HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/27/1972 -f"......"'~" '1.:.''f''':.......:..... j'\' ", 'h , . . "lIr,' >11 . , ~. . MINU'l'ES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMlaSSIONERS OF THE FISHERS ISLAHD FERRY DISTRXC'l' Janu..p 27, 1972 A 'Jl*:1al Meting Of the ~"f of C~saioner. was called by the Cbairaaa and held in t~pfflce of the Ferry District Jan. 27, 1972 at 5;00 '.M. pres.t were C~ssioners 8aldwin, Doyen, Morell, Foyle and W. C. Sinclair IIVr.-Sec. General diacu..ion ensued on the tariffs - pa..engers and Cl rGldit!es. It was planed to llalte extra trips at night on extra fares Vt.ps. eo.a. Baldwin iugqested that the Board work thrtu~ the tariffs ... when agre-.nt is reached that the ..tt.. be presented to the F.I. ,Cinc Board.. at a special .eeting. He suqqested that durinq the winter that eY8ry day should be a round trip day for passengers and cars with the thought that this would spread the traffic; over the entire week 1nst.-d of concentrating th_ into just four days a week. Chairaan .alclv1n then stated 1:lJlat a nev caa shaft is needed for the Mystic Isle and it would cost in the aeighl>>orhood of $1300 ,..d at present it would be on a six aonth back order. He said there is no guarantee how lonq tIae pre.ent .e would last. General discussion then ensued on changing ~, theeng1ne rooa. He suggested that the center GII Engine be placed on r the port side and lNyinq ~r GM to put on the starboard aide, eliainating ~, the ..ter engine entirely. Also getting rid of the two CUaains enqines " as plU:'U are too, hard to .t. He also spolee on opening the back of tIMt f' lIoat .0 the, cars and fref.1ht could __ off landed at the stern. GeIleRl I discu..ionthen ensued on the tariffs with sugg.sted possible ~ate 1ncrea.... Motion ..d. to adjourn and ~~sly carried at 6:30 P.M. .,~L W. C. Sinclair, Mgr.-Sec. i ~ i I f, r I I ApproYed: 'J(? -of ~~-.:. L. S. 8a14win, Cha1 raan Board .f C~ssioners , " I, . " f1 , r ! ~. ~ ~ I::: " ~. , \ ,'".