HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/04/1968 . . Fishers Island FC1.ry District Dftrrict C~tcd 0, Special Act of 'Th! N. Y. State Ugistat1m (Law, of 1\. y" '947, ChaPln6w" FISHERS ISLAND, NEW YORK 06390 WILFRED c. SINCLAIR MANAGER - SECRETARY TELEPHONE 788.7-463 AREA CeDE 516 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS LAWRE:NCE S. BALDWI"!, CHAIRM.A,", POLLY EDMONDS AU'RED R. GREBE RAYMrJND ". OOYEN Fii!iCHARQ V. FOYLf: MINlYfES OF' '.rHE MSE'~lING OF THE Bi)ARD OF C OMl-'ISSI ONERS OF 'rHF, FISH:<JlS ISLAN]J FERRY DIS1'RICT April 4, 1968 A apecial meeting of the Board ef Commission<'rs of the l<'erry ViE trict ,,ras called by the (;hairman April 4, 1968 at 5:00 f'.M. and held in th", of'f'lce of the Ferry District. "r"sent were Cernmissinners Baldwi", Grebe, Fovle, Edmonda, Doyen, and W. C. SinclAir, Mgr.-Sec. The ,'11nut9s of the I1petings 0 f the B_rd ef Cemmissioners held F'eb. 28, Har. 7, 1':",.. 18, and ;'lar. 28, 1968 w",'re ::o("ad and approved as read. Motion by Corom. Gr$ee and seconded by C8mm. Edmonds that veuehers #50883 threugh #50913 inc Ius ive in the 8!Ilount of $11411. 82 representing the outstanding ebli~ations of the Ferry District for March 1968 be paid. Metion unanimoulIly carried. General diseussi('ln ensued on a fixed meetln~ date. General discussion enaued on extra SCheduled trirs of the Olinda.. The M.na~~ read a letter from Mr. N. Halany re~ardin~ the Durchase of the Band Barracks and five acres of land. General discussi0n ensued on nrocedure. Cerom. Doyen said it could add more prope~t:. to the tax roll. Con. Foyle te",ls the t the prep"'rty is valnanle to the li.1 rnort and in th", futur '" \.fonld he !!lore valuable fer expansion. General discussion then ensued on this. 'rhe Board directed the Manav"r to arranp;e a me"t'n,,- w!th Mr. Roh~rt King of '1ontauk Carribean AirwaYII on Anril 9, 1968 at 1:00 P.M.. G"neral discussi0n ensued en wa~es. The Mannger suggested a set wage per day up tn 12 hnllI'S. He said thill i. oemmon in other marine op",rations. General diBc~ss!on ensued. Also discussed was the claim of Mr. Gada for reimbursement due to the M/V OLINDA net being able to tranapert the cement t"uck du", to weath~r conditions. The Board direot"'d the Manap:er to ask Mr. A:melt to give a report of the ptJintinp; ef Buildin~ #23'. Chairman Baldwin spoke of the need of a spare compressor ter the Mystic Isle controls for use in a r. em<'lrvency. The Mllnar;"r dJ sC'lss",d the problem in New London relativ", to gettJn(l a price on moving the reck till to enlarge the parking lot. The Cont~actors will not p;ive a fixed nrice to de this work. He stated that he had ohtained prices on a per hour basis for equipment and that E. Rolfe & Son Inc. had quoted the lo...est price which waa $22.00 per hour for a crane. The Board direct",d the Manager to have E. Rolfe & Sen Inc. do thi s work on ar, } Gurly basis "or thc sum of $22 per hour. They further directed .the Manager to dinect Aafgh!\PlaSki to oversee this work ter the District. Motion made to adjourn and n ously e~rried at 7:05 P.M. / k0-~{ f!~_ / w. . inclalr, Mgr. -Se~. ---/'- /I? ' j Appreved: rr: ,d ~~ tVvZ: L. S. Baldwin, Chairman Bo~rd of Cemmissioners ,-/