HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/06/1972 (2) "'0'."""" ,,":"-~,':..;,;';.'- . .-""""~;~''r :';:"'\,~:~:""o/C'I;'" , - ~"';!'""-,,- ";r "-!.~..: ~ . Fishers Island Ferry District -...o.....i.._..... 'I'lwN. Y._~a-.N. '1'., _."""""'0001 . /' ; C. t i \...... FISHERS ISLAND, NEW YORK 06Seo WlLl"ItED C. SINCLAIR ........1:. . SI:C.nAIIY TIIL.CJIfHDNI: .,.....,......3 AIIKA COOC ... BDARD OF' caMMISSIDNERS RAYMDND ,.. DaVIEN. OHAIIIWAN LAWRENCE" BALDWIN IIlOLL V EDMOND8 tlTEPHIEN A. MQIIlIELL "ICHARO V. "DYLIE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE FISHERS lSLAND FERRY DISTRICT Dpc. 6, 1972 I I ~ epecial hearing, duly called by notice on posting the airport property ~.inst hunting theceon, was held on Dec. 6, 1972, 2:00 P.M. at the Fishers X_land Fire House, Fishers Island, New York: Commissioners present were Comm. Doyen, Comm. Foyle, Comm. Edmonds, Comm. Morell, Comm. Baldwin and W. C. Sinclair, Mgr.-Sec. Attending the hearing as members of the interested public were: K. Jenssen, R.Cushing, R. Baker, W. Witc, Vincent Spinella, ~ 'I Chairman Doyen opened the meeting at 2: 00 P.r-!. and directed the i'lanager co read the Notice which was posted Nov. 30, 1972 for holding subject hearing. Chairman Doyen then asked t:.ose present to come forward, givp their n3ffie and give their vie\~s. t1r. Cushing spoke on. the fact that the areas concerned provided good duck hunting and was the only place where a local pars)!] could liIo.Mr. Baker suggested if we could po<,t the area after the duck seas:m closed. MJ;. Vince Spinelli, Chief Schoo] Administrator went on record a,. a'oJa~.n"t hunting in the area due t(,) the school Children who make fieio ter'ips in thi., particular section. Nr. Cushing rei tecated that he was dgain" L ~. )" ti;':d the area. Mr. R. Baker favors posting b1;lt allow local people to ClUr::" the "re,',. Mr. Doyen explained thi".t this couldn't iiIllc done. Nr. R. Jena~e:l aSKed .L,' the District would reconsider in the future7 Mr. Doyen said it migllt ge depending on the circumstances. As there were n furth r comments, Chair: ;ar, Doyen closed the hearing at 2:27 P.M. . APProved'c.~~~n~~ Board of Commissioners ~ ~. !i:, ~ . ~ -... '-=------....~