HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/28/1968 ""'I"'"'r ~. r~'lI1 11""'...1....1I..1""1~ III "'II 1 ." ....."..,......-._-"..".'--r.~".._.., "e'"" . . 1 Fishers Island Ferry District District Cre<1ud B,- Sp",ia! Ace of 'Tht N. Y. 5wu Ui~latllr-t 'Laws of N. Y.. JQ.oI7. Chapter 69\:1) FISHERS ISLAND. NEW YORK 06390 WILFRED C. SINCLAIR MANAGER - SECRETARl' TELEPHONE 7BB-7~463 AREA CODE 516 BOARD OF" COMMISSIONERS LAWRENCE S, BALDWIN, CHA.IFl:"~AN POLLY EOMONDS Al.n:a:O R. GRESE RAYMO~D F. DOYEN RIC.....A..RO V. FOYLE !'!INU['e:S OF TEE ME<~TING OF 'l'HE BOAHlJ Ot<' COl-1MI S3 I 1'1"'" S OF THr.; FISHERS ISL:~D FERRY DISTRICT Mar. 28, 1968 'c. A special meetin~ of the B09~d of Commissioners was called by the Chairman and held in the office of the Ferry District Mar. 28, 1968 at 1:00 P.M. Present were Commissioners Baldwin, Grebe, Edmonds, Doyen, and W. Sinc19ir, Mgr.-Sec. and Robert Tasker, Attorney. Mr. Tasker re~d the proposed operatin~ contract for the M/V OLINDA. Q,uestions 8s\<ed on items were as follows: Com"'. Grebe: How !l.hout paint! ng inside the Olinda Corom. 8aldwl.r: No chance dur:nF tb", summer while operating. W, C. Sinclair S1sked if th.. c.mtractor ",reploys the purser whv not rla"e him provide a bond f0r 11im which Hould be in the a~ount of $5000. The Board of CCl~i~s~.oners s.p-reF'd with this. Cormr. Baldwin: Re,'3ru' nr t!lA utilities in New London we would have to Make some sort of a~eement with the present contractor. R. Tasker: No, it is the responsibIlity of the two contractors The Manlilp-er stated that wi th the Ca.rgo Mail noliey, the District has been obtaining this ane cherp-in!' the Contt'Rctor for same all this polic,", is qllite difficult to place. Corom. Doyen !lsked what amount does the purse~ have to be bonded for. The Mwap:er re)lied five thousand dollars and ttlll.t the hend costs $12.0;0 per yellr. Commissiorer Doyen then Ill!IJ<ed what is the performanee hond areo'mt. Mr. Tallker said it is three times the mont11ly payment. ComY". Doyen then elabo~flted on th<'J need of supervison of maint",nance of the en~ines. COroM. Edmonds asked if after the si~ months of th~ Cortract could we still have an extra trip now and then it so reqllired. l>'r. Tasker said that vou would have to 1:)av the Contractor extra for it. Comm. Doyen said we could h~ve the Mystic. Isle make the extra tri1:)s in the off lleAson.' Comm. Grebe asked if we have two 0'" three bidders could we take that hidder who we think best? 1!Ir. Tasker s!lid not if all hidders are reaponsihle hidders. General diseussion ensued on providinp: a relief vessel. lID. Tasker is to insert another provision to provide for this eventuality. Mr. T!l.sker said he will have the bid notices out tomorrow and t11ese should ~o in the newspapers April 11-, 1 g68 and it wi 11 reqlJ l.re ten days pos ti np:. Rep:9.rding the crew of the Olinda ~i:'. Tasker said wait until the bl.d filnres are in and if the bid is lower then operating it yourllelves, then lay the men off. If it should be higher then your operatin('" cost, then keep them on. General diseussion ensued on the bill of the ShiDyard and }Jr. Tuker hrought the Board of Commissioners up to date on this. Mr. Tasker then l<'Jft the meetin~ . M.tion made to adjourn and unanimously CIlarriedi' ~ ~:.?:I P.M. . ' ./,f I / V, ,:. (1 ; (,I ( i Apprond: -;/~j f3ctli~,,- ,// ^. Sin'clair, ~r.-See. I ' L. S. "aldwin, Chai rman Board of Commissione~s