HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/19/1971 -:r,r~' '.~- ".",.,..,.- ~...,.;-o,...-o- ~-.. -- ". J','o,;, .~." ,~ " . . ~ Fishers Islan.d Ferry District DuTlil=t C"MUd By s~ Atr of 'flu- N. Y. Swrol' u,ul.tr...., tLu.', tJ( N. }', IOfl. CJw.~.... 6\10\ FISHERS ISI..AND. NEW YORK 06390 WILFRED C. SINCLAIR MANAGER - SECfitETAIlty TJ,LEPHONE 78B-7~463 . AREA CODE 516 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS LAWRENCE S. BALDWIN, CH"lfoIM"'" POLLY EDMONDS RAYMOND F. DOVEN RICHARD V. FOVLE STEPHEN MURE.:Ll. MINUTES OF THE MEETIG OF THE HEARING ON THE ESTIMATED REVE.NUES AND EXPENDITURES OF THE FISHERS ISLAND FARRY DISTRICT FOR THE PERIOD OF JANUARY 1, 1972 - DECEMBER 31, 1972 . A .~ial hearing duly called by notice was held on the 19th day of Au~ 1971 on the Estillatad Re_nues and ExpeOditure.,: of the .lishers I.land "WIT C.trict for the period January 1, 1972 through Dec~r 31, 1972 at the Fi.her. Island Ferry Di.trict theatre at 8:00 P.M.. C~is.ioners pre.-.t ware as follows: Chairaan Baldwin, Cqmmissioners E~ds, Doyen, Foyle and W.C. Sinclair, Mgr.-Sec. and Mr. ,'Edwin Horning act1ll9 Secretary. Chairaan Baldwin opened the meeting and direc.lad the Manager to read the Notice of the holding of the Hearing. Me.ber. in the audience were a. follows: Catherine Jenn.en, Beverley Sperry, Willi,,'8!idgeway, Mr. & JIIr.. Ra..ell, J. Thurott, Lou.e Doyen, Martha Fergu.on, Bernard Walsh, J.... and Betty pe; ishoff, Arthur Walsh, Mary & Mario Zangiletti, Kath..ine lIorning. Mr. Baldwin then directed the Manager to read the budget itea by it.. and the breakdown the iteas in each category. Mr. Ridgeway asked if the Board had any financial records availab~e to ~... ~ith the budget. The Manag~ stated that this was a hearing and that none were required at this time. H~er he did read off the corresponding amounts which were budgeted for the year 1971. Me. Baldwin thaen proceded with reading t-. budget. He a.ked if there was any questions about the theatre. The Manager reportaed at the last meeting of the Comaissioners, the Board ~ani~usly raised the ada1t ticket from 95~ to $1.25 effectiwe nest r er. Mr.. ~.ell ..ked about the ..~p-rt. ~e mentioned that it looked like it was doing. terrific businss and why doe.n't the District get . greater share of the revenues.,Coma. Foyle explained that the Mrport is currently under lease under a three year program. The leas.. is currently paying $2000 per year for the lease. He also stated this will be the first year the Airport will be making ~ney. Co~. Doyen ~ ~n the past we ware lucky if we even got $1000 from; it. Mr. Sinclair said that under the present lease the airport will be attended on a year round basis which will also give protection to anyone using the airport in the event~of an accident someone there would be available there to render the necessary aid. Mr. Ridgeway said if the airport becomes successful in 1972 we should get this profit. Mr. Ridgeway said on the Danewal of this lease there should be an escu1ator clause in it. C~. Doyen .aid that this i. our intention. Mrs. ~son mentioned the take off. and landing.. Chatraan Baldwin stated that this .atter is not part of the ~.t and therefore is out of order. The Manager then read the Maintenen~pen.e.. Mr. Ridgeway asked what the Maintenance Expense. w"e last year. The Manager broke this down for Mr. Ridgeway. Mr. Ridgeway wanted last year report for the year.; The Manager stated .-<"IC' """"""'.~",,.-,,....._~~ "I____tr_~ ~.. -"._ ,_ ....,.,,_~.,... ~~_ ,.Q.~,!f .T',r'T~ ,4".,Jb.~',~' ~', ~~ ~,' - ~-- ~~ ~~ . . Fishers Island Ferry District 0Un1cr CUllllt'd B, Spr,rrioJl Act pf 'I' 'If N. Y. Stoll" 1J,u!.rr..,... (La..., ,,/ N. Y., 1~1. Ch.'Ptf"J' ~\ . FISHERS ISLAND. NEW YORK 06390 WILFRED C. SINCLAIR MANAGER - SECRETARY TEt.EPHONE 7B8-7-.63 AAEA CODE 516 BOARD OF" COMMISSIONERS LAWRENCE B. BALDWIN, CH""'M"H POLLY EDMONDS RAVMOND f". DOYEN RICHA." V. FOYLE STEPHEN MORELL Aug. 19/71 - Page 2 that this is a hearing and that this information is not pertinent to saae. ..... Russell comm.lliII.ilIOO.'the."....igned letter to the Civic Associat6ldr1. " Nr.., Ridge"{ay asked why we budget to lose money. Why not raise the rate on the ferries. Chai~ Baldwin continued with reading the budget on transportation expanses. The Manager explained what other terminal operations operations were.. Mr. Ridgeway said I don't see why liferafts haye to 90 to Boston for inspection. Chairaan told what has to be done to life rafts dur;ng inspection. Mr. Ridgeway said that he can't see why a aan can't be sent down frOll BOaton. Cl'l.airman; Baldwin said it cannot be done OD the boat thJ!y IlUst go to a shop and be broken down cOllpletely. The Managaer said it must be done in the pres~e of . Coast Guard official. MB. Ridgeway said the Coast Guard belongs to the people. We don't have to pay for it. Chairman Baldwin continued with reading the bUdget. Catherine Jea.sen asked what other expenses werRe The Manager explained same. Mr. Russell asked if there were any changes in General Officers & Clerks? Shairman Baldwin stated that three of the employees belong t~ the Civil Service EIIployees Association. C~mmissioner Baldwin said the compensation f~r tee Commissioners is the same as when the District was formed. Catherine o1ennsen asked if John PicJcett' s salary is part of the Contract. Chairaan aaldwin said hi_ baaic salary is paid bJ A. S. BicJcnell and he also works part t1ae for the Ferry IJfitrict. Mr. Ridgeway aaked what is this Contract with BicJcnell.; Chai~ Baldwin explained .~. He alao said the e] i aaioners get paid a. .axilaUll of $300 per year for ..etinqs attended. Mr. Russell wanted to know lIbout the rest of the IIOney. Com.. >>oyen explained whee, the MOney went and said he didn't the wages I .. .-...oaterous. ~~Ridqeway wanted to know what the other insurances ..,.. ~ Chairman Baldwin and the manager explained same. Mrs. Russell wantaed to know what constituted extra trips.; The Manager~explained same. Co.-. Baldwin says the Contract with A. Bicknell ends on September 30. Martha r..tuson asked if the Contract goes out to bid. Chaiarman Baldwin said yes. ~. Russell wanted to know if the TORn or the District owns South Beach. She said it was a disaster area with broken glass. She said the Town would clean it up if they were written a letter. She said it was brought up at thae Annual Town Meeting. ~hairman Baldwin continued with the airport expenses. He explained that storms bring sand and debris on the runways which .ust be cleaned off. He said this year Mr. Whitney paid for it. Commissioner Baldwin stated that the Fire Department burns the brush area eveary year.; Comm. Baldwin then read off the non carrier expenses of the theatre.~. Mr. Ridgeway asked lIbout; the revenue of the theatre. The -.Dager , f ~~.' :.. ~ ... -- -.:-'" - ~.... . ..' .", . ~.J. ..< . . Fishers Island Ferry District Dimia c-u.f 8, Sp.rd.l./ Act f1/ 'flu N. Y. Swtt u..,1.m.rt (1..&,," '" N. Y.. l\Ul. C'wt>m O\Kl1 . FISHERS ISLAND. NEW YORK 06390 WILFRED C. SINCLAIR MANAGER - SECRETARY TELEPHONE 786.7-463 AREA COOE 516 BDAltO OF COMMISSIONERS LAWRENCE B. BALOWIN, CH....INM...N POLLY EOJwlOND9 RAYJwlONO F. OOYEN RICHARD v. FOYLE: STE:PHEN MO~ELL Aug. 19, 1971 (3) explained SaMe. Mrs. Ferguson asked didn't the category Insuranc. includ. in.urance for the theatre. The Managaer said no. The airport and th.atre insurances are kept separate from the other coyerages. The Manager explained th. $102 expense chaaged by the Federal Mariti_ C_iuion. Mr. Riclgeway asked if the New York State Retir..ent account was acre this year. The Hlmager said yes it wa.. Mr. Ri~eway asked the question he began with.- which waa.--Why do you budget for a deficit. MI:'. Ridgeway said why do w. let a lot of characters coae over here for a fee l.ss then we are paying in taxes? C_. Doyen said we bu<!Cet with ev.ryone in nnd. Rl,ht now we are planning to have a .urvey made of the whole operation.. J..... Thurrott asked about the aill rate. Mr. Ridg.way felt expense. should be offs.t by revenue. If you don't d that you get a ~~ of characters, hippie., and ther here at our expense. I don't like that.- Mr. ~urrott .aid that the ferry service is considered a public highway. Mr. Ridgeway said I do not know what you can do to cut expen.... Mr. Ru...ll said tbat he is not sure that the peQpl. who want the Friday night far. uncterstand th.y are free loading on oth.rs. They sh;ould pay $4.00 in.tead of $2.00. Ch~raan Baldwin explained the work_n. on the boat how they get paid and they can work up to a 12 hour day. Anything ov.r that is extra. Mr. 'Russell asked if we extra for the late boat Sunday "9ht?;; CDam. Baldwin explained that Al Bicknell gets so much a trip during the summer . nths. After Oct. 15, 1971 we get Al to run:,the Olinda when extra trips are required. Mario Zanghetti as~ed after Oct. 15th if you buy a round trip shouldn't you be guaranteed return passage the saae day. Comm. Doyen and C~. Baldwin explained ..y we couldn't guarantee such return passage. Mr. Ridgeway asked who is going to make the operational survey. The Manager said the Pa~roup in Hartford. Mr. Ridgeway asked if the District gets . new boat doe. it have to go to a vote. ~o_. Baldwin .aid it would involve a boneS issue. General discussion then involyed OIl the.-ountt the District could be bonded for. ;Mr. llBqeway still vented to know about the financial records of the D..trict.; <;~. Baldwi9 ,..ld b6a to stop in the office and see everything. Mr. Ridgeway said that Will is doing a good Job, no question about that, I'M just .ondering ~ut inflation. Comm. Baldwin discussed the engines on the vessels. Mr. '~rIL_~ said thkt he strongly feels that the budget should be in balance. Mr. Thu~rott said He strongly disagrees with that. Mr. Ridgeway said "II know you would. Mrs. Russell mentioned having meeting with the Commissioners and discuss such things as the parking situation etc. She mentioned letters from the Civic Association which were never answered. Chairaan Baldwin said we got a letter back from the Town Board which had been sent to them and,';not to the District. Mrs. Russell said the president; of the Civic ASSOJ. didn't write the letter. Mrs. Arthur Walsh said no one fro. the Ferry District ever attends the Civic .eetings. Ridgeway said that once a year we should have a meeting where things could be discussed. J(i'[P1'-' 'illl!i<;';;" ". ,...~'t~.--_...,.,-, ~ >'>--'" - - ~ ,.,---.......-...,.-..--._......-0....- "__'_"~,' ""._..-.,...,'-_.<_.~_.....--,~,~ -'-', . , . . " , " ~ . Fishers Islan~l! 1-: '.' , . , .' , ...:..' . . ~>T . If''~ Ohmer C~ ft:o S~J A.-r pI "[Ilr N. Y \;.," ;fi' , ,.1 ,'.: , ',,~, FISHERS ISLAND. N':W "<)RK 0639' ;;'i i! i? !\RD OF C:OMM1SSIDNE:RS WILFRE:O C. SINCLAIR MANAGER ~ SECRETARY TEL&PHONE 788-7-463 MEA COOE 516 I VR~:NCL fl. HA..UWIN, CH"I'~I"4AN I'.) LV EDMONDS ~"YMONO F". OOYEN HICHARO V. f"OYLE: STEPHEN ""OfH~LL 3 ::;; , . 1 Aug. 19, 1971 (4) Mr. Rus..ll said there is a total lack of communication in a very important aspec~l~~ers Island life. As summer residents we are aware of tq i.~.-ents in schedules. It is very thoughtfuly scheduling for the summer residents and I hope for the other people. Mr. 'l'hurrott said people who live on Pisbers Island are in a different category. It is you might say our life ~lood. C~. Doyen .aid if we hadn't raised the rates we would be spending or aeek1ng a I:N4get Of $100,000. We are bav1ng a survey .ade wh1ch as.9ht cost Sl5,000. Mr. ~ay wanted to know what the survey would co... !be Kaftager,.aid tha'rate structure, the contractural operat10n. and , temtn.l operat10n. eta. Mr. Ridgeway said he .SSUll8S this would have to 90 out on b1d. C~. Doyen said anything over S2500; would have to go to bid. J.... Piesboff co~entad on the boat not filled up on some days. Mr. Russell said I understand you can have a special fare from point of ~i,1n regarding coaMUtation fares. Corom. Doyen said we have an open aind about cc ~tation books. Mr. Ridgway; said when you discuss it what kind, lot 4iscount are you giving. Mr. Russell ;stated that be would like <to repeat his recco.aendation that the Casaisioners consider a better .ens i.,',.f C'I I fticat:ing. Cather1ne Jenssen recalled the very productiv..-.ting ",~r-flIMu 1,. the school with the Civ1c Aaaoc:. on the Ferry ~.sion ~' n:t ,I' i .>...~ of rau.. Mrs.; Rus.n said that slJ;j .~s _ idea that yau , cIIIl, to on the ... .chedule Yea&' after year i. wrong. Mario; Zanqbetti .. .'~ bcJr: to the $15,000 for a survey, wby not listen to people and s.. - .'....t t:bey say at an open Meting. Mr. Ri;dgeway said one big question that ha. not been discussed is reservations. Mrs. Rus.ell said if' we had 'a aeet1ng Aug. 16, such a reservation could COllie out and become part of :),-. survey. C~. D-I>...4- said we have reservati;ns for 10 cars on each trip , ~ the past. Catherine Jenssen s?5d we would like to have reserrations I' fJ:1llll New London. COIIIIlI. DGl,yen saia up to 10 cars. Mr. Russell said you Clovld charge a pDemiua and you will r.ave to keep records. He also said , i:ha' no reservations one. ..de should be changes, whether they don't '."Ii'''' 1t st.111 keep th. e lIOIley. Larry asked what about reservations on the :~<~a. Mr. R1c19eway sa1d you would not hav. to bave th_. C_. Doyen :;', .-.. we ...... bIe reservation. for the weekender but _ can easily put >ki',.i;j~.'.cIt. Mr. RidfeWay suggested we adjourn. SCIMone froll the floor said rf'~.p1~ of "at.. laave said we all a reciate what you have done. 'l'he hear- vas ~1'1cial1y closed at 9:35 P.M.; ~(~11~ SinClair, Mqr.-Sec. , ~ ~ . /") , ! // _-i '~.~ed:'. ~~,-h~liv-~ Edwin Horning, Acting Secretary ..it. S. Baldwin, Chair1llU1 ....,~ of C~"1oners ."'....,;