HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/28/1968
Fishers Island Ferry District
DllIfTKI Ore:wJ 1I).S~t"i",1 Act of 'flu N. Y. SUlI~ J..."uwu.u \L:....,..{ N. Y., I.J~'. eJ....lpu... 6001
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LAWRENCE 5. I)"LOW!~~. Cf~.\t~""""N
ALF"RED R. (iRE[j~
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90,'~J 0F COt'-ftoH So' IONiiliS
FIc f:!<~HS ISLAND FKiHY !JlS'i'HI (''T
Feb. 28, 19t.C;
A ~Decial mO!"1'tJrJI'" 00' th~ BOR.rd 0;: COI'1....,~ssil1n"'T'~ wa~ called n" the ChA1 rman and
held ir' th.. c-:'fi~e of' the r'",rry District, r'eb. 28. 1968, 2:00 ?M.. l're~ent
',sere Com.'T.:s!:''''rer~ R~ldwln, Grebe, Fr.yle, Edm<')r.d~, Doyen and W. C. Sinclair,
;';,T.-Sec. The C"Si!'Man o'Jened the m"..t.in<< held tn di~cu~~ t.hl"' onerat:or. of
the M/V OLINDA. General di~cq~~'('n "'n~ued. The Botlrd "gr....d t.r.at t.hey sho'lld
m"et "nc,. II "10nCr' \{ith '1~. 'S. \-lileox to discu~s mutual prohlems of the oper-
ation of' t.he M/'! Mystic Isl,.. Chairman Baldw'n ',rnur-ht thl"' HOA.rd up tc- datI"'
on tr.1"' i ne! dent of' t.he ru~cjer on th" t':'1S tic 1511"'. 'Thi ~ will be an i nsuranc e
claim. H" also hro"vht thl'; RO"T'd Up t'J date :m work heinr: done on the My!!tic
I~le. He 11.111,0 1'eD"rt"., nn t',p 1l0~sJhility (,f eliminatinf a man frem the
engine rO:lm ot' the r:'vst.ic l~l... tie said Le had di"cus8ed this with ll-,e CaRst
Guard Ins:1"ct' .''0 (1f"'1"o1' 1 n New [,"'0'1 on ,C"nn. 1'he Mane..er read s. l..tte1' dated
?eb1'uary 17, 1968 from CaDtaln Vaxfi!"ld I'!"lative to rudder dama~e of F!"b. 15,
1968. G"neral rtISCllS"i0fl ensc:ed or, L" s~myard ',sork. (;"9.1.r1"',,,,n D~ldHln s51.d
eventually "e sn1u1d 'b~l:r all A. S. :\io\mell'3 equipMent if 1.t l8 in good working
order as wo!" could u~!" it. General d.~scusslon ensued then on t.h" crew of thp
Mystic Isle. CO,"Tr. (ir!"ne sugrested th~t we tie the !'ly~tic I~le at ;.'ishers
Islpnd ar.d nut th~ crew to wnrk on 1.t ~uch as paint'np: it out conrle':;"ly.
He al~o felt tnat '''e sho',ld Dut the Olinda out on a separste contract ~or hi:1.
Then in the off eeason the crew of th!' :{'l~ ti c I sle could run it. Co-m. Doyen
~aid said the c('nt '~cto[' 01' the My~tlc T~le is re3Donsinl!" onl.... for th~ l'l'!~t.~c
Isl!". He asked if '''e contract it' 1'01" 8. six month operatl.on wh~ will maintain
it in the off sea~on. COfllI".. !o'o;.'le ~\lv,,.est.,d contrllctirp it for " 12 month
basis with a mlintenancl'l clau3e in it. G,,"!'ral discul!si"n ensu",d on tl'is.
al~c- an7 triDs in ilff season would he c<')mo",nsll.ted ror. COlTll"l. Gre\'e 3UF'ilested
a two y~ar contract then comnine it w1th ~h. My~tl.c Isle under on con=['~ct.
Chairman baldwin explained t.he pnol'lem with the M/V OLINDA and the y~!lr round
IIp,,ration. Com!'!. Doyen stated that we should bid out th., o1)~ratj on of t.h...
Olinda. General di~cllssion ensued on berm of contract. It W9S !lul7,,,ested to
have a two year contw'lct. Chairman Baldwin surilested :-lving E. J. Bowles
two days off a w'ek during the wint~r. G['~ersl di~cussion then ...nsned on the
budget moetln.. thi~ summer in the fire house. Comm. Doyen complimented the
Man&"er on the letter he T'~centlv sent out to the ~ummer residente. Comm.
Foyle feels WI' ~hould kerp Iver8~n on '1' anybody. General diseu3~ion ensued
on l&yin~ the crew of the Olinda off. The Manager etated that each memb~r of
the Board wi)l receive a cony of the e~ietin~ contract. The Board a~r..ed to
meet March 6, ~96~."!1otion made to adjourn and UnllP'im01Jsl! ~~rr)e,d at 3:40 P.M.
. j/ / /. / /, Ai. /1 /c t. ~ .
Approved: r( /7. .~~"'t'{{c.t ,-1.. W..C1/S!no:d1:r, Manager
L. S. Baldwin, Chairman
Board of Commis~ioner.