HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/31/1972 rI1:ft'l,,';''f.'-'" ''''-:;;':~'':.'''1''''''':T::;'''l;~'7-~,,~,_~,,",_...,...;~~-.,.......__~I~..~.:;m, . . n"!"-'~..~ ,_. ____ .~..."211..!~~'0~',:~_ ~ Fishers Island Ferry District -~"_A<t"""H. Y._~a-"H. y........a......, (~) \ . I I I " I , I I'1SHERS ISLAND. NEW YORK 06SgQ WlU"RED C. .INCLAIR MANAClE.. .. 8a:C..CTANY Ta.8PHDHC ora..7".3 ....... Caal: .,. 80ARO OF" CO......ISBIONER. "AYNQND ,. DOYEN. DHA'''''''''N LAWRENCE .. .ALDWIN PDLLY EDMOND. STEPHEN A. MOREL&. RICHARD v. 'OYLI: .,..{ MIWJTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT Oct. 31, 1972 ';..-':'~ ~.pec1a1 meeting of the Board of Commissioners was called by the Acting Chairman Raymond Doyen and held in the office of the Ferry District, October ll. 1972 at 1:00 P.M. Present were Conunissioners Baldwin, Doyen, Foyle. ICdIIonds. Morell and W. C. Sinclair, I-lgr.-Sec. The l1eeting was called to , discuss insurance renewals. The District has been offered a quotatiQ:l which represents about a $3400 daving. Comm. Doyen stated he had talke.:1 , with Comm. Edmonds and Comm. B~ldwin. Camm. Baldwin then spoke on past insurance carriers. Comm. Doyen said he had spoken with }lr. i:ler t Pish'2r of Allen Rutlse1 & Allen r.elative to our insurance coverages. Mr. f'ishe.- suggested putting out a bid for all our covera~eE. Bid to be three months before expiration. Comm. Edmmds thought we we'-e moving too rast. Co:nm. Doyen spoke on advantages 01 .\ller.-Kernan-NcKown. Comm. BiJ:ldwin suggested contacting all the people ,1'10 are on Fishers Island in the insurance bUsiness and ask them to bid on identical pOlicies. Hotion made ty Camm. Foyle and seconded by Comm. r-\orel-,- Lnat Comm. Doyen be appointed Cna!.L'man . feOl: the current year. Motion uar.irnously carried. Comm. Foyle said that ~.ea... Baldwin did an excellent job as chairman of the Boarrl. CO~~. Baldwin ~ thanked everyone, and said that the Board should stick together tOL- the " . :l benefit of Fishers Island People as i1 whole and not for any parti'c'lJ L'L- g'-OOlpS ~".r organizations. Newly elected Comm. Dayen said he plans to set up a ~ Jleeting with Mr. Tasker relative LO raising the bonding limit anLl t'aising . Commissioners fees. Regarding Building #383 - the Board of Commissioners 7 directed the F.I. Electric Corp. to go ahead with providing electricity to the building. Motion macle t.j adj ourn and undll'mously -a,ried at 2: 10 P.M. ., ;:~ ~ ~ ,; ~ .~ i ~ ) w. C. Sinclair, Mgr.-Sec. ~ Approved: ~~ d I~ !. Raymond F. Doyen. Ch:i~n i Board of Commissiohers . ! -:;