HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/03/1971 _r,,,,,,,,,,.,""'r'1""--.'~-~.~.'._""-._--- ,-- ~ . . .j MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT Dec. 3, 1971 .:,~~ial meeting of the Board of Commissioners was called by the Chairman and held in the office of the Ferry District Dec. 3, 1971 at 7:00 P.M. Present were Commissioners Baldwin, EdmOJlds, Ho!:'ell, ; Doyen , Foyle ,mu W. C.Sinclair, Mgr.-Sec. The Minutes of the Meetings held Sept. 30 and Nov. 8, 1971 were read and approved as read. The Chairman read quotations received for hauling the Mystic Isle and doing the necessary work thereon as per attached copies of bids received from the Thames Shipyard and Repair Company and the Newpoort Shipyard Inc. as follows: Thames Shipyard & Repair Co. $9695.00, Newport Shipyard Inc. $19,225.00. ~otion by Comm. Morell and seconded by Comm. Doyen that the District recommend to the Town Board of Southold that subject work be awarded to the apparent low bidder Thames Shipyard & Repair Co. in the amount of $9695.90 Motion unanimously carried. The Manager was authorized to contract with the Bruce Terminix Company for roach control on the M/V Mystic Isle. The initial cost will be $20 per month and$lO per month for inspections and other work with no further charge to the District. General discussion ensued on handling freight on Sunday. General discussion ensued on the loading of automobiles. The Board of Commissioners were to meet with the F.I. Civic Association Board on Dec. 9, 1971 and were to request the Minutes of the previous meeting with the Board of Commissioners. Motion By Corom. Foyle and seconded by Comm. Doyen that the vouchers representing the outstanding obligations of the Ferry District in the a~unt of $17947.93 inclusive for-November 1971 be paid. Motion unanimously carried. The manager was directed to have Park Ro Way repair the freight house door on south end of the freight house. Commissioner Doyen recommended that suitable trash cans (4) be purchiised for use on the Mystic Isle. The Commissioners were in agreement with this. Motion by Commissioner Morell and seconded by Commissione!:' Doyen that Commissioner Baldwin be appointed Chairman for the year. Motion unanimously carried. The attached resolution was introduced by the Chairaan and adopted by the unanimous affirmative vote of the Board of Commissioners as follows: Commissioner Baldwin - Yes Commissioner Morell - Yes Commissioner Edmonds - Yes Cgmmissioner Foyle - Y.. Commissioner Doyen - Yes Motion made to adjourn and unanimously carr~e~,~t'~:.45 P.~. APproved:~-u.-1e->14' )J~;;4~ /fl..l\-k~~l~~C\M9r-sec. L. S. Baldwin, Chairman / Board of Commissioners v/ -i i .~ ,~ .. , ?Ii' ,., ?~ ~., o~;- >( , ';i t "'.'..'....-.~.'.........-._. -".... "'"!I" -!J' ". ~~' -*.<,- -d' '-1.' ~)..~',-, ~<.-), ,,4::ii' " =:t~""t f" -'~' .' _"Ij; -;;,~ 1,""'" ,"~':;;' ~1 ~:k ~> -~..' I CER TIn that the following is a true copy of a certain l-eaolution of the &.In! of ....- I ,CQ i "iC''lI_."ol..the..F'hhe''...:Ed~'F-erry''Di-8t:rlet.. (N_"'~Io,*,1 .",;.,:.,................................,a...Dhf-r1ct:......;...................., "ill - J 1 -'TI duly orpnizecl lII1d existing 1IIIder me IaWl ofo.rUe."t'0&'It,1,947.Ch&ptu-..,60Sl............... having its principal ,.... 01 _ ..... _I ..- of bllliness in,1'1.neu.tal,~~~~r~,b.';"" ...., .. r II ill --..tance with the By-Laws at, and recorded in the minutes of. a met!tin. of the said ..... duly bdd 011 ..~"h,. ........ .,..... 19..n. and not sublequendy rescinded (Dato 01 _) or lIlOdUied: RESOLVED: I. That ..._.w.~J,.f.W...(;...,.~U..n.~J.A.1.............,.........,..................,~ the -S.o.c.t:..tAQ:....,......... (N_ of 01_) (TIdo ., OIliQr) ol dW carporation. be and hereby is authorized 10 sign. for and on behalf of tbls corpontion. _taia NIRht Depository Service Agreement (s). now before this meeting and addressed to liAlt.1TOiU> NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST CO.. ........C...."iRK.ce..................... Office. .If4lw...t.n-~,...c:e.a................. CONN.. and to deliver the .._. or cawe It/them 10 be deliYeml, 10 sUd Baak fOIrtber wItb a certified copy of this entire reIOIutiOll. aU transactions ba-etofore bad with said Bank and/or documeau heretofore delivered 10 said Bank for and OIl behalf of this -.,.....don. re!allve to said Baak's Night Depooltol'y Service being hereby rarified. coofinned _ app.owed. 2. That tbe .......s~~....................................................... olthis corporation. whoever may <T.-.. J CMeiw} - ..., -__t ., dtat oak., a. at any tlIIIe c:enuied by the .see-..,. 01 dH. ....-- 10 said Bank, be and h.,reby i. authon...od at any tlm." or from tim., 10 tim." to caned th., autbority of anyone or more of the "Acat:dited Ilepresentatives," referred to in the said Aateanent, or any similar agreement Mrerofore delivered to said Bank for and on behalf of Ih1a corporation, aDd/or to designate any on., or more oth.,r per.xu to act for _ on behalf ., IhIs OO1}l:onation as IUch "Accredited R"presentativ.,.," such cancd1atiOll aAd/or designation 10 be effecth.., =3 when notice thereof in writiug. aigned by said olflter. shall have been Nedved '" the . Baak. S. That IUd Bank may rely upon the authorities coofen-esl by this entire resolution Ullci1 the ~ by the aid Bank of a certified copy of a resoWtion 01 thia -..m re\'Oking or modifyinS the_ 1 FURTHER CERTIFY that the form of Agreement referred to in the foregoing raolution duly signed and herewith submitted to HARTFORD NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST CO.. qC"....L'Q& qq,q Office.tiew..IA3nd1?n',qqq. . .. CONN. is in form identical to that which was before the meeting of the said Board of Directon at wbich the foregoing resolution was adopted. and that Wilfred c. SInclair . Secretary q"..."............ . qq..,"'"'''''''''''''''' 11 the", 'q ."" , t"- ., Officer) (Tide. ulln tel... .... Ha. ! "...............) of daia "",,~ '-' DUtrict " :: ::. ~i::~~,,,I.~..~~.~~...U~ibed~~;.;;n~,,~~..~ 1~7.f 7" ,..' Jl //) J '/} L.U~.~u~~~ ,1.''':. ....,..,,,,Wi.lf..w.C.,,S1ncuu.,.,,,.,........,,.,,.. ij'F -. '~:"':: l~..." ~Xt;-A.< y/;) ~ ~~~:. '~ l..awrenc:e s. ~ti ~, .' -- u --. -... * ............_ ... -.. .. ..~.2. SL.~lj- J..8f..12t5\..... _ .... ~ .1 _......<.... ... JA.. . ;, ,,;, ...... '~-:.L_L ~: ):-~~. ;:.,.. ."'"'-l..,.... :- ;!t,: ~:tf " dt .G' -~.,.: "',,..,,::";" ,","+ ~'~f(~':'" ~l1'" ~'~k .~t~,. . -.:~: , .4 :l!IJ').,. 'J'" .ii: !l>~, ~,t~.,~> '< ~-~.. -, - ,_.....~~ ,.. ,~, ~ !I'll" " " ~,..,. "'-" - ......-..~ . . NIGII'r .-osrroay SERVICE CORPOUTE RBSOLDl'ION ".