HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/04/1968 . Fishers Island Ferry District District Created ~ Special Act u/ 'The N. Y. State Legislature (Laws of N. Y., 1947. Cho;pte1" 699) . FISHERS ISLAND, NEW YORK 06390 WILFRED C. SINCLAIR MANAGER - SECRETARY TELEPHONE 788-7-463 AREA CODE 516 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS LAWRENCE S. BALDWIN, CHAIRMAN POLLY EDMONDS ALFRED R. GREBE RAYMOND F. DOYEN RICHARD V. FOYLE MINUTES DF THE MEETING 0.1' mE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE FT:".FEFS 1811\1\D FERRY DISTRICT Jan. 4, 1968 A apeclal meeting of the Board ot COIIllII18810ners was called by the Chal1"lllan and held In the office 0"" the Ferr,. DistrIct Jan. 4, 1968 at SeOo. P.M. lh'ea.nt were Coounl8sione:t's Baldwin, P'071e, Edmonda, Grebe and W. C. SInclaIr, Mgr...s.c. "'he Board discussed the schedule on FrIda;! nights. The Minute. of the Meetings held act. 16, Nov. 1, Hov. 8. Nov. 21, and Dee 7. 1967 were r88.d and approved as read. Motion b7 Cormn. Edmonds and seconded b7 Comrn. that vouchers #50.BIo. through 150.8)8 Inclusive In the ..ount of .12,859.39 reprllsentlng the outstanding obligations of the FerJOy District tor December 1967 be paid. Motion unanimousl,. carried. Motion by C~. Grebe and seconded by COJIl"1. Edmonds t)r.xx that the mail o"nt('..ot pre.ent17 held by Walter 11'. Grlf'fin, Jr., of FIshers Island, New York in the !douD; ot $115.00. per month be renewed for the period Jan. 1, 1968 throUCh Deo. 31, 1968 inclus!Te. Motion unanimous17 carried. Johnson &: wllliama oontract f~ accounting serv~ce8 tor 1968 ~as tabled to next ueeting. The tollowing resoluttonwas introduced by the Chairman and adopted b7 the unanimous affirmative vote of the Roard of Comm1ssieners as follows: Commissioner Grobe Yes II Foyle Yes " Edmonds Yes II BaldwIn Yes ~HREAS the P'lshers Island Ferry .Dis trict 18 required to tr8l'1sport u. S. M!lIJLtrom and to the u~ S. Post Office at FIshers Island, N.Y. 8I'1d the P'ishers I.lmd Ferry Ulstrlot Tel'1l11na1. Fisher. Island, New York AND WHEREAS Walter F. Griffin, Jr. ofFisbers Island N.Y. has b-7 contract rendered thi. .ervloe tor the past sevoral years In an efficlant manner THEREFORE BE IT RESCLVED that Walter F. GriffIn, Jr. be engaged to haul U. S. Mall trom and to the landing at Fishers rS1Sin. N.Y. and the U. S. Post Ottice at Pisherss leland, N.Y. for the period January 1, 1968 through December 31. 1968 inolusive for the SU$l or $115.00 per month. The tol1owing resolution Wall introduced by Chail'1l1&n BaldwIn and adopted by the unanlmoul affiI'1l18.tl\!e vote of the Board of Com:miuionel's as follClf ae O,e1l1m. Grebe Yea " Foyle Yes Edmonda Yea Baldwin Yea WHERBAS this Dlatl'iot baa an agreement with Alfred 8. Bloknell to operate the M/V lfTatic Isle for the period Jan. 1, 1965 through and including Dec. 31, 1967 AND WHEREAS the Board of Commillioner8 delJ1re to extend thla _sreement tor a tel'1l1 at one month on17 co_ooing on WanuU7 1, 1968 through and ine1udlng Jan. 31, 1968 . Fishers Island Ferry District District Created ~ Special Act of <f~ N. Y. State legislatl/.,-t (Laws 01 N. Y., 1947. ChapUT' 699) . FISHERS ISLAND, NEW YORK 06390 WILFRED C. SINCLAIR MANAGER - SECRETARY TEL.EPHONE 7S8-7-463 AREA CODE 516 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS LAWRENCE S. BALDWIN, CHAIRMAN POLLY EDMONDS ALFRED R. GREBE RAYMOND F. DOYEN RICHARD V. FOYLE -2- (Jan. 4, 1968) THEREFORE BE rr RESOLVED that subJeot be extended to eover and 1nolude the Jan. .31, 1,68 inclusive. Motion made to adjourn a~d unan1mously carried at 6:05 P.M. agroe8ment wi th Alfred 8. S10knell p8riod January 1, 1968 through w. C. Sinclair, Mgp..&eo. L. S. Baldwin, Chairman Board of Cammlas~oners