HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/23/1968 ~~~ , . " " f Fishers Island Fen.v District J Ditrric:tCnrlkda,.~Aaof <flu N. Y. StAU uii$larurr:LJWJ of NY., 1<)41. ChapIn 6w': i FISHERS ISLAND, NEW YORK 06390 WILFRED C. SINCLAIR MANACiER - SECRETARY TELEPHONE 788-7-463 AREA. CODE 516 BOARD OF" COMMISSIONERS LAWRENCE S. BALDWIN, CI-fAIR~.4.N POLLY EDMONDS ALFRED R. GREBE RAYMOND F. DOVEN RICHARD V. FOYLE _ 'it \l,f("n MINUTES OF' THE M.';E'rING (Y TH"S BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE FISHERS ISLAND FERIN DIsrRICT Jan. 23, 1968 14;' ii~ L i' A apeoial meeting of the Board of Commissionera of the Ferry District waa called by the Chairman and held in the office of the Ferry District, Jan. 23, 1968 at 1:00 P.M.. Preaent were Commiasioners Baldwin, Grebe, Edmonds, Foyle, Doyen, and W. C. Sinclair, Mgr.-Sec.. Alao present were Mr. E. Wilcox and Captain Earl Maxfield, Jr. Chairman Baldwin opened the meetinp and turned it over to Mr. Wilcox. He stated that Captain Maxfield and himaelf planned a joint venture. He atated they are very much interested in the operation. Comm. Doyen asked Capt. Maxfiell for his background, which waa as followa: 19$6 came to New London to live and settled in Saybrook, Conn. haa been a licensed pilot since 1950, worked with the New York Towing Co., and ia now a pilot on the Connecticut River.He has handled boats of the Myatic Iale aize. He graduated from the Merchant Marine Academy in 19$0 and in addition has also done reli'f work on the New London Fr~ight Lines. Comm. Edmonds aaked if living in Saybrook would make it difficult to maintain schedules. Captain Maxfield said it is only 20 minutes to the dock. Comm. Doyen aaid that as the contractor, Mr. Wilcox will have to ~ive full attention to the jOb, which Mr. Wilcox a~reed with.Corom. Baldwin asked if any of the crew of the Olinda could be used. Mr. Wilcox stated that he doean't aee why not. Corom. Grebe mentioned the painting schedule and feela that with Mr. Wilcox'a experience the District would benefit. He asked about the crew on the Mystic Isle and would he retain them. Mr. Wiloox aaid he knowa all the men and would keep them all. Cant. Maxfield stated that they could integrate the crew of the Olinda if we so dosired. Comm. Grebe apoke on keening the vessel clean and Corom. Baldwin told Mr. Wilcox what equipment the Districtowns. COIllI'l. Doyen feels that the crew should keep the boat clean even while on the run also feels cargo should he protected by aome of the crew while being transDorted. Com~. Grebe snoke on adhering to exiating schedules and keeping on time. General diacu.aion enaued on eliminating one man in the engine room now that we have pilot houae controla. Capt. Maxfiell stated that it would be wiae to get approval on thia but feela that it would be better to keep the extra man in the engine room for aafety reasons. Co~m. Baldwin explained that the District auppliea the fuel and lubrication oil and the reaaons for so doing. COIllI'1. Grebe atated that if Mr. Wilcox got the contract, when could he atart. Mr. Wilcox aaid he could give the answer in 24 houra. General di~cussion enaued on the need tor Friday tripa atarting in March. General diacussion enaued on policy mattera now and in the future.. The Board agreed to meet t~ia aftemoOD and reaoh a deoision as to the oppration of the ferry. Mr. Wilcox ia to be notified at the earliest convenience. At 2.27 P.M. Mr. Wilcox and Capt. Earl Maxfield loft the meetinv. .. ____{l't},;'fi};; "'i~t' ,'-,-;,]~j . "'i'o,.;';,:<" ',1...... !V:..,"..':':....i-~...".-..'-'.:..~.y. '_' '-'.-'~ ~n~";,,"'.J.-' "....... Fishers Island Ferry District DUmct C~t<tc<!d B:y S~l Act of 'Tnt N. Y. Statt Uv.w-(Laws of N. Y., 19of7. CMpttT699\ FISHERS ISLAND. NEW YORK 06390 WILFRED C. SINCLAIR MANAGER - SECRETARY TELEPHONE 7BS.7-463 AREA CODE 516 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS LAWRENCE S. BALDWIN, CHAIRMAN POLLY EDMONDS ALF'RED R. GREB E RAYMOND F, DOYEN RICHARD V. FOYLE -2- Jan. 23, 1968 Motion by Comm. Grebe and Seoonded ~, Comm. Fo~le that the oontract for the operRtion of the Mystic Isle be awarded to Mr. E. Wilcox for the sum of $7825 per month. Motion unanimously carried. The followinv resolution was introduced by the Chairman and adopted by the unanimous affirmative vote of the Board of Commissioners as follow.: Co~missioner Baldwin " Edmon's " Foyle " Grebe " Doyen Yps Yes Yea Yes Yea WHEREAS the Board of Co~mi.sioners advertised for bid for the operation of the M/V Mystic Isle AND WHEREAS two bids were received and opened December 22, 1967 as follows: Alfred S. Bicknell, Fishtown tload Mystic9 Conn. Ell.worth H. Wilcox. 5 Vivian Court, Waterford, Conn. $8500 $7825 THEREFORE BE IT RESOL\~D that the bid of Ellsworth H. Wilcox of 5 Vivian Court, Waterford, Conn. in the amount of $7825.00 per month be accepted and that Ellsworth H. Wilcox be awarded the Contract for the period February 1, 1968 to and including December 31, 1970. Chairman Baldwin suggeated making oommittee. for the operation as a whole. The manager was directed to inform all the letter writers of the decision of the Board of Commissioners. The Manager read a quotation fr0m the F.I. Utility Co. regardi~ repairs to the door of the railroad crossing tender'. room in the New London terminal in the amount of $121.00. The Board directed the Manarer to have this done. Motion by Co~. Grebe and seconded by Co~m. Doyen the the lease with the NYNH&H Railroad Company be renewed for one year. Motion unanimou svy~..rled' ~otiOQmad~.to adjourn and unanimously curied at 3: 50 P. M.';';} f /C. .,.. -t__I:>J(LV-uJ:.dA ~__..J . /' .Sinclair, ~r.-S.c. c.r APprond:;:r0 t/~&tL/" 1. L. S. Baldwin, Chairman Board of Commiasioners