HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/07/1968 .. -. ..- . Fishers Island Ferry District Disnict Cra::lud 8;0 Sp~ci.:&! Act of 'The N. Y. Sul.u l..qUla~ft (LAws of N. Y., 1\)47, Chapter tiw) SUPE;~\n';.' IWR R RFr'n - FISHERS ISLAND. NEW YORK 06390 TOWN (,J, ,_~I- WILFRED C. SINCLAIR MANAGER. SECRETARY TELEPHONE 7BEl-?-463 AREA COOE 516 BOARD OF' COMMISSIONERS LAWRENCE 5. BALDWIN. CHA.I~M"'N POLLY EDMONDS . ALFRED R. GREBE RAYMOND F. DOYEN RICHARD V. FOYLE MINU~ES OF THE MEETING 01" THE B(,ilkD OF C OW'!IS3I ON":RS OF THE FI3HEJ<S ISLAND FERKY DISTRICT M",rch 7, 1968 '\" A special m~etin~ of the Board of Comrr.issioners was held March 7, 1968 at 2: 00 P. M. in the of fice of the jo'erry Dis tric t. Present were Commill8ioners Baldwin, Grene, Edmonds, Foyle and W. Sinclair, Managar - Sec~etary. The Min- utes of the Meetings sf the Board of Commissioner. held Jan. 23, Feb. 8, Feb. 14, 1968 were read and approved all read. General discussion ensued on bills in general. Motion hy Corom. Grebe and seconded bY, Cemm. Edmonds that vouchers #50858 through #50882 inclusive in the llmount of $48542.65 representtnp: the outstandin~ onligations of the Fe~~ Uilltrict fer February 1968 be paid. Motion unanimou81v carried. General discussion then ensued on the furnace on the M/V Olbda"which is not producinp: the heat required. The Hanaper read a quotation from the ',Iay Wolff Corp. on a larger burner in the lII110unt of $1200. G..neral dsicuss' on ensued on thIs. The Mana",er reported that the windsock at t.he airp@rt ill down. Chairman BaldwIn was alltl'orIzed to take care of thIs. GeneT'al discus8ion ensued on hangar doors whIch a:'e in tough shape. Chairman baldwin fe Is we should have two meetinps p"'r month. The Manll.f"er stated that we need a now-'r chinnl np: hal\'lT'ler to do the ~ain deck of the Olinda. General discussion ensued on findinp one for sale or rent. Comm. Foyle SUFgested Johnson Hardware, in Groton Conn.. The Manager stated that he had ealled the office of Marine Inspectors in Providence regardlnp: Mr. Ghanlaski taking an examination for his Motor Boat Operator Certificate. General discussion ensued on the M/V Olinda Operation and on the U. S~ Bavy cable in the drill field and progress to date insofar all bei!1p' able to burn field by F.I. Fire Depart.ment. Motiop made to adjourn and unanimously:: carried at 3:50 P1M. /~_ L/ i' A-1 ,_' . (.. a ...1-u' UL_, W. C. Sincl~ir, Mgr.-Soc. ::; tl ;:--:,,'1:,): ;.i~~~)-:iJl~;t::"I. -Jm~~j-C.~,_ APproved:-:jd tiJ~~ L. S. Baldwin, Chairman Board of Cemmis.ioneera 'l.rl--T'I"""1f"-"'~~-' "'. .,' - . ,~' ,i 1\ \. ~ .,. Peb. 1968 1 1 2 6 15 17 17 21 20 21 26 28 28 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 .1: ~ ~ ~i ;0., ! .. "~;~!l. ," '--'~._~-.~". '~"""""'!lIf~, .Fishers Island .Ferry District DUcrict c.-c,td a, SIHd4l Act 01 <fh.t N. Y. Sta(,e Lqis14tKft (r.-.. a/ N. Y., f0f7. CMpcn 690) . FISHERS ISLAND. NEW YORK 06390 WILFRED C. SINCLAIR MANAGER. SECRETARY TELEPHONE 788.7-463 AREA CODE 516 ~ ,!~~ . ~"~~~'F, ~. . BOAR a OF COMI.USStpNCRiII LAW~CN~E ~ BA~~.O~N"'N POLt...Y EDMaNOS At,.FHD It. OREeE AAYMDNI) F. DQVEN RICHARD v. f"CI.......1t Mush 6. 1968 OUTSTANDING OBLIGATIONS OF THE FISH ERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT RENDERED FOR.... FEBRUARY 1968 Voucher !!. 50858 50859 50860 50861 50862 50863 50864 50865 50866 50867 50868 50869 50870 50871 50872 50873 50874 50875 50876 50877 50878 50879 50880 50881 50882 Claimm t Eaton & Wilson Hardware Co. Thames Shipyard & Hepair Co. Raytheon Company Pilgrim Aviation & Airlines G. M. Williams Company Robert Waddington, Jr. Gada's Fuel & Service Blonder's Auto Parts Assoc. Fin. Services F.I. Ferry District Apex Office Supply Co. Thames Shipyard & rtepair Co. 3M Busln.ss Sales C.B. Guthrie Tari!! Bur. Landrigan Corp. Ship:'lan !o'ire Equip Co. Polly Edmonds Richard V. Foyle Alfred R. Grebe Lawrence S. Baldwin Alfred S. Bicknell F.r. Utility Co. Walter F. Griffin Ellsworth Wilcox Spicer Fuel Co. Town Supervisor Town Clerk Minutes (2) File (2) ~.unt . . S.Sb. 305e,.28 i~:: , ).~ 116.00 ~:~~ 61.'0 8.00 10.75 4-66.42 22.58 25.00 925.00 85.00 50.00 5().00 50.00 50.00 - Jan. 10n.58 31/68 186.00 115.00 -Peb/68 7800.00 680.'6 ~.65 FIS~~~~~I"'?'tft Bf(~~c. Sinllair, Man~ . Explanation Material- OL1NDl. Mystio Ialeaepdrs Radar MainteJUl.DCe Aireratt Senioe Material- OLINDA Work Bldg. #239 Fuel- Freight S.e. Filters - OLINDA Radio Equiplllent Petty Cuh Ofn.. Suppl188 Material- Mystie Isle Repairs - Copier Resident Agent Repairs to R~tt-OLINDA Fire Hoses - Myatie Isle Commissioner'a Meetinga It " " " " " Opere Mysti. Isle Utilities to Jan. Mail Haulage Oper. Mvstio Isle Fuel - Ferries , ~ .lIi.. .~;JII,., ,ilj~i~lid IMitH .j