HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/03/1968 ,.. . "---. . . Fishers Is1. nd E(> "Jrr District DutrlcI Cw.sr,d B, .'i~,:+1I r.. -f "~I . Y .-;rllft. '11"'.' ,'" ,..L.....,'sof N .t. Ci-...., FISHERS ISLAND, NEil" YORK 06390 WILFRED C. SINCLAIR MANAI3ER . SECRETA.RY TELEPHONE 786-7-463 AREA CODE 516 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS LAWRENCE S. BALOW1N, CHAoI"M"''''' POLLY EDMONDS AL.FRED R. GREBE RAYMOND F'. COYEN RICHARD V. FOYLE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF' THE ~OARIl OF COMMISSI:)NERS OF THE FISHERS IS !,ND FERRY DISTRICT June J, ] '6~ A .,..ill lle.Unl .t the ~.Ir. .t C.Mmi..i.lIer's .r tn~ Fishers Illlal'l. Ferry Dhtrietwu oall.. bT the Chalrl'll" In. hel. i. the .ttice .f tAt! Ferry Dhtriot Jua. 3, 1,6e at 7:40 P.M.. Pre.e.t were C.mM1a.i..er. ~a14wi., Gr.b., F.yl., D.y.. ... C.IlM.EtiR..... Coam. Eim..4s .ete. a. Secret.ry. Tae r.ll.wine re..luti.. w.. intr..u.e. by the Ch.ir1'l\l1'l all. ....te. by th.e UI'IIJlilll'l.l1. .rrira.tiT. v.te .r tae ~.Ir. .r C.llmis.i.~.r. .. t.ll.w.: C.mai.si.ner ~aldwiR Yea C.~i.si.ner Greb. Y.. C.~~i..i.J1er F.yl. Ye. C.mmissioner D.y.. Yea C.1lIIlI1,siener Etia.nt. Y.. WHEREAS t.e ~..r. .t C.nmd..i..er. .r. .r tke un..ill.u. .,i.i.. that w.C.. ...ul. b. r.i.et t.r the r.ll.willl el'llpl.y.., .. f.ll.wl: Er...t J. ~.wle. - Pur.er rr.1l $5201 per year t. $6500 p.r year.~ CAri.t1.. J. M.r.ft.ll - rt.lief Purser tr.m $1.75 per ..ur t. $2.80 per a.u~ J.kn P. Pickett - Clerk fr.1'lI $2.25 .er h.ur t. $3.0. per h.ur~ TBERBfORE ~E IT RESOLVED th.t .ubject rai!~9 rer tile ab.ve ..met empleyee. .t the Fisher8 Is1..,,<< Ferry Lli8trict a:-o" tl."rewitJol r;r.nte. .n. m!: IT FURTHEr~ RE::'<JLV8;D THAT subject increls"s in waM;"s be .tr.ct.ive July 1, 1,6e T:M t.ll.whW; re..luti,. Wl8 iJ\tr.oiuceli. t>"T ~!1e Gl;,,: rlllll'l an.. at...tet "'y tae UJl..il'll.u. .ttiraatiTe v.t. .f the ~e"r<< ef C.~~i3sioner8 a~ r.ll.ws: C.~i!8!.ner ~al~win Yes C.NmiS8i.ner Greb. Ye8 C.nm!i8si.J'ler F.,"le v..s C.ami..i.ner D.~en Yes C.maissi.J'ler Elm.n.8 Yes WHEREAS t.. ~.ar4 .t C.mld.8i.ners wi.h te at. t~is time t. "''':'1" the M.n.,;er t.r Ta..ti.. ti_ f.r the .eri.t June 13. 1.,67 throI11"1 anti i nclulI J t1f ,JUl\e 13, 1,6e AID WHEREAS Subj.ct va.ati.,l ti me is tw.. weelcs :lnt the Mal'll!!:er lus ..t take. .a1. Tac.ti.. 1m r.I RESOLVED th.t the M...,er i8 n~reby tirecte.. ant authorize<< t. subMit ta. ..e....ry ....~ate p.yr.ll terM t. receiTe thia ~ayme.t. T.. !l..r. .irectet the M8.Ju~er t. take .Jle we.k .rf eHch ye.r .. if h. want. t. ..rk the s..... week he ,;ets .ait teubl. f.r the we,k w.rle... The C.~..1.R.rl .1.. a~reet that the ~.,"r.ll ~. the tille sheet. .heult als. b. Ilea.. by . C.mai..i..er. II, ., , ,1h . " ."."'.Cd ~)~"..ila;~i.ti'~-'~, - '.. ..>o..~~~:l-""~",,".l.i.;ii'~~,~~.,::.~,,,';~i;j!;;j"" "..1. ... '_:, .~u.\',,:..i...~~;'.J.;. ,~,.i~~. _,.. , ' , _~ .. ~...,,=:<~-. .. ..i"""" Jdi~...,_,;.L,..~;~ ')';' "~:l.i,;~\ii",-~:,i":.,,,_,',)' f . . - _.. --. ~ --~. .~~ ~'" ". ~ If" Fishers Island Ferry District DIIIrb o...J s, s~ Act'" 'flu- N. Y. Srau lqislaNTl {l.4w. of N. Y., 194", ~ 690) FISHERS ISLAND. NEW YORK 06390 WILFRED C. SINCLAIR MANAGER ~ SECRETARY TELEPHONE 78B~7.463 AREA CaDE 516 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS LAWRENCE S. BALDWIN, CHAIRMAN PDLLY EDMONDS AL.FRED RI. GREBE RAYMDND F. DOYEN RICHARO V. FOYLE (2) Ju.. 3, 1,6e G...ral 'i..u..i.. t... ..aue' .. t.. Maaac.r'. .alary. It waa arre.' t.. Maaac.r a..ult b. CiY.. a rai.. t. mak. a. aR.ual aalary .r ,e,.. y.ar..r wai.. .. will b. ..arco' al.. r..tal t.r builtiftl #Z3' i. t.e ...uat .t $75." per m..ta .r $'0' per y.ar. All ..i.t...... at ~l'~. .aall bo at the 'i.eret1.. .r the D1.tr1.t. M.ti.. mate t. a'j.ura aa' uaaai..u.ly .arrie' at ,:1. p.cl. , , P~~'" A.t1ac S..r.tary I. Appr.y.': L. S. ~altwi.. Chairmaa ~.a~' .t C.MMi..i...ra ,. f taat p.r HZ3'