HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/07/1974 .~, ~ . . llINUTES OF THE '.lEE.TING 01-' THE BOARD OF COHHISSIONERS ,'" .'fHE FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT February 7, 1'7~ I. ,. , A special Meetin<} of the Boar. of Cor-missioners ofcne Fish..,rs Islaml Ferry District was callellby the Chair~.n ano h..,ls in .the office of th~ Fishers Islana Ferry District Februllry 7, 1~74 ..t 4: 3. P.M.. Present ',!ere COMmis- sioners Doyen, Ellmon.s, .n. Foyle. Absent were COMmissioner Morell an. W. C. Sinclair, Mgr. Ilotion ~..~e by Com~issioner Foyle ..n~ seconae. ~y Co~mission- er Ea.ones tlu,tVouch"!u! #117 through ionll inclulling #4:36, bl;t,exclullin']. #422 payable to Marsh ~ni McLenn..n, Inc. in the ..aunt of S6,116.~$, tbus l'l.~ing total aisburseMents to be p.il1 of S44,'7'.58 .nll not S51,t86.5l. ~lotion un- anil'lously c.rriell. Tn. bill of Marsh .WI NcLenn;m, Inc., in the :amount of Sa,lla.", WllS withf/rilwn Ilue to the f..ct th.t H.rsh .n:l 1.1cLennin h.-s not }Daill insur.nce crellits ,ue this District. .' , Minutes of thellleetings of the Bou'd of COlll;~issioner5 hi'll': Nov. 14, 1973, NOT. 28', 1'73, Dec. 11t, 1973, Dec. 21, 1~73, Dec. 28, 1'73, Jan.4, 1'74, Jan. 17, 1'74 were reall. -.Iiotion by CO~r.\issioner ~IlMom15 a:1<3 seconde. by COM.issioner Foyle tlllat the lIlinute~ :<s reiul be ilccepteli _s re...~. flotion un- aniMously c.rriell. " TAe following resolution w.s introlluced oy .the Cha~.n ..nc ...opte" by the unaniMOUS affir..tive Tote of the Boar~ of Commissioners present as follows: Co..issioner Ellmones Commissioner Foyle Co..issioner Doyen COllll'lissioner Horell - yes -. yes - yes - absent WHEREAS: Ernest J. Bowles, Purser, ~.s retired un~er the New York St;te ,~ Retirement Syste~ effectiTe January 1, 1974 AND WHEREAS: Ernest J. Bowles ha~ unu5ed v.cation ti~e lIIue him .5 follows: 1;72 10 clays 1'73 - 2' ..ys ~ .be.ttresolveli t.at Ernest J. Bowles be pitie for the U~'~~i7i)f' ~l~ty;i.ys an. th.~ th~ .'lim.ger be authorizeti to .q.roUtothe Supervisor for Piyment.. :. unuse,J ""ca- sUbmit: subj ect ~neral tiiscusdon.then ensuell on: the v:orlc on the ~ly.stic Isle-Ie: \'ystLc Islelltlll in 5hipyaroi, Pilp:t~ !\Ou'~e s,till. tol.le completeQ, Annual. ins:>ectiO!l still in proqress, ie: rafts 'to be inspected-, life preservers to be c..,.r:tii ~r'o', an. water pumps to be repaired.. Tile SOar. of Co_issi'oner.s tlten requesteu th.t the Minut'es of n,.., ~ee!:.'.':. be rea.' in lo~ghanlll before being typelll at the next followiny meetin]. M.'.r.- 'I' IItea w11;1 be tllen type. .n4 signee by the Chairaan at tRe e.rlie~t pos~~)le UIie. ,.,; ~' -,', , . -I " .' ' , ,_" ,1 --~:. ,r,:' ~;;j~.M1-#t. .. - I'!'~' '-" :.:tt'-"" " ' ".-, , , ,',"',' '. f" 1,'"'' ,'. ._' ....'._. :" :\":;- "i,_ ," :,,, "~~"I,-,- ' ',.,:,: '" ,~~,~'~It\>-'~'i "., " ,," ". ~L1./ w'- " ' ".li," ", Q:JiMi",~ i!~Jli~.-,:';';;; ,f_L: ,j.i"""~-',- >,JLi~~:~~~~,';iiK>i;.:it\i~,4it .,1I.";;:;d~i~:?~~..;;~..;~b,,,,,..1.;~fj~~_W~~; '~~k,",__:-J...t . . . FebruOlry 7, 1'l74 Motion ....e to ....j<)urn ~n. un~ni;!lou..ly c..rrie. ;it .;: in P.M. J~ Secretory ~""' -", -.'. ''''",,:1 Approve...: y~~/~~~ / Doyen R"Yl'"lOn. r'. Ch.irrll;ln