HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/31/1973 - .. . .< J .~:' . . KnwrO' OF THE MEErING " " I q.:t, ' 1OAlU> OF O~SSIONERS ~tl ~j'itl~ :: . OF THE . i '~'<': PI8IIIIU Ist.AIID FERRY DISTRICT ' ~~H-c.i; May 31, 1'73 I. , ,A .,.cial ...t1ag .t -the Seard .f C..-1. .ai.ner. "'.. called lJy the Chairaaa t,,!' ';,);'''- beld la the .ffice .f the Ferry District May 31J 1973 at 6:0' P.M. ~ . ,,~t: were c.-t.a1eaer. Deyen, BAldwin, M.rell, E~ad., _d C_. F.yle. 'j ;J.' TLl..al ti.cu..io. e"\led .. either h....ing the MY'"tiC Ide go t. the ship ~ I,., 7U1I ill the la~r part of JWle .r ,..tpene it 't;. the !'all. The Beard I ,._.4 July aCJr884 that due to the heavy traffic that it weuld be te our . ';^ I ' UYut:-.a W ..tull.b a d.te thi. fall f.r re,.wering the ~y.t-1 c: ifle. ;; '4 \ . :, '.. ~ e6 e~.a1oner. directecl the Ma.ager t. .dverti.e f.r 'd. >1<'1//"'- '.' J ".... ~ the center e.gine on the My.tic Ide. Thi. vill be done ,/ : ~~t~ the M~c Islo is in the .hipyarcl f.r the other _rk. ~neral clbcu..i_ \ ~"';'::"VI. .. the a1rpert rati.. The Manager had repertecl that Richarcl Grebe ~:! ."" ~_ eYeD ~h the old aet had been repaired it .till w.an't I t,":'~'_1e to eeatact the Groton A1rpo~. The Manager had received a price 11 ll!j,'" .~ $51'7 fer a .... ... with! chaane!sJ.ud with. delivery date of .ne t. I f ;,__ tMIIIt.. The ll'w,U,.n._l1 ~...lin-v.. intr04uced by the Chairaan and ,.",. .' f, .~. .,--t--uly e,prov" Ity the aoarcl of C.-1..i..era a. f.ll.ws: . C_. Doyen Yes I e_. Bal4win Yes / /1 C.... Morell Yes leut' U<c'! c.... Edmond. ~. C.... Foyle Yes WRI~ tho Pi.hera I.land Ferry District has established a policy of ',...,Un9 au~bile reservation. on Friday and Saturday and Sunli.ys only . fee all aute.obile. leaving Fi.hers Island on Sundays for the peri.d June 1, 1'" threuth aA4 including October 31, 1973 inclu.ive ...."k.~ . i~~. ." ~ - -~' ~,'. ^..IIID VDJtEAS Mra. lUiI:aMth McCl.skey of Fiahera Island, New York 18 eain_tly ~;,""'if1ed for thia politi.n ... ha. a"lie. tor aUle r ."..K_ZPOU BS IT R&50LVED that Mrs. Mc.C19skey ef Fishers Island, N.Y. be '; ........ .. r8MrvatieJliat effective l"ritlay June I, 1973 to vork the followinq ~ ..d .eya .. fell_., Friday ..tvrd.y '\IIld.y 3:" 8:0' 1:30 P." t. 5:00 P.M. A....t. 12:0' Noon P.M. to 5:30 Pla. T.tal 2 hours 4 h.urs 6 hours 10 (;..1- h.urs per week I:::~ /t co;: ,.yable seai ..nthly. ... aball 1M c:eape...ted at the rate .f $3.'0 per h.ur fte fell_a, rea.luU.. ",.a in~d.uced BY the Chairaan an. unani..usly 1&11- J 4" lJy the aoar. of C.-taaienera aa f.llow.:, . C.... Doyen Yea . c:-. Bal.",in Yes e_. Morell Yes e.... 1r4mo..a Ye. e.... reyle Yes ., ~,fJll'-- ~",,~ ;.",-;;..~;:;:k'i;';.i:').. ':'\W:.i'j)'.;;,,,,~;.:.,_~,F'it f . . (2) - Hay 31, 1'73 :; ~ISAS Ie.. D. ..rte. wa. engaged as Clerk Typis~ by r.selu~i.n of ~he ~ ef c-i..ieaer. reltruary 5, 1973 -_.. AlII) WHKREAS h.r ~. were ..~plt.h.. a. a .~ ., tour h.ur. per day, fl.. .ay. a week H I'1' RESOLVED that effecti.e He.day, July 3, 1973 :I..e D. N.rt.n will w.rk cpt (8) heurs ..r .ay ti.e .ay. a week.. as ne.ele. up t. anel inclueling ~ '. 1973 .um 81 I'1' P'UR'rHlR RJ:SOLVto tha~ ~hh re.oluti.n .haU be etfec~iTe July 2, 1"3. ~ tellewiD9 res.lu~i.n was introduced by Commissi.ner Baldwin and adopted "y t:be aajerity v.~e .f the Board .f C.-.1nioners as f.ll_s: C.... 8aldwin Yes C.... H.rell Yes C.... E"'nds Yes C.... F.yle Yes C.... Doyen - Abstained fro. voting. VHlRIAS the Fishers :Islan. Ferry District .perated the theatre during the ... .r _nth. AID WHEREAS the Bear. et c...tssi.ners wish t. ce..ence operations on er &Deu~ JUDe 25, 1'73 and als. wish t. engaged the services of c.m~etent ..r.....1 !'RIRD'ORJ: BE :IT RESOLVED that the f.U.wing pe.ple be enlJa!811 effective this lIate a. t.U_s: Eelwin Horning - Cashier S73 per week J B. Hartsfieell prejectionist. S16 per sh.w Robert Doyen Ticlcet Taker. n per sh.w AIm 81 IT l"URTHER RESOLVED ~hat adul~ ticlcets lite iDcreased fro. Sl.25 to $1.51 ... chilclre. tick.~s ~ increasecl f~ 6Ic ~. 75c each. ~ f.llew1nq r...lutien was in~oducecl lIty the Chai~an and adopted by the qa..i--U. atti~ati.. vote .f the Board .f C~ssioners as foll.ws: C.... Doyen Yes C.... Baldwin Yes C.... E"'nlls Yes C.... H.rell Yes ~emm. Foyle Yes WHEREAS the N.Y. Stat. Retire.ent System has issued the Eaployers Annu.l C..~1IItuti.. te the N.Y. state Retire.ent System for the fiscal period ended IIUCh 31, 1972 AID WHKREAS the rA.h.r. I.lancl Ferry District share is S~258.00 AID WHEREAS enly S2548 hael be..~udgeted in 1972 f.r this IHKRIPORE BE IT RESOLVED there are unused fund. in the'1'72 budget under ea.ua11ti.s 1n the .-.uat ef $3000 and that $1710.01 ~ transferred frea this acceunt te Taxe. and A.se..lllents:' , categ.ry EIIpl.~ers Annu.l C_~1IItut1.n. t. the Ret1r...nt Systea. This ~ansfer et Sl 10.00 t f ,lu. the budgeted tigure Gf $2548.00 will total the required amoun 0 -~ - - , ...",.;..!.-~, ,"11.$0,-;..... - -.' 1:-~{li~',1;!):~1i"" _".:~~,;..nr:_.,~.._" '--~~" -~ .,' ~ ~,'I. ,~i' . t' . . '~ (3) Kay 31, 1973 ',' ~~, 14258.... ~-"-~:l.>. <, ~ .... te a.joun ... \Ul.,,1~dy carried at 'I'S P.M. .,.~~'.~ ',~, :,"J 1 , ,1, ..~ Acting Secretary ": .~..: ~-J~ ",__ Ra,.... P. Deyen, Chai~~7 '. ' ..~ ef CIF-i..lener. " " ';, / ,i I ,r tl i~