HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/19/1972 ~r":r~'~~---- ~-------:""- ...,.... - . . MtNUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT . JaD. 19, 1972 A apeelal ...~lng of ~he Board of C~ssloners of ~he F.I. Ferry Dls~lc~ w.. Called by ~e Chalraan and held ln ~he offlce of ~he Ferry Dls~lc~ Jan. 19, 1972 a~ 3:00 P.M.. Presen~ were Co.a1ss10ners Baldwln, Foyle, Merell, Doyen and W. C. Slnclalr, Mgr.-Sec. Chalr11an Baldwln read ~he OR~ bld recelYed for opera~lonof ~he Hys~lc Isle and ~e M/V Ollnda for a ~.. year period and which had been officially opened Jan. 12, 1972 a~ 2:00 P.M. by ~he Manager. Mo~ion by Ce..i..ioner Doyen and seconded by eo..issloner Foyle tha~ we accept this qaota~ion of Alfr~J S. Biclcnell of Flsh~wn Road, Mystic a:onnecticut. Copy of which is. ~i~h a~~ached. Motion unant.ously carried. C~. Baldwin read ~.. for "~erlal for ex~a worle on the Mystic Isle in the amount of Ibas.83. Motion by C~. Foyle and seconded by C~. Morell ~at .. . . tlbis worle is necessary and IIUs~ be done for ~he vessel to operate tha~ this extra worle be approved. Motion unant.ously carried. .General dlscu.sion ensued on the airport, ie: ~he fence is not up and the office ,... belng used ln conjuDC~ion with ~he garage instead of being ..int-t.._ fOr vae of ~e general public only. The Manag~ was direGted to wri~e Mr. Grebe and ~ell hila that the fence .us~ "e up by May 1st or action will be taJcen thereon. He also was instructed to tell him, that ~he office is to be cleaned up and ma~tained for use of ~he general aviation public. General dlsCUssion ~en ensued on the dump. The Board agreed that ~e next ...ting will be Tuesday at 7:00 P.M. Motion made to adjourn and \lna.n1llously carried a~ 4: 2S ~M~~ ~C. SinClair, Mgr.-Sec. ApproYed: ,(--6 ~:_...: L. S. Baldwin, Chairaan Board of Co.a1ssioners ~,. ~i:""" ~2S~,:, ~' ~:~;' ....:~.~~;~,~"c:~- ~~__...,....." I 1 t ~ f- i :s;~~dl_: ~f;T:-:"t;-x- '*, J.;:;:. ""'- ~