HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/28/1968 . . Fishers IstlJnd Ferry District DUrrlaCnlOltd B, S~cial Act of 'Tht ?\'. Y. Statt ugular..u (LaWI u/ N. Y., 1047. ChaPltT 609) FISHERS ISLAND. NEW YORK 06390 WILFRED C. SINCLAIR MANAGER ~ SECRETARY TELEPHONE 788-7-463 AREA CODE 516 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS L....WRENCE s. BALDWIN, CH...IRM....N POLLY EDMONDS ALF"REO R. GREBE RAYMOND F'. DOYEN RICHARD V. F"OYLE MINUTES OF THE MEE'l'ING OF THE BOARD OF C OMNISSIONF.RS OF THE FISpc;RS ISLAND FERRY DIS':'RICT HELl! May 2R. 1"68 A special meetln~ ef the Beard ef Cemmissieners was called by the Chairman ana held in the efLlce ef the Ferrv Distrlct May 28. 1,68 at 7:30 P.M.. Present were CeMMissienerss Baldwin. Deyen. Grebe. EdMenda. Feyle and W. C. Sinclair. }\gr.-Se.. The Minutes nf the Meetlng held April 4. '. 22. 26. May 1. May 7. 1'68 were read and appreTe. as read. The Mana~er read the ~ontract revlsi_na aa prepesed by Mr. Wilcen and Mr. Maxfield. General disc11S si..n ensued. Cemm. Feyle ud C.=. Deyen disc'lssed the prepes ed terms. The Beard d.isa/!:reed with the ,,".Tic. previse that a trip ether then scheduled weuld be centpllnsated fer by mere meney. Cerom. Deyen feels teleDhene ia part ef the utilities and aheuld be eperatera resDensi bili ty. General dis cus sl..n en claims under new previai,ms. Ce!ll.'ll. Feyle discussed frelrht wei;;hts. Cemm. ~aldwin feels the District sheuld !l;et credit rer trips net run. Cem~. Deyen wendered if present centracter can bew eut er the centract berere the ~O day pnried is up. Cern'll. Gr~be stated he had been lnrezme. that the eperator must ge through the '0 day perie.. Ch. Bald.win stated we ahnuld ~et a rulln~ ~n this and alse en the net'oe ef resl~natien net bein/!: mailed re,lI:!st.,I'ed mall. The Ret>rd (irected th.. Manap:er te f,:et Mr. Tasker ever next Tuesday er Wednesaay m.rnin~ to ~. ever t~ia. The Mana,er read a I'epert of injury to Earl E. Maxfield. Jr. May 24. 1'68. He alse read a letter dated May 28, 1'68 from Capt.Maxfield requeet.i~ u:Y/l:en eqllipment rer the Mystic Isle fer use in heart cases and strokes. The Manr,~eI' alse renerted that a stretcher ohair c~mb1natiAn had heen requested fer th., vessel. Metien by Cerom. Grebe and sec"nded b:y CeT'llTl. Feyle tha t th", Manager purc',ase beth items. ~etl~n unan1m.usly carried. Co~m. Feyle stated that the e~y~en unit sheuld be thereu-:hly check out. '~he foll.win,- reseluti"n waa intreduced bv the Chal rman and adepted hv the unanimeus affirmative vete ",f the Bear. er Ceromissi.ners as fali.ws: Cemm. Baldwin - Yef!" Cem.'ll. Grebe - Yes. CeMM. Feyle - Yes. Cerom. Deyen - Yes. Comm. Edmonds - Yes. WHEREAS Albert Iversen. Masteref the M/V OLINDA has resi~ned this pesitien with the Fishers IlIland ~'erry Uisr,r1.ct as "f April 24. 1'68 AND WHEREAS the Beard er Ceromissi.ners need tne s'rTices er a qualified man with the preper license to fill this neslti.n BE IT RESOLVED that Geer~e D. Farley ef 76 Cerey Lane. Niantio. Cenn. is a q'lalified .empetent man and is lrnewn te th1.s Diei;r1.ct BE IT RESOLVED that Ge.r~e D. Farley he en~a~ed as Ship's Master effective June 1. 1'68 and shall be cemp~nsated at the rate ~f $5.00 per heur rer a rerty heur week with time and ene naIf for heurs l.n excess of f.rty heurs per week. Chit rman Bal.win reperte. that he had stleken w1.th the Cust Guard rep;arding usiJlg part er the CG prenerty fer varicin/!: trucks rmd aut.mebiles overnight. We w. ",euld have to prev1.de insurance, 11l[hts and bumper loe-s, H., S'JP:p;,"sted havin,; Chaneller & tamer stake eut eur preperty at the east en d of eur Plilrkinp; let and use this area. Ce"1m. Feyle stated we sheuld neI'k cars awa:v frl'll" the area. General discusal~n ensued en all lecationa. It was agreed that Mr. . . Fishers Island Ferry District Dutrict Cn.:It<"d lh Speclal Act of <fM N. Y. Stdu ulUlatun (lAWJ of N. Y., 1947. ~n 690) FISHERS ISLAND. NEW YORK 06390 WILFRED C. SINCLAIR MANAGER - SECRETARY TELEPHONE 788-7-463 AREA CDOI~ 516 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS LAWRENCE S. BALDWIN, CHA.IRM.....N POLLY EDMONDS ALFREQ R. GREBE 'RAYMOND F. DOYEN RICHARD Y. F'OYLE (2) May 2e/68 Cent. Ta~ker weuld be consulted en the lega11ty er th1s. Re~ard1n~ the New Len.en Deck, the ~eard unan1Meusly a~ee. te get Relre & Sen te level the br1cks a.a put gravel en te level the ~rade. The Mana~er reperted en h1~ meetin, w1th Mr. Batycki, Ci ty Man~er er New LendCl regardin~ the renewal er eur It'la~e reI' riparian ri~hts at the City Pier, Nt'lw Lend~. The Man~er repertea that he had re.eived a prict er $1300 te grade and pave (het m1x) the area in rront er the Olin.. ramp at Fishers Islant rrom Rehert Waddin~ten Centracting er Fishers Island, N.Y. There are twe area~ measurin, 11l'x60' each. Metien by Cemm. Deyen and sec~ndt'l. by C~mm. Feyle that we accept this ryriee. Cemm. ~aldwin abstainea, all ether Cemmissieners veted yes. Metien carried by majeri ty vete. The relll"lwinp: rt'l!!lelution was In'redlced hy the C airman and adepted by the unanim.us arfirmative vete er tht'l ~oard or Commiasioners as rellew.: Cemm. Baldwin - Yes, Cen~. Grehe - Yes, Cemm. Feyle - Yes, Cemm. Deyen - Yes Ce~m. Edmonds - Yes. 0 WHEREAS it is in th", best interests er the Fishers Island Ferry District te en!';a!'e employees for t he summer 'tperati on ef the theatre ~E IT RESOLVED that the follew~ng peeple be enra~ed as fellews: Edwin Herning, Fishers ISland, N~Y. - Cashier @ $65.00 per week Ernest Middleton, Fishers Island, N.Y. - Hecreation Leader ~ $10.00 per shew J. ~. Harts field, Fishers Island, N.Y. - Reereatien Leader @ $10.00 per shew Edmund White, Fishers Island, N.Y. - Clerical Aid @ $6.50 per shew. AND BE IT FlIltTHER HESOLVED that subject applllintments 'Je effective as .r June 1, 1'611. The Beard or Cemmissieners alse raised the prices at the theatre te 60~ ner ohild an<< '5~ fer an a~ult. The Man8~er read a letter dated May 13, 1,6e frem Mr. Ecelherr pretestln~ sending the Olinda t. Fishers Island at 7:10 P.M. a~d net at scheduled time er 7:30 P.M. d1~ to e erlead ef passengers and cars. General discussion ensued. The Man~~er was direc ed to write a letter to ~. Egelherf explainin~ the situ8tion and statJn~ that the decision was made In the beat interest of all passen~~rs. A lett~r dated May 1, 1'68 frem A. C. Chaplask1 was read pretestinll the rejection of his bid. The Mara,er stated that E.J. Bowlt'ls, C. J. Marshall, J.iickett and W. C. SJnclair are le.king rer raisea. General diseu8si"n ens,u ed,~MotiO.,.m!l.~e to ad urn and unanimeusly carried at 11:10 !.M. /'1 0 " ~ /~- " ~ . c. S'nela~r, Mllr.-Sec. Apprevea:-;t'--c! L. S. ~eArd /D /;! {j; P-fd:(v-.....:.. Baldwin, Chairman IIf Cemmission",rs