HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/14/1973 I'. ~ ~-~..... . . EINUTES Oi:' THE MEETINJ OF THE BOA~D Or-' cOm:rSSIONERS OF -:'HE .'':SHEi<S ISLAND ,'E.tRY DISTRICT November 1.~, 1973 A speci~1 meeting of the Bo~rd of Co~~issioners w~sc~lle~ by the Chir- mim .In-' hel" in the office of the Fish~rs IsIiilnd Ferry District November 1~, 1'73 ilt 1:1)(') P.H. Present wen" Co:nm:!..ssioners Doyen, B~lt!win, Ei~onl!!s, tiorell, and W. C. Sinclair, ;;<l.nag~r-Secret..ry. Commissioner Foyle was ..bs""nt. Chilirm..:1 Doy"'n opene'" the fficctin'] ~ni d.iscussed the reservation positi0n. He s.d," he discusse,' this with hr. l.ilrtocchia. r:r. L~rtoecrLL. thought it WilS only " summer position. Ch..irm in Doy"''\ expl..iner. th" situ.. tion.' 'Als0 <lis- cusset! ',Ias the ""~inistr~tive cll,'r;;"! for _utomobiles. The ll;u\<lser.st;;.t.." h"" h..d, by eO:'1.t,octing the Guthrie T..~'iff Bure..u, found th"t such '. eh",:: 'Je CO' :1" not be madp ~nln3S it d~S provi~o' ~or in the .ppropriilte tdri'f. Generill ~iseuss~on ens~c~ on the det~ils ..s follows: .\. Reserv...tions "!.very Sun~>y .cor .,,,tomobiles le..vin~ l"is'1ers IsVmcl on Sune.ys for the summer. !3. ;t<"!servations for c..rs leiiving Fishers Islimd o1t '_he end of Jul:.' '.,hen rent.ls ch..n'Je. C. Reserv.tions for .11 Holiday~ for c..rs leaving Fishers Island. D'. Reservations for clll',utomobiles le.vin9 Fis;'1ers Isl"n,l during the Lilbor D....y perioo/. Commissioner Billdl'Jin sw]']ested reserv.tions for ,,11 Ci,rs l~"vi ng Fishers Isl..n~ durin:; the i)eriooil October 16 - April 3/3, <nol for .11 Sun,l~ys .m" Holi~~..y weekenes for the periool !'l.y 1 -'October 15. Generiil discussion then ensued (\; ch.nging the t...riff to permit the i>istc-ict to c'hrg" resery,,+cior, iees for we".... e.ys, excludin'-] Frio' cys, of 5'<J; .lurin'J tht!' win:':er se.son .mlll $1.'" :!uring t::~ summer periods. All trips to origir."tc from FiShers Isl.ne only. It 'NilS i':: ~'C sug'Jesteci th.t round trip reservations for i<lutomobill"s in the \'iinter should ~," only for Hondil.Ys, TueseilYs, 'dealnesd.ys, Thurslli~ys, .ne S.turd_ys ..n..; Suncl,.:r': . Commissioner a.lewin sb.te.,j th.t he h..'" he.rd I:h.t the l';ystie Isle caul be converted. to less th.n ... 1'1') ton rating. The Hanlger "I':"'s ,;irccted to ge' . quot.tion for. ne'd r.dio for the .irport. The Hinutes of the Ileeting of the Bo.roil of Commissioners hel~ September 1'. 18, 25, October 5, 16, 23, 2S aat! November 7, 12, 1373 were rend ....nd "P?rovee iiiS re....~. I'lotion m..de to .djourn ;!n"'l un.mimously c..rri~" .t 3:1( p.n. Af~ Approved: :~~LV~~ ~~~.F. Doyen, Ch.irman Boar. of Cpmmissioners ./ ;i\ !~; ;[,,1,:.. "~ ,. !;WCS/iiln ~I.I:, " ,~\;;WJi,;;~i .,;,. ',,; t". ;.~' ; Iii< '&~Q~ll~' ,dtA;: .'~,