HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-59.-3-30 GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM, JR. BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. WILLIAI\1 J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS ;;%~<=>- v:i~~IlHOl.t~ ij $:)\.; t'a cc i~'~ ~c ~:::, ~~ ~ 0 - ~(I:) ~ "l.. ~ ;;;: ..... '" V'. '" ~ '\~lJi . ~~} '~cc~~-' . . PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS RICHARD G. WARD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765.3136 Telephone (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FROM: Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman, Zoning Board of Appeals Bennett Orlowski, Chairmar(jt)9- Request for opinion Johnny's Car-Hop Route 48 & Horton Lane SCTM# 1000-59-3-30 Zone: General Business (B) TO: RE: DATE: June 25, 1997 The Planning Board has received the attached letter from Mr. John Milz, Px:;;sident of Johnny's Car-Hop requesting guidance in placing a hot dog trailer on his property. Mr Milz in his letter says that 50% of sales are done through "Take Out". If it is determined that this is a take out restaurant, Town Code 100-101 (9) Permits take-out Restaurants by Special Exception, and provides for eating in properly maintained structures outside the restaurant where the minimum lot size for a freestanding structure is forty thousand (40'000) square feet. This property is 21,780 square feet. The Board would like to know if the trailer is classified as a structure and if the proposed use of the trailer as a take-out hot dog facility requires a SE from the ZBA. The Building Department has provided the attached CO's. If it is determined that the trailer is an allowed use, either with or without a SE, this Board will require a site plan due to the possible change in parking requirements from the proposed increase in take-out use generated by the trailer and concerns regarding traffic flow. . . If this Board can be of any assistance in this review please contact Bob Kassner, Site Plan Reviewer. Encls. ce: Laury Dowd, Town Attorney Edward Forrester, Head, Building Department '" . A 50'5 STYlE ORJVE-iN dJ71 5 ;~aure i8. ;:t'lorth x.cad .:,. ~ortcns Len Soufhcici, :'--iew '(ark 1 is;: 516.765.J]J6 june ,2. : 997 Att: ",Ir. Bob Kassner Town of Sou [hold Main Rd. Sou[hold. NY I [97 [ De:JI Mr. Kassner. The lntenc of this request is to secure J. pos1cion on my proge~"Cy for 1 Hoc Dog Trailer. ~he purpose o( [his cr:J.iler lS co orovide CUSLOlners ~Nl(h an add::J.ono.i source of t:Jke-'Juc trom my "e03caurane and to allevia[e cake-,Ju[ '~:)ngesllon trom my :<:(chen. Co cO srj% c[ my sales 1I'e eione chrougl1 "take4ou(". pr)sitlOfl ()f ChIS c[ailer LS drawn :n on the e:1c:osed site plan. lnC Nill be 1cces;stble trom iTIY parK~ng loc wlCh seJ.tlng ;1vailabie on che de-:k. C:..rstomers ".viH '-::;e J.bk to 'Jse :xlthrcom :-acliicies :[1 [he reSltlUram as per The Suffolk [c)UnlY De::mrtmenc ,)[ He::!th. Tl1e CfJ.ller 'Nil1 orimani'.! ser'le ["wO ttems ore'/1ousiv ~ound on l1V menu. Johnn~(s jOg lnd c:-:ili do!;!, 'Nirt."Ob22:~d C:,iD:) 'reolacin~ french t;:es & cl~ned seda JYJ.-ilo.bte '-- - ~'- .., ~ lnSle:J.d or fountain. fn conc!u03lon. [ hope ch::ll [he informacion provided is su[Ticienc_ JnG ehJ[ we c:ln come co a fJ vorable [1jling on this TIaUer. F,,)[ any Jddi[ionaJ informacion. ple:Jse con[:JC[ TIe a( the .eS[:Ju,:Jnl. Th:.J.nk you ['or your trIne Jnd conSluerauon. / //i / / /Jr) / /~-;~/ /' \. ~. / /1 / /1 .--~"- / ~'t i~Il .\ti1z. ?~eSi<je:H ?,,:,\:(j :-\:';'..::cn~lLil; !!lc. Gi'\ .}cnnnv'" :'':..lr-GI)[; :( ) , :c) , () , , :( ) , ~- :( ) '" , '/ , " -, , '" ,C (- , ~( G.':: , ", III , ", IL ~ ,. 0 , ,..::; ,C , (~ n~ , , PROPOSED SITE PLAN FOR JOHNNY'S HOT DOG TRAILER .',- ,) () () ()-()-O-(){): , 0: (-): ~-- I C) 1'1(( )1'I:I<lY 11111: (;I,ASS AI<EA ---___.~___._____.._____._.._.__ t I-'-~-'~-- ~~~ ,Qn f;1g a.,,_ n '" l.=.::.c~ 1-- o ~ l) Z '" 22 if:. _...___1______________ ~~ Pl~C?I~E~ IYIII'IS ~. _ _ _~ _ _ _ _~ , :01:AIIlIt> AREA ;;: n () '" I ,- -! .Q KITeIIEI'1 ;;: n o '" I ,- ~.( ,Q OIJISIDE DECK IIAII L...--____._._____l_____ -----1-- ._-~----_.._--_.~--_._~_._---,-_. C) COUI'IIU< ~ l_________________ 00000000000 I<AM!' ENfliANCE 1---- ~----- ---~--I--- -~~~---- -- flAlllll'Al' - "' PAI<I(II'I'; I'CUIlII' ~,'3 U I AI<l:A TVi n ~ ~ ) ROUTE 48 (NORTH ROAD) 11<[[ C) C) . . LU Z 3 l/) z o f- n:::: o I . FORM NO.4 . TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Office of the Building Inspector Town Hall Southold, N.Y. Certificate Of Occupancy No. Z10505 Date May 28 ..... 1~1 THIS CERTIFIES that the building.. .. 4J715 C.R. 27 Middle Location of Property.... .2185. .Horto.ns. Ln... House No. County Tax Map No. 1000 Section .059....... .Block Road, (C.R. 48) .. .Soutl101d.,. Ne.w .York..... Street 03 Hamlet .Lot 0,30..... . Subdivision. . . . . . . . . .Filed Map No. .. .Lot No. conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated .J anu/lry:;q . . . . . . 19 .Il 1 pursllant to which Building Permit No. .....1.192.5.. ~. . . . . . . . dated ... F.ebruar.y. 3. 1<13.1. . . was issued, and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law. The uccupancy for which this certificate is issued is . . . . . . Sandwich . Shop The certificate is issued to Sandra P. Rave , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (owner,-I~~f'!'m'-tt!'1MI't1'f of the'aforesaid building. Suffolk County Department of Health Approval ..... Pending UNDERWRITERS CERTIFICATE NO. . . . .:t'.~'n.~u.'l)"c:. . .: ~ :':,~"..~'~. 7 ,/ / , , , ,/ / )~ L/ {2 Ji//.J.U/'!.-!/..<f/./.,(jj-4uf:.-. . . . . . . Building Inspector Rev. 1/81 . FORM NO. i . TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Clerk's Office South old, N. Y. ~/ ,,<:l ~ -/ I -, , ) C' Certificate Of Occupancy Z&D3cJ LlzL.-- / 77 No. ........... Date,h&&L[\c(ij,7'19.... THIS CERTIFIES that the building located at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Street '^- "><---- .so u T it u cD /J /. Map No. .. BlOC~~~L~.c5-V--L~' ..j1,',"Q';~'1 Cv'~_ ~rfuubstan~l~ to ;;: APPII~a7on for lJmlding Perm~e c ?~i ~~u ~ dated ..r. t:fl '- .. ..., 19..7? pursuant to WhICh Bm mg er t No. . .0. ~. . . dated l., 19...., was issued, and conforms to all of the require- ments of t~a.~proVisi~~.the 1~~c~uPvfio~~~:;;~~P~~f<"J) Issued IS ". . . . . . .o--.L~, 7 .O:.~~ .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . The certificate is issued to . ~. ~. . . :.J.--;:-f1.JL.~~. . . . . . . ()-~~~~-~ , (owner, lessee or tenant) of the aforesaid building. ~ ~ Suffolk Co':,.nty Department of Health AP~I ~1.....1.......... l)' . . . UNDERWRITERS C~~~;~~A TE No. .... c . i2)' 7' . . . . I ~ut:L1L' . . . . . . HOUSE NUMBER Street. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4',,' (C~/7"'" Building Inspector !' . . HOUSING CODE INSPECTION November 30, 1977 43715 County Road 27 B-1 Southold, N.Y. Tax Roll: Florence LaFreniere Occupied: Retail Store Upon receipt of an application for a Pre-Existing Certificate of Occupancy I made an inspection of the buildings on this premises. I picked up keys from Lewis Edson, First Town Realty, Main Road, Southold, N.Y. and began this inspection at approximately 1:30 P.M. The dwelling which is presently being used as a retail store contains two bedrooms, a living room, dining room, full bathroom and kitchen. Heat is furnished to all rooms from an oil fired hot- water furnace located in full cellar of buildings cement block foundation. Accessory building is a one story, wood framed, one car garage located in rear yard area. The following violations of the Housing Code, Chapter 52, Code of the Town of Southold, N.Y. were found: Accesory structure -siding on west and north wall deteriorating, joints have opened leaving excessive openings-Article III, Section 52-31 B. Fuel oil tank is located within garage, fill and vent pipes terminate within building. Article V, Section 52-59 C 2. Fuel line from tank in garage runs thru side of building -.cross lawn and walk-way and enters cellar of dwelling thru window-this line furnishes fuel oil to hotwater furnace of dwelling-line is unprotected. Article V, Section 52-59 B 2. '.,. Entry- front of dwelling-no means of controlling light in room at point of entry. Article V, Section 52-56 B 2. Gas Range - no shut off valve at unit. Article V, Section 52-52 B 2. Cellar -window on west wall, broken pane of glass. Article III, Section 52-31 A. Furnace - relay switch requires cover. Article V, Section 52-56 A 1. Inspection completed at approximately 1:50 P.M. Keys were return- ed to Lewis Edson. ,.. R,espestfully submi,t ted, /)/, , , ,'/ .//, ,,' I . I,~ J' /. (I i;:t//,i":.:- / {-l.L (>L~/ U{/l. L l/!{~----" , Edward Hindermann Building Inspector y".,- ,. - , " ,> / --nt', -~ --;.. "'olQe~c::..oJ b:~,]~-..:l /) OWNER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PROPERTY RECORD CARD ~ M - S~- / STREET "1,-1' 7/' ; VILLAGE -~DISJ '--SUB~'----LC)T' J)eb(}f(/~/;-E,[~d:SQq _c'2,:(-6' --,- ~J:~ T/'~;--fj ~ fj-~~" eJ:~~_m - I FORMER OWNER W J' ' E, .J Ii ,1'0 ACR : t'vvl'~ ( ,/~A"I V\AKdUJI~'Z.-'I-,II'"\5j'e /"" 7,'0, '/~J',' <L- '':''-00 m, ( (" u"" .-{,. -J/hd/2";;=' S 'w TYPE OF BUILDING 5/; ,,'1'/' 2, C;; v cs" err (" I ....{ f'M! '" () I Y /'<:, .. ',2/" , "1. OJ I-Ke 'r' t-J; ,_.=c=.-=,-,-_..,__==-=,-..;..:==",=~==:;'=~''''':;'_..~'-,--,~b.=,-,-,-,.:....;.,-o- c.='--'----=c.-. '.,.::;~ .=C=-=-'.'==. .-==."'-'--'-"-==-"'._ ,;;.-'. C=";"',,--,--,-,-_,-,,".._'.o-'-'-'--'.~-_"~'_.';"-_'--''-~_=-'-'_'~ VL FARM COMM. CB, MICS. Mkt: Value 1, .------ RES, t/lN, SEAS. LAND IMP. TOTAL DATE REMARKS .-.-------- ) () (', ,> 2_ !-,',:'u __,-', me:) .~)'':r--'--. ---, n .::Jd)',.f',- ::2-/::J Llz~~,,"::0::>-,J9.~~C:g'{Z-',W.. ~~ ll'!:,5 {}fl~" .' I;' E. ! ,,-I! 'J, / to '.'" . :; :' .',__(..~_,~/ ~ "'_ 0._. / f)l~ II L--%A.';L~dJdr:. i7.J~:f'-l-.J. d' ~::.l(.e1rLk'.!t!'LLdTo. ~~,.::: :j '1~'!' 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I louse ~ ____ I I I , I I ----- .-.-,,------.--"" - -_.._---~--~-~-"_..._---_._.- Tillable FRONTAGE ON WATER FRONTAGE ON ROAD ;:.. 0 Cl Woodland Meadowland DEPTH (:.0 "_'__tl..I:!L-_.__._____________ BULKHEAD ..---.---------.- ----. ..; ......... ..-.-..--...- ----.- ----_.--~--'_._- -~-~-~---------_._---------- -j Total \ ___.____n' I.. DOCK .___.__~_,_____~.l...._____._._____._._.,.!._...._._ _~.,_~____.____.___.___L____________._._~______._ ""- . , ' i~ , .. M. lJldg. j - , ~, -- 1') '/ :J: ,~'- .J) C. . ' ) (- " X. :~,.~ -.: r:.... -=- 2-- -.) v. ,1 -:/ ( --..----------------~----- --j-- ----------- Ex.tensil1n Extension I 1 I Extension I'orch/O -<? . Porch C"' I. ,,/ (1// I .L~ ;.' ! --Ic'fr.j~" ... ----- . /;"' J.( S- _ _____ _L ___~ ______ ______________,___. .. J. {i y ,l.- <) _;L_~] 6;; J I Breezeway Garage Patio n[ 0.13. Total ; i I ------~-- .,..-., COLOR , --I- - --1----- - 1 1 n -- n no --- ----- .. .. -- --- - ..... .... . - . - . no . .-- . ---- - .. . - -- ---- -- .- - .. - ---. - -- - - -- -- --- n ---- - . - - .. -- .--- -- --- - -- . . " i\ ... .. ---- -- - . ~k ----- - .~ .. - -- . -,-- -- .. 2 " . If 'Y .. .. -- . ... .. , ,--. ~ - ------ ---- . .... .. ---- . . .- .... , --. -- . ---- n - - - -. - - -- - -- .. - .-- . - . - . -- - -- --. - - .--- - .- .. - -.... - .. ---- ... I .. -- ---- - -- - ---- ----. .-- - -- n .._--. -- --- n' . TRIM I ml..I_ -, 1 . Hi .1 i nl II j -r-_____. _J_! I II I I I i i I i i I I 1 I ! '1 I I -I- I I I I I III I~I I I I I ! I II I i -I I I I 1 j I ._,----~-- --------.-------~---------- ) D;Ilelle I . no_____ ___!./ ~~~ Fla;;~~_=.__.____,~) ~__~~_I<~_~-~I=-=- Interior Finish I U'{ ('/f'. ,>, )/, \. c. L..-'-Ll--~-~:l.n .________..__. "~/ ~__ ~=;~~-lS~~~I~a~_.--~---i__=~_--1 :~::- . Rooms 2nd Floor r:II'j 13 Foundol ion Basement ~. i.' (- :/ l3alh ~xl. Walls I Fire PI~e ..- -- - .~~. ----I-r~~~ r;o-~T- - 1 Recreation Room ----- ---'---~- ..------ ----~----_.. ----------- -,,- Dormer . _ ------------ - m--3~?T-- I Driveway nu_ HI " . PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS RICHARDG. WARD GEORGE RITCHIE LATHA>.'>l, JR. BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS .-::C:C~O_, . 0~ ~_.'_ \i '" . -~ ~ ~ = ~ ~ ,~ . :i en :c: :) ;~' ~,). ~ ~ . ~.' '~I),f + "'+-~~; <:~:~,::,'7).:""'- Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O, Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-3136 Telephone (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Laury Dowd, Town FROM: Robert G. Kassner Attorney f- RE: Jonny's Car-Hop & Juke Joint DATE: June 18, 1997 The Planning Board has received the attached request for a hot dog trailer at the above take out restaurant. This request is somewhat similar to the request by Cucinas restaurant in 1996, and explained in some detail in your memo of July 1, 1996. As this use is not provided for in the code, I would appreciate your g'llidance in how to proceed. . 43715 Route 48, (North Roodl & Hortons Lon Southold, New York 11971 516-765-3336 June 12. 1997 Att: Mr. Bob Kassner Town of Southold Main Rd. Southold. NY 11971 Dear Mr. Kassner. 800 - ..tJ~. ~ ?-:Gr-~ tif ~ - - /he. 7'.~a6, I ." '/'" /C ~~~Cc- ;e~ )UZO~Ao!- 'I "~ ,,- --...... v'/ The intent of this request is to secure a position on my property for a Hot Dog Trailer. The purpose of this trailer is to provide customers with an additional source of take-out from my restaurant and to alleviate take-out congestion from my kitchen. Up to 50% of my sales are done through "take-out", Position of this trailer is drawn in on the enclosed site plan. and will be accessible from my parking lot with seating available on the deck. Customers will be able to use bathroom facilities in the restaurant as per The Suffolk County Department of Health. The trailer will primarily serve two items previously found on my menu. Johnny's dog and chili dog, with bagged chips replacing french fries & canned soda available instead of fountain. [n conclusion. ! hope that the infonnation provided is sufficient. and that we can come to a favorable ruling on this matter. For any additional information. please contact me at the restaurant. Thank you for your time and consideration. rJ!l~ L/ John Mill. President Food Aficionado Inc. DI8IA Johnny', Car-Hop 0 0 . LU Z :) V) Z 0 I- 0:::: 0 I PROPOSED SITE PLAN FOR JOHNNY'S HOT DOG TRAilER PROPERTY LINE :0- -0- -0- -0 -0- -0 -OuO -: , , :0 0; :0 GRASS AREA o~ :0 oi :0 L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ff!9PE!,1~Y _lI!,H~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , , , , I I :;; I I ~~ r-- 0 I ~8 ~ () I ~- z 0 : 0:: '2 "" ~ ~, z' <{ :::;, w ~ :>-, <{ f- "", if> ~f v, <( 0' '" "" <) CL, , ~ o COUNTER 00000000000 ::;: 8 '" I '::( '" ::;: 8 '" I '::( '" KITCHEN SEAflNG AREA OUTSIDE DECK HALL RAMP ENTRANCE HANDICAP PARKING PEBBLE AREA ~ ~z Zl'l IV; Q ROUTE 48 (NORTH ROAD) . r- . ~-:.:.-:::::~~ -~'JirDL (-~ . f~(j\" . c~i~.\ ,~ =;::' ".~' . ~.-- . "'... .. 'o.-y.<- .~':-: --~~! ~ ~~>- ~- . JE_-L'-j '0l COCH.2.-'...:i SU-per"flS0r '_~lhY L DOWD TJwn nail. .33095 :,~rain ?<1;)U ?O. Box L179 Southoid. New York 1197 i. T ~le?hone (5 L6i 7f).-J~ L3S9 ?a.'<. 1516) 7f35-L32:1 ~')I.,\j~i ,-\T~0R~rEY OFFICE OF THE TOWN ATTOR.'<'EY TOWe' OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM TO:- V(JALERIE SCOPAZ JOHN BOUFIS ED FORRESTER LINDA KOWALSKI -:: FROM: LAURY L. DOWD, TOWN ATTORNEY RE: HOT DOG STANDS DA TE: J U L Y 1, 1996 met with Bruce Stewart or On weekends, he places the and sells sodas, hot dogs, 5,-ructure without a building because it is on wheels. Cucinas Restaurant about his hot dog stand. stand at the Rt. 2S edge of his parking lot etc. He has been cited far erecting the permit, although he claims it is a vehicle Tne real issue, however, IS whether this use location and whether it requir~s any other permits. the anJ'! permit to which he is subject. is Southold transient retail business. A transient retail busIness is appropriate in Mr. Stewart feels Code Cnapter 69 is defined as: this that as a "A retail or wholesale business conducted in a temporary struc:ure or tent; from a truck, van or trailer; on a parking lot or vacant parcei or land ... or any other plac" for a t"mporary period of time" - Tne code indicates that tempordry is three months or less. As a merchant having an established place or business in the town, he :s exemot from the permit requirement. Tnis wholesale ~xclusjon G( iac31 businesses suggests to me that Chapter 69 was never intended to appi'/ :0 \Jutdoor sales by local merchants. It 'Nas intended to apply to pe'Jple c:Jmlng into town to er~ct ;; tent to sell items for a limited period ar :ime, or to apply to food '/ehicies like ice c;-eam truCKS. 32~ the issue oT Cucinas hot dog stand as one !)f outdoor sale or disoiay 'JT :T1erchandise. I think 'Ne nav~ S2en a trend for local mer-cl1ants to move . :').(';'1, .' f't) . I j '" 43715 Route 48, (North Rood) & Hortons Lone, Southold, New York 11971 516076503336 June 12, 1997 Att: Mr. Bob Kassner Town of Southold Main Rd. Southold, NY 11971 Dear Mr. Kassner, The intent of this request is to secure a position on my property for a Hot Dog Trailer. The purpose of this trailer is to provide customers with an additional source of take-out from my restaurant and to alleviate take-out congestion from my kitchen. Up to 50% of my sales are done through "take-out". Position of this trailer is drawn in on the enclosed site plan, and will be accessible from my parking lot with seating available on the deck. Customers will be able to use bathroom facilities in the restaurant as per The Suffolk County Department of Health. The trailer will primarily serve two items previously found on my menu. Johnny's dog and chili dog, with bagged chips replacing french fries & canned soda available instead of fountain. In conclusion, I hope that the information provided is sufficient, and that we can come to a favorable ruling on this matter. For any additional information, please contact me at the restaurant. Thank you for your time and consideration, m & ~1'\jT ill ~ jJ/I! I 6 1997 John Milz, President Food Aficionado Inc. D/B/A Johnny's Car-Hop SOUTHOLD T"~'" PLANNINf; Ii~.c; PROPOSED SITE PLAN FOR JOHNNY'S HOT DOG TRAILER PROPERlY LINE :0 - -0- -0- -0 - 0 - -0 - 0- -0 -: io oi :,'0 0':' GRASS AREA :0 0: , , :0 L_______________________~Q~E~J~~_______________ , , LJ.J Z :J ~ LJ.J "- o "" "- <1: w '" <1: '" '" ;;l () 9 () Z 52 "" t!:. SEATING AREA 8 8 '" '" I I '<( '<( '" '" KITCHEN o o TREE OUTSIDE DECK HAll ---t- o COUNTER 00000000000 RAMP ENTRANCE HANDICAP PARKING ~ ~Z Z" Z_ IV> Q PEBBLE AREA ROUTE 48 (NORTH ROAD) .. z. ~ en Z o Ii o J: I