HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/08/1972 ~..--.-'F<~ w,' >.",,",,,"'_"r"'.Y,,,,,~ >;""'i.,j,<- "" "- - ._~_.. .~~<.'~ ->~:'..~~"'.:._~ ~, ~ . .' . Fishers Island Ferry District .,..,..o....IS,__.,....N. y._~a-.,N. y.......r::Iloofm6ool . " \ (~ ' . lq I ~/ ~' FISHERS ISLAND. NEW YORK 06390 ~ WILF"lIto C, SINCLAIR MANACllEN .. .EDlllETA.Y TlEL.EPHaNE 7....7.....3 ANEA CaDI: al. BOARO OF" COMMISSIONERS IllAYMQND ,.. DOYEN, CMAIIU"'AN LAWRENCE 8. BALDWIN POLLY EDMDND. STEPHEN A. MDRELL RICHARD v. ,.gVLE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF CO~TI'ilSSIONEj{S OF 'rHF: FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT Nov. 8, 1972 A special meeLing of the Board of Commissione.L"s was called by the Cha.Lo,'man and held in the office of the Ferry District, Nov. 8, 1972 at l:OCi P.,'.;. Present were Commissioners Doyan, Edmonds, Morell, Baldwin, W. C. Sinclair, Mgr.-Sec. and Mr. Vincent Spinella, District School Principal. Chairman Doyen discussed hunting on the airport area, mentioning how populatpc1 t:i1iE area is and that hunting in the 3rea deprives those people livin'J i:, t.he area from using the area as it is too dangerous with the hunt.ers shoor.in,; iI. the field area. Local hunters have other areas fortheir use. In ta1kin0 witn Mr. Taskp.r, Chairman Doyen saie; that the Commissioners should pass d resolutun, establish a public hearing then post the area. Comf7l. Horell asked about the trap range. Clntrman Doyen said the skeet Lange is 90L11<; to be moved. l'lr. Spinella statedlc~at t.he law states tha:: ,",0 pc,rson sh ill discharge a firearm over i'. pllJ:.':~ :.c 1.'),Hl, Ot within 500 :teet oJ. a struct.u,"e, bouse, school oc 0ther building. COllun. Balriwin suggested ':nai: t'le Consel.'sation be ilotified and put out a flyer: '0 the pJblic. Motion mao€' oj" CJmm. r3alJwin ;:: and seconded by Comm. Edmonds that the CornrnissioneL.~s holJ:i )u~~.lic tlE3..cing f, " at the firehouse on the matter of posting that property known as "irpot-t property for no hunting. Motion unanimously carried. The t1andger Wd:'; directed to have this published and the Hearing to be held December G, 1972 at 2:00 P.11. Hr. Spinelli stater] that the School is !:lrin,]ingh a basketball group for an exhibition and state,i that the game \dll be over at ~: 0,) <'.N. He also stated that the ",chool is ?lanning bu~ trips in January and Fec,ruary and can the Olinda be usel. ['lotior: by COmIn. Edmonds and seconder; by Comm. Morell that vouchers #248 through #2.34 inclusive in the aJrt0'.lnt of $ ?(J8,~ 1.33 representing the outstanding obligations of the l"erry Di"'tricl for October 1972 be paid. Motion unanimously carried. The Minutes of the Meeting held Oct. 5, 1972 were read and approved as read. The follovJing rec;olution 'das introduced by Comm. Baldwin and adopted by t~.e unanimous affirmd tivE' "c1te of the Board of Commissi,ners present as follows: Comm. i3aldwir, -yes, Conm!<, Comm. Edmonds - ye", Comm. Horell - j'es. Camm. Doyen - yes, Comm. Foyle al:W!fen);. WHEREAS UNDER date of Oct. 21, 1972 t.he Commissioners advertised !Cor bid~; for hauling ami launching the M!V Olinda and doing the necessary work thereon AND WHEREAS two bids were received AND WHEREAS the Newport Shipyara ,int:. is "he Apparent low [JidJec BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Conuniss Lonce; cequest t:lat the To,,;n B'''a,'d accept the Bid of llewport Shipyar,j. (Cop' C2, 0' )y-)th bids her ev:it.h attached) General discussion then ensued on making arJ"dngements for the naul out >Jf the MI IV OLIlmA. "".~,!;~~~''::'" <'~~:"'~,,,!.., !,.,. ~ ^~ ...,.._~ ,,-.--=,,""''''''', ,-~ -. ~ . . Fishers Island Ferry District .....0.-111,_....., ,....H. y._~a.-"H. y.......c::r..oo.fool FISHERS ISLAND. NEW YORK 08390 WILF'REO C. SINCLAIR MANADEIt . .ca"nARY TELPHDNE .,_.7-4&3 AlIIEA CaoE 51. BO"RO Of' COMMISSIONERS "AYMOND ,.. DDYEN, DH..."U.....N LAWRENCE S. ItA..DWIN flQLL Y EDMOND. .TEPHEN A. MOttELL R'CHARD V. ,.OY..E Con't. (Meeting Nov. 8, 1972) Commissioner Doyen then spoke on getting extra help for the Ferry District Office. He mentioned a Miss Jane Pickett who might be available. He S\J9gested the Manager contact her and interview her as to her qualifications. Motion made to adjourn and unanimously can:ied at 2:45 P.l-l. ~. ~: 'c 't/ Approved: ~~..7 + . Raymond F. Doyen, ChaiL~an . Board of Commissioners f , J:-~";-:',';:,:, -,' ~tllit 'ropoaal ~!\.,,,\ - ~'A. Pull "'. .~~~~: iI"~ ~' . ':---~,; , \'; 0, ; -',-",- -'-: ,,,;;," ..",:-...."~.. f:~"'" .,:, '. ' ",,... '<4 ~ - ! L 1 : 1 . I: 2. ~1t 3.. 4. S, 6. ,.. 7. B. ! D. '. ~. ~:~.;';~.t ~ ;;1 , .~ ;! ); , l"~- -,~. i:~' ..' '~'~'~ -,."~.""",,,....,:" - . . ',-". .... ",. ....: ~'-..... .,- ~ ' ., ,'- ......,- -'--"'~ _.~."'--~..~,..,....,. , ...,~~- , . .f .,,1 '~'-'"t . . NEWPORT SHIPYARD . HAULING AND LAUNCHING THE M/V OLINDA . .,-, Haul Ve...r. Clean from and up to and including the main guard, all the hull boLtom, ~emoving all rust and marine growth and wash with fresh water. Spot all bare places with two (2) coats of anti-corrosive paint, then apply two (2) coats of anti -corrosive paint over bottom, one (1) coat over hull, then two (2) coats of anti-fouling over bottom and one (1) coat ot black over hull. 'Remove a~d replace 311 zinc plates ann fastenings (nine in all) Clean seachest and strainer anQ paint as above. Pull and inspect se,> chest valve. Letter all nraft marks, vessel's name and home porl. Launch vessel. ,.: ~~ Lump Sum ['L ice, 1 tern #1 tnru and includin>J Item # 'l 1 1, 12'Z..J)ct to accomplish the following if deemed necessary: , ',:. both shafts, inspect and gauge for accuracy ..........$ 821.00 ,-.. ....ri.- B. Inspect and renew strut bearings. ( Two 4 x 5 x 16 Marine bearings) $ 248.00 c. rtenew all packings in stuffing box S 55.00 Sandblast interio.t' of lazarette and interiors of hollow sskeS\.%..~ inspect for crdcks or leaks. I<eplace or repair plating and framing as required and recoat inteLioL ~1th one (1) coat zinc primer and one (1) coat of paint. $617.00 " '- ~""""""" "".'-, .-- i '-f H d f,,~jl '~;",.; ~'}i ,~ ~^'1 II C,> It '-"'~'''':~':'~~~---'-~~''''': -"'...-..,, "::'~j,i .u ..__. -- .....,..,.~ rr~ It~~ ' ",;-~.::~ : '.~;-} -r-"~'>' :l ; oj ,. i."; .-m' -, '.' .-.g.'- 'w' ;.a;'.'" ,., .:~':" '.'kt>.-, "'-. c.,::-' , " "_:_ -'::, ", '_':"'~'" ':. ';c'';;. >~ )""'.:": TI&es Shipyard & Repair Co DlE.aLI GAS ENGINE AND ELECTRICAL REPAIRS TOWING LIOI-lTIE"INO ~'1..11 DRIVING "'''IIC11INO aUBMA."I...e: WO"K BOILIE" "'Olllk MACHINII WO"K .TItAN nTTI"'G II:L<<:CTIltIC WeLDI!'!O TH"ElE LA"'''1l NODERN MARINE RAILWAYS BUILDE'" AND "[PAUIE"S or VESSELS NEW LoNDON. CONN. 10/25/72 Fishers Island Ferry Dlstrict BoxH Fishers Island, New York Attention: Mr. William Sinclair Gentlemen: We are pleased to subnit the following bid on hauling, launching and accompllshing specified work on M/V OLINDA. 1. Haul Vessel 2. Clean from and up to and including the main guard, all the hull bottom, removing all rust and marine growth and wash with fresh water. 3. Spot all bare places with two(2) coats of anti-corrssive paint, then apply two (2) coats of anti-corrosive paint over bottom, one (1) coat over hull, then two (2) coats of anti-fouling over bottom and one (1) coat of black over hull. 4. Remove and replace all zinc plates and fastenings (nine) 5. Clean sea chest and strainer and paint as above. 6. Pull and inspect sea chest valve. 7. Letter all draft marks, vessel's name and home port. 8. Launch vessel Item #l thru and including Item #8 ___u___n $2675.00 Items to be accomplished if necessary: A. Pull both shafts, inspect and gauge for accuracy - - - - - - - - - B. Inspect and renew strut bearings. (Two 4 x 5 x 16 Marine Bearings) n __ n n_ C. Renew all packings in stuffing box - - n n - n D. Sandblast interior of lazarette and interiors of hollow sl<:egs, Inspect for cracks or leaks. Replace or repair plating and framing as required and recoat interior with one (1) coat zinc primer and one (1) coat of paint. __u_____ Thank you for the opportunity to bid. Respectfully, Thames Shipyard & Repair Company ," QH ),;f.. wror!o~s~i. President 652.50 400. 00 98.00 1178.00 ~__'__ '_":L~",,",,""""""""'" ~'- , "."~.__." -_"~..', .."".._._...""""".......,