OIed: . ~.J t7'J-#.-t2.