HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/01/1968 ~'",",,""".....~~"'nO"~:..--'" .~.... -~.~ ~ . Fishers Island Ferry District Obrric:tCrasrrd 8:JSlJed<dAaof '(Iv N. Y. $Mu~a..-tJ/ N. Y., .9047. crw."ur69Q) . FISHERS ISLAND. NEW YORK 06390 WILf"REO C. SINCLAIR MANAGER. SECRETARY TELEPHONE 788-7-463 AREA CODE 516 BOARD Of" COMMISSIONERS LAWRENCE s. BALDWIN, CHAIRMAN PDLLY EDMDNDS ALF"RED R. GRE:BE RAYMDND F". CDYEN RICHARD V. F"CYLE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <F THE FI3iERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT Mia., 1, 1,68 A .pecia1 meetin~ or the Beard or Cemmtlsiener. wal eal10d by t~ Chairma. and held in the orrico .r the Ferry District, April 1, 1,66 at 8:30 A.M. Pr.eent woro Commi.sionerl Baldwin, Greb., Foy10, Edmondl, Doyon and W. C. Si.elair, ~.-Se... Chairman Baldwin Itated ho had been at the Ihipyard yelterday and it was found that a Ihart wal .hippin~ on tho M/V Mystic II1e due te an en~ine being hi~her thon the Ihaft. He reported that Mr. Wilcex had Ipokeen with Mr. Baldwin on W. Sinclair on thil. Chairman Baldwin laid it Iheuld be taken care of now or otherwile if a break down ocours duri~ the .ummor we would be at a lOll for another VOllel as woll a. dilrupted lervioo. The Mana~er wal directed te inferm the ToW! Beard or thil omer~eney. Chairman Baldwin Ipoke on landblastin~ the rrei~ht deck of the Mystic II1e and laid it mi~t roquire repla.in~ or le.e or the p1atel. He 8UF~elted ir thil il tho ealo then we could get a rirm prleo on plating in plaeo per .quaro root. Corom. Doyon Itated if we are held up in the yard then wo Ihou1d schedule the Olinda ror oxtra lervicel 10 the publiC ean plan accerdingly and nobody weu1d bo lett .tranded in New Lenden. The Beard agreed te thil. The Beard authorized tho Managor to purchalo a Danforth Anohor for $150.00 ror the Mystlc Isle. Motio. by Commlllioner Grobo and looonded by Comm. Doyen that vouehor #50'14 throu~ ISO')' inolulive in the ameunt of $11511.50 reprelentlng the eutltanding ob1igationl or the Ferry Diltrict for the month ef April 1'68 be paid. Motion unanimoully oarried. Chairman Baldwin Itated that Captain Ivorlon hal relignod hil pOlition with thil Diltrict.Chairman Baldwin luggelted and the Board a~eod that Captain Geor~e Farloy lervic.I be utilized until IUlh timo as he er any othor perlon qUllirlod ean be empleyed te tll1 thl1 vaoancy. Gontral dilouslion enluod on inlurance matterl. Chairman ~aldwin di.oulled a rurnaoe ter the M/V Olinda and al.o a hot water IYltem ror the New London Terminal. The Manager reported that he had received trom Mr. Miller al per Mr. Doyen luggOltien te the Board a lilting Ihewing whoro he would tit on the Civil Sorvloo lea1e. Ho pointed out that ho haa been leventeen years with the Ferry Dlltrict, hat twonty nl.o weeks or vacation tlme ha hat never taken due to the work lohodulo and no ho1p and that new omp10yeo. or the Forry Dlltriet ~ have .tarted out at hlgher wago. thon he 1. reoelving new. He requested that 00 the Beard oonlider hi. pOlition at thil time. General dilcullion enlued. '!'he Beard Itated that they weu1d like to .eet with . Miller and al.. with Mr. llbertlon en thil. Metien made to adjeurn an ully ea led at ':)0 PM lllprend: q/ ..,./t2~A-. L. S. Baldwln, Chairman Beard ot cemmtllloner. .. ... ~:. -t-i ,.~.-:...-~"_c~:-;,."".;.., ," ,.. ~'.l..:.