HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973 /, ,/ "- " . . '. CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTORS OF ELECTION OF THE FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT WE -ADDiE' ,TLJ/IIJ,.E~'tJ~ ,,'I'_nd L1L~T JJ. J)Aw.so,J < Fishers Ia and Ferry Dis~ric~, /(ose.uIM,1/ F 'Ri PAAfT" I . aa Inspectors of the Election of the DO HEMBY CER'1'J:FY as follows: J, . _ _ 14th day of August 1973, the Annual Meeting for the Election of COMBisaioner of the Fiahers Island Ferry District ~as held at the Fishers Island Fire House, Fishers Island, New York at 2:00 P.M.. Said Meeting was duly called by Notice, a copy of which is hereto annexed, stating the time, place and purpose of the Meeting. Copies of said Notice were posted conspicuously in at leas~ five public places in said District, at least ten days prior to the date of the Meeting, to wit on August 3, 1973 as follows: One on the Bulletin Board, Fishers Island Civic Association, Fishers Island, N_ York One in Doyen'S Store, Pishers Island, New York One in the window of the Fishers Island Fruit and Vegetable Store, Fishers . Island, N.Y. One on the door of the Fishers Island Ferry District's Theatre, Fishers ., . Island, N.Y. One on the Hangar Door, Elizabe~h Airport, Fishers Island, N.Y. ~.~ 't." , '. , AT ':DO P.M. after the polls had remained open for four hours, said Inspectors of Election canvassed the vote and WE, the aforesaid Inspectors of Election, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the results were as follows: 1ft, Votes were cast fOlf l'tJut EJJ/H(),il/ot:.. f I . I for Commissioner for a term of five years. P- I ~ ii , Votes were cast: for for Commissioner for a term of five years. Votes were cast for for Commissioner for a term of five years. Ii 10 !'" Votes were cast for for Commissioner for a term of Five years. I<j >>- ~ 5 ii Votes were east for for Commissioner for a term of five years. for Commissioner for a term of five years ~ t: Votes were cast for , .;.j. Votes were east for for Commissioner for a term of five years. i ,', Votes were cast for for Commissioner for a term of five years. Votes were ca.t for for Commissioner. for a term of five years. . -,"",","~~-,-~-~,,,, ~"'~_C"'~_.=' _~"-'-; . . _ _~ . '1"'"'",. "'_~:~'::~':'::"":::"'_._.__ ~..i___:!'-'-_"-_' II J . for eo- issioner for a term of five years. for C~issioner for . term of five ye.rs for Co.-1ssioner for a term of five yurs. for c~ssioner for a term of five years. .-!'~ ~, VOID VOTES BLANK VOTES I Dated: AUgust pl-. 1973 Fishers -TsYand Suffolk County New York INSPECTORS OF ELECTION t1Ad1L~' t/AII~-;;j ~.~ ) Ch. rman ., , (;~'~1 I CP~,~ Telle ~ Teller / STATE OF' NEW YORK ) COUNT'l OF SUFFOLK) SS: On this d~Of. AU~.t I'I~am 1973 ~ore me the subscr~ber, personally a~~~~ J....:. iL~JOAJ." , ~ ~ ~<, b:.. ..ad l1...L{).u;l . aMI ~ ' . to Ile ;.rsonallY l:rl~_ andknown to me to be the .... person. de.cribed in and who executed the above instrument and they .everally duly .cknowledged to lie that they executed the salle as INSPECTORS or ELECTION of the Fishers Isl.n~ Ferry District. Sub&ribed and sworn to before lie this . Ii 'th d.y of August 1973. ~ ,6 ~ ku.v.lu' J.. . . Mirt t. I'ANKIEWICZ ...> 1lM~ PlJIlIC, STATE IF NEW YORK "" 52-1211t51 - SUFFIlK COUN ~ Y d COMMISSION EX"IRfS MARCH )I. 1 -+, -.... -~:"'...",>.