HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/14/1968 .-- ~ _.~- . . . ~ , Fishers Island Ferry District Dfm5cr 0auN a, Stl<<ial Act of 'TM N. Y. Suue uriJLwm (LaW! of N. Y., 1047, Chaptrr 699) FISHERS ISLAND, NEW YORK 06390 WILFRED C. SINCLAIR MANAGER ~ SECRETARY TELEPHONE 78B-7-463 AREA CODE 516 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS LAWRENCE 8. BALDWIN, CHAIJl~AN POLLY EDMONDS ALf"RED R. GREBE RAYMOND F". DOYEN RICHARD V. F"OYLE MINUTES OF THE M,;EI'ING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE FISHERS I SLAND FERRY DIS"'RICT Feb. 14, 1968 A apecial meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the Ferry District was oalled by the Chairman and held in the offioe of the Ferry District Feb. 14, 1968 at 2:30 P.M.. Present were Commissioners Baldwin, Doyen, Foyle, Edmonds, Grebe and W. C1 Sinclair, Mgr.-Sec. Chairman Baldwin opened the meeting by atating that the accounting services for the Ferry District ia up for oonsideration. Johnson & Williams wants $1600 for this service, while Mr. Irving W, Miller, of 39 Chestnut Street, Hunting~on, Long Island, New York will do the work for $1200. The following resolution was introduoed by unanimous affirmative vote of the Board of Commissioner Baldwin " Grebe " Foyle " Edmonds " Doyen the Cha irman and adopted by the Commissioners as follows: Yes Yea Yes Yes Yes WHEREAS the Fishers Island Ferry District requires the services of an Aocountant to make quarterly audits on an annual basis AND WHEREAS Mr. Irving W. Miller of Hunting, Long Island, N.Y. has q~oted $1200 per year for this service . BE IT RESOLVED that Mr. Irving W. Miller be ~gaged to perform this service for the sum of $1200 per year AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that subject appointment ~e effective February 14, 1968. Chairman Baldwin stated the the Mystic Isle is in the Shipyard and that the Olinda is making the runs today. He then read the dock work requirements specifications whioh were drawn by A. Chaplaski and which covers decking and also paving, ramp area. General discussion ensued on the prices and the method of doing it either with our crew or bidding it out. Comr.. Grebe asked should we put Olinda out to Md. Ch, Blldwin stated that E. Wilcox ha4 approached him regarding hiring Capt. Bicknell as a relief skipper. COmg. Doyen felt that crew of the Mystie Isle is at odds with crew of the Olinda. He feels that a lot of this is unjustified. He felt that the Olinda ahould operate on a xa six month basis only. Ch, Baldwin feels that as a part of an operation it could be included in the one operation which would be more economical and trouble free. General disouasion ensued on bidding aame and also other alternate methods. He suggested getting a price to operate from Fishers Island and another prioe to operate from New London. General diacussion ensued on scheduling the two boata. General discuasion ensued on , . ~ . .' ,Fishers Island Ferry District DlstncrCN&UN B, Special Act of <flu! N. Y. StAte u,uLJhn'C(1.4wsol N. Y., 19047. CA.o.IJf.tf6w) FISHERS ISLAND. NEW YORK 06390 WILFRED C. SINCLAIR MANAGER - SECRETARY TELEPHONE 788-7.463 AREA CODE 516 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS LAWRENCE S. BALDWIN, CHAIRM"N POLLY EDMONDS ALFRED R. tJRE8E RAYMOND F. DOYEN RICHARD V. F"OYLE Feb. -2- 14, 1968 trash reeeptacles for the Mystic Isle. Comm. Doyen is to get catalog or address Where to get them similiar to Where he now works. General discussion ensued on insurance, Comm. Doyen thought it might be advantageous to transrer this to the Town. General discussi0n ensued on this. Comm. Doyen tho~ht it might be advisable to lay orf the crew of the OLINDA, retaining A~ Chapla.ki to start the dock work and hire unemployed local men to do the job. He asked the Chairman to ask E. Wilcox ir he can use the men. Comm. Foyle said it boils down to either keeping the crew on, and if so how, the other answer would be for them to work for Wiloox. General dfscussion ensued. Motion made to adjourn and unanimously carried at 4:25 P.M. 1 ~ .~ " /,'1 l' j .!/ > I, . j, ,/./ ,../'_/ ,ft/'" /I.f - . . - --- '- _.' .,' --.....; W: C. Sinclair, Mgr.-Sec. Approved: ~ / / )0 ~/;. : j'i,-4~ I 'A"'? lA'''' , L. S. Baldwin, Chairman Board of Commissioners