HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/28/1973 . "-.-.-..,..-..._._....",.,-~-~.~.__.~_~_.n_____ '. . . -"'-'~'-"""-~~''''''''''''''''~._~o ", t t r';INUTES OF 'fHE NEETING Or' THE BOARD OF COI-iIlISSIONERS OF THE FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT December 29, 1973 " A speci.l meeting of ,the Bo~rd of Commissioners w.s calle'" by the Chilir- ra.n .ntl helol in the office of the ::'en-y District December 28, 1973 .t 1:~1! P..I:. Present were COl1\ll\issioners Doyen, Edmon<l,s, ~nd !lore11 .n; vi. C. Sil'lcL<ir, ;<,r- Sec. The N;moger ;:ll:-I"Sente~ bib .!,plicd:ions for eraltloyment vii L;,'th~ i:'erry . District from P.trick DeNoi', 'r". Joseph C"ppozc. Chiolirnum Doyen In;OuJh': the BOard up to elate by st~tinJ ':h,,'c our current Pllrst'!r, r';r. Ern""t J. !3n\'ll-:-s, h;s .pp1ied for Nt'!w York St~te Retirement "~ of Junuiir~ 1, 197A. 'rhf!follo~:in';J r~Eolutio~ h';;)S int1:'o"1UC~d by Corn:-.,:tssion~r l:,::,'-'~ll ",:n 1 u.,P!opte~! by t'1e uniinimous ffirmative vot~ o~ the Bo,u',j of Commi.ssiont'!I:'s is follo,'s: Com~issioner ~)y~n Commissi')ner EC';',lon"s CO:l\l1\ls~:an"r Doyen Commissioner ."oy1-: - yes - yes - yes - .c.1n;~nt ,lHEREAS Ernest J. BO'd1es, Purser, :, 1S notified the BOilre' af Comrniss':'oners th.t effective J.lnuary 1, 1974 h,~ '4i11 retil:e -oS ;mrser oJ' the r'ishers IsLmcl Ferry District AND W:-{EREAS Patrick.. De:i::>;' c' ',,1<; St ':L Hill RO'>",;roton, Connecticut, hilS <lpplielli for this position AND WHEREAS Mr. P. A. D~Noi.~ is emin'-'ntly (iu21ifie,1 for this position THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED th~t p..trlck " DeNoi. be en(Jage.. by this District iiS it Purser .mti shill1 be cOnlpens;;;te-, "t the r..t~ of $928,~ per Y'" ,'r AND BE IT r'URrHER RESOLVED that subject ",>!"ointMent be effective J;mu,ry 1, 1,)7J,. The Man.ger stcted, that the Town BOilr!'! h.(; accepte"! the bi"" of th<"! ?il..mes Slli/ly.rc .nti Rep.ir Comp.ny of New Lan<!on, Connecticut, for the ;,iOlulin'J of the M/V Mystic Isle ilnd ~oing the work thereon. The M~n.ger re.<<i letter frol'l Attorney Robert T.sker in Vlhich Nr. Tilsker requested th.t his retiliner fee be raised from $4~~.18 to $6".O~. This will be the first incre..se for Mr. T"sker in ~ 'Jreat number of ye:.rs. ~.<:,tion by Coraraissioner Etiraonds .ntl seconded by Commissioner Morell that Mr. T~sker's retiliner be r.ise.. to $..,.... /ler ye.r. Motion un.;onimously c.rrietl. Gel'leral tiiscussion ensued on rep~irs to the Dolphin Lights. Motion by , Coramissioner Morell .ntisecontietl by Commissioner Eumontis thilt il r~di0 be order<"!d for the ilirport. flotion un.nimous1y c.rried. Motion by Commissioner E~mon's aa4 secontie. by Col'lm1ssioner Morell th.t the olti r..io be <<ecl.Led surplus .n. be put out to bi.. Motion un.nimously cilrried. , 1- ", ,,~ rf- .~ f I . ~ '"" ili: 4'~ t ;-".--.~........_-,.~" . . ,,'-'~ . . Decembe= 28, 1~73 continuell - , , . '. ! ~~'\ ........ With reference to the Air,ort Parking Lot, Ch.irm.n Doyen suqgestee getting two truclc loa.s of .irt an. gr.vel or stone to fill the sunken .reas in the autoaobile ,arking lot. The 'Boar. of Commissioners present unaniMously agree. with this. OtairM.n Doyen brought the Boar. of COlallliss.ioners up to ..te on the iallll\1e to Hr. Henry WalsR' struck .ue to the f.ilure of, the c.ble on the Jeystic Isle raM,. ChairMan Doyen .lso state. that the wini tee at the airport nee.s repairs ie. be.rings etc. Generlll iiscussion then ensue~ on possible extra trips of the ferry over the holi4~y weekenli. The Board of ComMissioners agree. that .irectly after the New Year weekene that the services of Mrs. Bulloclc .s autoMobile reserv.tionist be termin.te~. Motion made to a~journ lln. unaniMously c.rrie. ..t 2:09 P.I;. ~~~_J W. C. Sinclair, Mgr~sec. A"rovec: Ra on. F. Doyen, Ch~k Boar. of COMMissioners WCS/ilin , ;,~.~);;,;~~,..-...M;t~;1i..~,t.i~',';i\s'<,'::. ...d..l""" ~__ ____J... _ c,~*~l_:.:..ws.:.:.i:.c...>{kS!..,,,..,-,,..i. _,^",".~,.",;:,,,-,,":;'''~i_,~~,i...i<Ji'&L~:.c:;~; ':j;;':.~.. """"I:"';:L">~J',,*,,'!W,_;',-,~,,"ri;_:~->-::~_,;