HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/07/1968 -".--..",..""'" -- ._""'~~~--.. ...." l7"'<:f -. , ~~1iFJfi~,. . Fishers Island Ferry District DUtriccc:.-uda,~Ad:o( 'rMN. Y.Scdu~(u.-.t N. Y.. Iw,aw,.,,6g0l FISHERS ISLAND. NEW YORK 06390 WILFRED C. SINCLAIR MANAGER ~ SECRETARY TELEPHONE 7BB-7~463 AREA. CODE 516 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS LAWRENCE II. BALDWIN, CH.1Jl1M.... PDLLY EDMONDS ALFRED R. GREBE RAYMOND F. DOYEN RICHARD V. FOYLE :1;\ MINUTES OF THE M..'i;ETING OF THE BOARD OF COMHISSIONERS OF THE FISHERS ISI.J\ND FERRY DISTRICT May 7, 1,68 A speeial meetin~ of the Board ef Ceromissioners was called by the Chairman and held I>> the effice er the Ferry Distriet, May 7, 1,68 at 5:00 P.M.. Present were Cemmis.ioners Baldwin, Feyle, ~dmonds, De,.eR, Grebe and W. C. Sinclair, ~r.-See. Cerom. Edmonds read letter rrom E. H. Wilcox, dated May 2, 1968 in which Mr. Wl1cex submitted his resi~ation , whieh will be errective 90 days henee, rer the eperation er the M/V Mystic Isle. It was neted that subject resignation was net tendered b~ re~stered mail as required by the .entract. General discussion ensued on this matter. General disoussion ensued en what san be .ene whether te pu) beth beats eut te bid as sne eperatien and revamp the .ontraet in these areas whi.h are questienable. The Bsard directed the Manager te arran~e a meetin~ with Mr. Wileex, Tuesday arterneen, ~y 14, 1968 at 1:10 P.M. . Cemmissioner Doyen asked about the seisser gates rer the M/V OLINDA and the M/V Mystie Isle. Chairman Baldwin said we san pick them up anytime, the party will .ut them err rer us whenever we wish to Dick them up. Board directed the Manager to .all the Cit~ Mana~er er New Lenden regardi~ getting reek rill for the New Lendon Terminal ir the peeple ever ther. are interested in a disposal site rer subject reok. Motion made to wdfiU and unanimllulIly carried at 5:40 P.M. '" . . Sinela1r, Mgr.- Appreved: yd ~:3h~-- L. S. Baldwin, Chairman Beard or Cemmissieners ~. ~}