HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/31/1973 -/: . ..; . . Fishers Island Ferry District _~""""AoI~.""N. T._~a-~ H. Y.. _.~.. FISHERS ISLAND. NEW YORK 06380 i1.":'; WILFIIED C. 81NCLAlR ...........E. . SEC.IETAIIY TELEflHDNlt .,....,04... ....1:.0. CaaE .,. SCARD CF CCM.MI88ICNER8 RAV....OND P'. DaVEN. aHA''''......... LAWRENCE 8. ~DWIN PDLLY EOMDND. .TIE~HEN A. MONELL RICHARD Y. I'DYLE MINUTES OF THr, MEE'rrNG of the BOARD OF CO~~ISSIONERS of the FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT Jan. 31, 1973 A special meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District was called by the Chair.,na:J. and heLl in the oft ice c)f i,he Ferry District, Jan. 31, 1~'73 at 1:cn P.H.. Present ;"ere :::011l;:t;~,siGnprs Doyen, Edmonds, Baldwin, MOL'ell, and ~'I. C. Sinclair, Hgr'-Sec. Co:nmissioner Baldwin read bids received -ruesdaj, Jan. 3(\, 1973 ;'01:' repowerinC) t'1e n/v Mystic Isle as follows: Thames Shiryard ~nd Repair Co. credit 0n old engines Newport Shipyar.i Inc. 1>'S'I,t6b,Od cor-edit on old f:!ngir+As t 'It 612. .,.3 . 1010. CO $12/)6.00 1;'I?,1,/2. (3 A motion was made by Commissioner Baldwin u'.' j s~"ojlded oy Commissioner Edmonds that the bid of Thames Shipyard a:J.d Repair Company be accepted in the amount of $ , subject to the approval of' ."., ~o,m Board. Motion 'Jnanimously ca,:,ri",d. Chairman Doyen then spok'? or.. Building #239 and reported that LL"u te'1ant Bender and Trooper O'Neil had inspected same and were ;:;aL.sfi."d with same. The Manager then read letter he had sent. to Nr. Robert Tasker with the information on this buildi:1g from which Mr. Tasker coul,; p'ep"re a lp.ase for approval of the FAA. General discussion then ensu",d .In neatJ.r,g building #239 on a year round. basis to protect tl1e !:)uildLng. Chairma;; Doyen then spoke on the need for another cal.culator for tile office. H(~ stated that the CBM Corporation in Waterford, Conn., 'las one, whicll rH.' had used himself personally, in his store as a "loaner" while LLc. W'Ll being fixed. He said he has asked the manager- to 'Jet a price on 1:his. The manager ~tated that the CBM Co~poration had saLd th3t che ~achi~e retails at $450.00 and the selling price would De $~25.00. tion by COI1lllliasioner Baldwin and seconded bi Commissioner Ed'1londs that the l"ishers Island Ferry District pur~ase this machine fox: the sum 0[' $32').00. Motion unanimously Carried. ., The following resolution was intcoduced 'ilY Commissioner Edmonds and adopted by the unanimous affirmative vote of com~issioners as folows: Commissioner .. " " Erimonds Baldwin Morell Doyen - Yes - Yes - Yes - Yes ,_,<"""",'~,--"'""---~ ;>,~'-' ,~,' ,.c; .. """"-."""""'"-"" '.::'-'.""".."... , , ,~~~ . Fishers . Island Ferry District 1lIooM0-.Is, _""" !,"'H. Y. -~a-'" H. Y.. _. "'-fool . P'ISHERS ISLAND. NEW YORK 06380 WIL,.ItED C. SINCLAIR MANAGE" . 8EC..IETA..Y TELCfIHDNE 7....7-46:1 AIIEA CaDlE 516 Jan. 31, 1973 BOARD 0,. COMMISSIONERS RAVMaND ~. OaYEN. GH...IIIU.....N l..AW.ENCI: 8. .ALeWIN ~OLLY EDMONO. IITEPHEN A. MORELL "ICHARD Y. p'aVLII: WHEREAS the Boarrl of Commissioners ,u:e of t'1e opinion that extra help is' needed in the office of thP. r''!'!rry Oi strict AND WHEREAS Ione Norton, of Fisher:,: Island, N. Y. has applied f.).c chi" position and is eminently qualifierl BE IT RESOLVED that lone NOrton be en.,aged as a clerk and shall De compensated at the rate of $3.00 per hour and to work a rrdxirnur.. 0'- 'four hours per r1ay, fbre days a wee'" '.ith a maxim'm1 earnings .:>f not to exceed $2500.00 per year. ~ AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that subject appointment shall !>e etteccive Feb. 5, 1973. .,~' Motion '"ade to adjourn d!"j unanimously carried at 2: 10 P.;... ii . :; ii :';,' \;' >!I !,!:. !! A. C. Sinclair, Mgr-SpP. ~.l . ;7: :1JI, Approved: ~~,_~~V' ~~ Raymond F. Doyen Chairman, Board elf Cnrruil1.ssioners Jo"" ~% 1; .': "', \.~ ~~; ri.\ ~ ~~ ,<. it' ,,~ ~j ..::f f. 2; ~ "" ~ :~ , ~;'i'~,:!