HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/06/1972 ,f;"~l- "'-'~"~r";.,-rT.,",,'';'"'' ,..~,:t}'!:i~~';.'-~,.. "" , . Fishers Island Ferry District __llo-.IJJ,~""" "'''N. Y._~(""""N. Y.. _."""'*'''"' . FISHERS JSLAND. NEW YORK 06390 (~. 1 WILf'RED C. SINCLAIR MANADER! - .Ec"nAlIIY TEU:PHDNE 7...7-463 AREA CaDlE 516 .OARD OF' COMMISSIONERS .....VMDNC F. COVEN, CHA..NA" LAWRENCE B. BALDWIN PDLLY EOMDN08 STEPHIEN A. MDRlELL RICHARD V. FOYLI: 'I MINUTES Orc THE t1EETING OF THE BOARD 01" COMHISSIONERS OF THE FISHERS ISLAND i'ERRY DISTRICT Dec. G, 1972 i r A special meeting of the Lloard of Commissioners was called by the Chi'iit:'man and held in the F.I. 'Fire House at 2: 30 P.M., Present were Corrunissionels COIIlIlI. Doyen, Conun. Bildwin, Conun. Edmonds, Conun. Morell, Cornr~. Foyle and W. C. Sinclair, Mgr.-Sec. Hotion by Comm. coyle and secondec: uy Comit. Edmonds that vouchers #285 through #314 inclu"l'le in the amount of $3'3,,')(>5.';3 representing the 9utstanding obligatiion, of the Ferry District tor tne 1I\Onth of November 1972 be paid. Motion unanimously carried.. The following resolution was introduced by the Chairman Doyen and adopted by the una~li,mous affirmative vote of the Board of Conunissioners present: WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners are unanimously agreed that Sectiol' 4 and Section 7 of the Fishers Island Ferry District Act should be amendeej THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Section 4 be amended to read "this sectioL is further amended to increase from $100,000 to $300,000 the a'1'Jregate am;unt of funds which may be borrowed wichout '-.eLlg subject to a permi.ssive referendum and from $200,OJ,) to $500,000 the aggre',jate amo'.lnt of f'.lnds which may be borrowed subject: to a permissive !,'efer-endum AND THEREFORE BE IT F 1'HER RESOL'IED that Section 7 is amended to increase from $10 to $25 the compensation:>f Commissioners for attend1.::'1 each meeting and also increase fr0m 13,;i) to 1S00 the total amOJnc of compensation which each Commissioner may ceceive in a~,y year. Chairman Doyen appointed Comm. Baldwir. a cOTlL'11ittee of one to be in charge of both vessels as to up keep and miiilltenance and overall condi tlon. Any thing wrong with any vessel should be reported to the Board. The following resolution was ii:1trodur:ed by the Chairman and adopted by t'le unanimous affirmative vote of the Board of Commissioners present: WHEREAS THE f'ERRY DISTRICT has a 194'7 Case Tractor ,-.'hich by virtue of d(." and use is of no more practical ']se 01' val'.le ",0 the l'eL:y District THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that subject 19.;7 Case Tractor be declarea S"L'[)Hl AJ(D BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that subject tractor be ;'1dvertised tor bid. The fOllowin-:, resolution was int'oduced by the Chairman ar,d adopted oy thE' unanimous affirmative vote of the board of Commissioners present: WHEREAS the Board of Commissioners wi.sh to engage the Services of DOherty and Company, PrOfessional Corporation of 187 Williams Street, New London, Connecticut as outside Accountants and Auditors for the yeaD 19'/3 j ~ j 1 1. BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Firm of Doherty & Company of 187 Williams :3\:reet New London, Conn. l)e engaged by (,he Fishers IsIFmJ Ferry District ..t~:~\"N~,jr",,/ I . Fishers Island Ferry District _0..-"'............ or",,,,. y._.......,....a-o/"'. y.. _.""-"'6ooJ . (g FISHERS ISLAND. NEW YORK 06380 . . j$':. WILFRED C. SINCUUR MANAGER . IIEC-.nAaY TI:LC..HDNI: 7_-7....31 AWL' CODE In. BOAJIID 0,. COMMISSIONERS "AYWDND ,.. oaVEN, CHA'''''''....,.. ~W"ENCE e. .ALDWIN ..aLLY EOMCNDII STEPHEN A. MORELL .'CH""O V. raY'Ll: Dec. 6, 1972 (Con't) as outside Accountants and AUditors to prepare quarterly financial statements, to prepare annual audit repor with profession opinion expressed, to prepare the Annual Interstate Commerce Commission report, to assist in the preparation of the Annual Budget and be available to attend any public or private meetings to explain the bUdget, the annual audited report, and to be available for any other financial matters. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT subject to the Town Board of the Town of SOUthold6aid appointment shall be effective January 1, 1973. Gsneral discussion then ensued on hirin'J a clerk for the Ferry Uistrict Office. Commissioner Baldwin spoke on putting fllters in the fresh water line on the Mystic Isle. Motion made to adjourn APproved7f~~ / ~~ Raymond F. Doyen, Chaicrnan Board of Commissioners ~:~~.:?:':'