HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/21/1973 ~ . . ~ .. ,c ~ '~. HINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT December 21, 1973 A special meeting of the Bo.ri of Commissioners w.s callei by the Chair- man an4 heli in the office of the Ferry District DeceMber 21, 1'73 at 1':", A.Y>. Present were Commissioners Doyen, E4monis, Foyle, Morell an<< W. C. Sincl.ir, Mgr-Sec. The following resolution w.s introiuce<< by the Ch.irm.n .ni .<<opte<< by the un.nimous affirmative vote of the .Boari of COlUaissioners as follows:' Commissioner E<<mon<<s - yes Commissioner Foyle - yes COlUaissioner Doyen - yes Commissioner ~lorell - yes BE IT RESOLVED that the Boare of Commiss~oners of the Fishers IsI.n<< Ferry District retain .s encuMbered fun<<s for <<eferre<< 1'73 expenses not yet recor<<ei the sum of $21,'18." representing p.yments due in 1'73 for Insur.nce $12,...... an<< repairs to vessels in the amount of $','~O.". The following resolution w.s introducen by the Ch.irm.n .ni adopte<< by the un.nimous affirmative vote of the Boar" of Commissioners .s follows: Commissioner E.mon~s - yes Commissioner poyle - yes Commissioner Doyen - yes Commissioner Horell - yes BE IT RESOLVED th~t the Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Islan<< Ferry District transfer Line Items as note9 in the attache~ working ~apers in the amount of $2.,.'.... against surplus &vailable. The following resolution was introduce" by the Chairman ~n. ado~te.by the un.nimous affirm.tive vote of th~ Boa~c of Commissioners as follows: Commissioner Edmon~s - yes Commissioner Foyle - yes Commissioner Doyen - yes COlUaissioner Morell - yes BE IT RESOLVED that the Boari of Commissioners of the Fishers Isl~ni Ferry District hereby encumber and .rrly ag~inst the surplus available DeceMber 31, 1'73 the .mountof $29,.,~.e~ the following line items: Operation of Ferry...........$23,57~.a~ Office Expense............... 721." Commissioners................ 711.ea Accounting................... 2,2"." Social Security.............. G..... Miscell.neous................ 1,2'8." $29,'U.et r' ... .___,..,...:-,,:l~~ . .. . . DeceMber 21, 1973 continue. . COllU1\issioner Doyen informed the Bo.r" of Commissioners that bilis were to be opene. toli..y .t 2:'1 P.~~. for th" regul.r h.ul out of the 11ystic Ir;le. The Boar. must meet to approve bi~s anj to send those received to the Town Board for ..pproval. Commissioner Foyle state. that he is not the owner of the L. C. Foyle .n. Son, Inc. business, not ~ stock holder, nor ..n officer of sai. comFany, an. th.t he merely works for s.me. He w..ntei to know if un.er the circumstances can this corpor..tion p..rticip.te in bi.aing for various work jobs for the Fishers Isl~nd Perry District. The Board .gree. that ii. legal ruling woul. h.ve to be obt.ined on this request. Discussion then ensue<< on redecking the wooden rrmps of the Mystic Isle .t Fishers Isl.nd an. at New Lon.on. Commissioner Doyen then brought the Commissioners up to .ate on the biriding for the insur.nce bi.s. ' Hotion Illil.e to ii.journ ..n. un..nimo;lsly c.rrie. at 11:" A.H. w. C. inclair, Mgr-Sec. Approve.: ~~~~~ Raymon" p. Doyen, Ch'lirm,m Board of Commissioners WCS/ilin I ;~, ,[", ." 1, "Iii", ~~~ ,< , :t",f, ~',< - - " _____................;.~~ .... _>...._........ '_L... , ,-,,'" "...;.;i~Iiol~_\~.~-k:' d-~~.:,.Ji;l.'-~I!..l1R.~_~_ . . "I" , IHIIUTES OJ,' THE NEETING OF THE BOARD Or' CONMISSIONERS OF THE FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT December 21, 1'73 A speci.l meeting of the Bo.rd of Commissioners WKS c.lled by the Ch.ir- m.n .nti helti in the office of the Ferry District, December 21, 1973 ~t 1:~5P.M. Present were Commissioners Doyen, Edmontis, Foyle, .nti Morell und W. C. Sincl.ir, Mgr-Sec. Chairraan Doyen c.lled the meeting to ortier .md st.,tel'l the meeting w.s calleti to open the bitis receiveq for tioing the necess.ry work on the ~1ystic Isle. At the direction of the Bo.rti of Commissioners the Man.ger at 2:" P.11. openeti the only biti receiveti for rep.irs to the M/V Mystic Isle as follows: Thames Shipy.rti .nd Rep.ir Comp.ny Item # 1 - # 7 $48.8..0 Item # 8 4o....(if founti necess.ry strut-be.rings) Pilot House wintiows 185'." Relocate Engine Room Controls 985." The following resolution was introduceti by the Ch.irra.n ane .tiopteti by the unanimous .ffirraatiTe vote of the Board of Commissioners as follows: Commissioner Etimontis - yes Commissioner Morell - yes Commissioner Foyle - yes Commissioner Doyen - yes WHEREAS the BOGrti of Connissioners .dvertised for quot,tions for the hauling anti launching of the Mystic' Isle .nti doing the necessary work thereon AND WHEREAS the Th.mes Shipy.rd .nti Rep.ir Comp.ny submitterl the only quot.tion which \1.5 opened Olt 2:lIr. P.ri. ;me which WOlS as follows: Items #1 through and inclutiing # 7 $ 48~~.~~ Item #8 . ~6'.~& Tot.l Extras 2835.'~ , I Total $81195." BS IT RESOLVED that subject to the approv.l of the Town Bo.rti 'of Town of Southolti th.t the quotation of the Th.mes Shipy.rti ~n-' Repair be aecepteti for the total amount of $Be95.... Motion matie to adjourn .nll unanimously carrieti .t 2:2& P.M. the Comp.my ", w. C. Sinclair, Ngr-Sec. ~ I ! ,WCS/ilin J:ti_, , , "'< ::~'~-;~': _~,i:.':?',P!;r -'111'"",*, -..,o;.,~""..i"'J '._._ --':\'