HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/07/1968 ,........ 'J:,~"_.'",, ." . . ~ Fishers Island Ferry District DiflrlctCr.JI~dll)'S~JActof The- N Y. Swc~Lqukuwrta~WIlIof N. Y.. 19-f7, ~".~) FISHERS ISLAND. NEW YORK 06390 WILFRED C. SINCLAIR MANAGER - SECRETARY TELEPHONE 788-7-453 AREA CODE 516 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS LAWREtlCE S. BALDWIN, CHAlf1"""'''' POLLY EClMONDS ALFRED R. GREBE RAYMOND F. DOYEN RICHARQ V. FIJYL)~ MINUTES OF THE MEE'fING OF THE "IOARD Or' COMMISSICJNERS OF 'lHE FISHERS ISLAlfD FERRY DISTRICT Aua. 7, H6e A .p..ial ...ti.J .t ta. ~.ar. .r C.MMi..i...r. wa. eall.. by th~ Cnai~. ... a.l. i. the .rris. at ta. F.rry Di.trict AUC. 7, l'6e at 5:3' P.M.. Pr....t w.r. C.MMi..i...r. ~al.wi.. Gr.b.. ~-,'.. E....... D.T.. .at W. C. Sl.el.ir, Mcr..s... M.ti.. bT C.Mm. Gr.b. a.. ..e..... by C.RM. E...... ta.t ?ue..r. 151'1' tar.uIA 51'4e i..lu.iv. i. the ...u.t .r $lS'SZ.ZS r.pre...ti.e tAG .ut.t..i1., .blieati... .r t.. F.rry Di.trict r.r t.. ...t. .r July l'~ b. ~ai.. M.ti.. ua..i.ou.l,. earri... TlIe ~..r. .r C._i..i..er. .ireet.. ta. ..ae.r t. ei? ta. prop.r K.tie. r.r t.. A.Ru.l Me.ti., ror ta. El.cti... .r a iaMAi..i...r waie. will b. ..1. AuCU.t 13, l'6e. TlIe ~.ar. .r CaMMi..i...r. ap~oi.te. tAa r.ll.wiae a. I..,..t.r. or El.cti.n: Mr.. D.rat.y E.var.., Chair..., Mrs. Mil.re. A..rew., ~ell.r. ... Mr. ~ert Seacliatti, Tall.r. Tk. Mea.e.r r.p.rt.. taat Mr. Wil.ox ha. r.~ua.te. a lett.r ba ...t to Ri. r.iar.i.e a. axt...io. .f t.. .o.tract r.r t.. M,..tie Isl.. TA. C..irNa. vas .ireete. to .o.taet Mr. Wileax to .ee ir Mr. Wileox will .yte.. to S.pt..ber 3', l'6e thus all.wi.e u. ti.. to v.rK .ut the ..tail. aR. bi. r.r . ..w .o.tract. TlIe Maaa~er wa. .ir.etell to ..1. UlO tAe letter to Mr. Wil..x lO...t./I: thia. TM M".,or tll... r.a. tlu 'r.]!l.... l'Iu.<<et .r E.ti.at.... R.?.u.. a.. E:x,e..i ture. f.r tiIle ,.ri" JaRu.r:y 1. 1'6' t. D.eelllner 31, l'€t'. G...ral .i..u..t.. ...ue... tAi.. M.tie~ b:y C.MM. Gr.n. ... ..o...e. by C.mmi..io.er D.,... t.at thll ..ari.~ o. tnis b. A.l. Aucust 1', l'6e .t 7:" P.M. at the Fi..er. 1.1... F.rry Di.trict TAeatr. aJlll tAat t.. H..aler put .ut tAG .....s.ry ..tiee. .r ..... M.ti~. uaaRtaou.ly carri... T.. Ma.a<<er ...k. .r t.a litteri., .r S.ut. ~Il.e. ... .u<<~..te. taat .11 parti.. u.i.C .ubj.et b.ae. f.r b.... partie., et.. rir.t ~et ,.rllli..i.. r.r .. ..i., ...e aR. tll.at t..,. b. r..p...ibl. far el.a.i.~ u, tk. are. i.?l?e.. Tke l'I.ar. .tat.. t.ot ,.rai..i.. rar usi"" aubj~et beach MUst be ebtai.e. rr.. tAe F.rrT "'iatriet Orriae. The Ma:na,;er a.i. tlvt C.~stabl. J.....lle. ll... ...ltit t..t .. woul. ....le tlole area .erio,jiea]".. Gel'l",ral .illeu..i.. ...ue. ." .th"'r ?Ilsel. i~ the ar.. e.!II",.ti., with the Dietrist i~ the tra_,.r-c.tJ eJl .~ t~llele., ete. The rollllWil'l.' r...lutl"JIl was j"trtituce. by the Ch.lrJl\&. &:Jul .....t- e. by th.. ua..ta.u. arrirlutlve v.tt- or t!-e ....T'., .1' :;.!II1lli..iollor. as roll.w.: C.!MIisstener ~alcwil'l re. COMmissl.~er Greb. Ye. C.Mmi..i.n.r Eim.... Yea C.MMi..l..er D.,... Y.. . ~ . . Pishen If \'~ 'Hl,'l .iLUl...1'.>..Jl. ,~a 1f"" jr';:eJ;~~!''":y' r~ ~ ~ ,,) 1 S tJr., let lXnri:;! C......,..J P) Sp.',.-l; _" ro,' <;i-,,~. '"",5,,,,,,?, ;:"tv'~ ILl..... ,-,' ',).<', C',pt.... t'h FISHER':, 1SLf\ND, ':'-JF_W YOR:<o 063~), Vi!LFRED C. SINCLAlf;.a MANAGEI';: - !_j:...CRF::TAR'r TELEf-'HDNI': "88'7-46:'1 AFilEA CC~)E 51& i.:i~-/,F<D OF COMMIS510NE..RS LA'i. "'ENCF~ s. BALC'WIN, CHA,"'M,.,N POlL"" EDMUNOS ALFREO R GREBE RAYMOND F. DOYEN RICHARD V. F"OYLE (2) Au,;. 7, 1,6e \~IEREAS the Ma..J~r A.. reque~t~. that ...Ii..rat'.. be ~ive. t. a wale i1'!lcrea.e AND ~JEREAS the ~.~r. er Cemni..i..ere have a~ree. tkat a. a.jultMe.t 1. i. .r.81' at thll t i1u THEHEFORE !'IE IT HE:"OLV I'~D that the M..as;er' s nlar1 Illall be .~,.. per year ef whieh $~OG ..all be waiTe. by tfte Ma.a~er a. re.ta1 .er year r.r bu11.i.<< #l3' AND ~E IT FUKTHER RESOLVED that subject i.crease be erreotiye AUCUlt 1, H6e. M.ti.. llIa.e t. a .jUT'PI a.. UJ'lll1'liJl!"uI1:r nrde. at Y"'1 Pl' M, (I ~//! h~ if 4-i,(,u,fA_r-- (V. C:--'Si.lllair, Mp.-S"e, Apprevell: c-/ - ,c/7" aau-uY'-<Z- d(lj;t/{/4VYl L, S. ~al.wi., ChairM&. ~ear. .r C.~mi..1..eT'. ~ Ju1'1 1,6e - 1 3 , 10 11 12 14 15 17 18 20 l' 18 l' 20 24 2' 31 . . Fishers IsXand Ferry District District OrUIl..d B" Special Act of 'The N. Y. State ugislarvu (Laws of N. Y., J947. Chapter 699) . FISHERS ISLAND, NEW YORK 06390 WILFRED C. SINCLAIR MANAGER - SECRETARY TELEPHONE 788-7-463 AREA CODE 516 SOARD OF COMMISSIONERS LAWRENCE S. BALDWIN, CHAIRMAN POLLY EDMONDS ALFRED R. GREBE RAYMOND F. DOVEN RICHARD V. FOYLE Veuoher Ne. - 51010 51011 51012 51013 51014 51015 51016 51017 51018 5101' 51020 51021 51022 51023 51024 51025 51026 51027 51028 5102' 51030 51031 51032 51033 51034 51035 51036 51037 5103e 5103' 51040 51041 51042 51043 51044 51045 51046 51047 51048 -........-- AUJWIt 7, 1'66 OUTSTANDING Ol"LIGATIONS OF THE FERRY DISTHICT RIDmERED r'OR JULY 19~ Clailllll!l t Explanatie. F.I. Utility Ce. Inc. Utilities, ete. te 6/30/66 Waterferd ~.in.sa Radie FCC MeasureMeBts etc. Raytheen Celll~any Radar Maintenalloe Arrew Pa~er & Su~ply Ce. Supulies Celumbia Pictures Theatre - Fil1lls Marsh & McLennaa I.e. F & E.C. Insurance Parameunt Film Ce. Theatre - F1l111s Natienal Theatre Supply Theatre - CarbeDs Nerth Ferk Airways Trnspertatien Expenses Parameunt Film Ce. Theatee - Fil1lls Nat'l Soreen Service Ce. Theatee - Peater. Eaten & Wil.en Ce. Material - Olinda 20th Century Fex Film Theatre - Film N.L. Li~htin<< Fixture Material - Olinda universal Film Exchange Theatre - Film ~ell Detr81t Diesel Repair Hyd. Gear - Mystic Isle Je.eph Piela Eleot. Ce. Repair Heist New Lenden Deok Celumbia Piotures Inc. TheaDre - ~ilm Drawine ~e.rd Inc. Office Su~plies A.seo. FiR. Services Ra.ie Equip. - July/6~ United Artists Cer~. Theatre - Film United Artists Cerp. n n Warner ares. Distr. Ce. n n Del's Hardware St.re Equipment - Lawn Mewer Asseo. Fin. Services Radi. EqUip. - AuC./be Universal F11m Exchan~e Iheatre - Fil1lla Thames Sh1pyard Repair Exhaust Line MIl City New Lenden Cenn. Taxes 1'66-1'6' Hat'l Plumbin~ Supply Ce. Material - 01i.da Ellswerth Wilcex Oper. Myst1e Isle n n Extra Trips Spioer Fuel Ce. Fuel - Ferries F.I. Ferry Distriot Repleniah Pe~ty Cash Walter F. Griffin Mail Haula~e L&wrelloe S. ~aldwin CeMM. Meetings Pelly Edmends n n Alfred R. Grebe n n Richard V. Feyl. n n Raymend F. Dayen n n ~)k~~t~~~ ~tiS~~CT Amouat . 3A5.51- 14~.64 - 54.00~ 12.50 - 44.4'- 232.00 - 27.6' - 70.30 - 32.00 - 10.50 ~ 3.57 - 4.36~ 50.00 - 1.62 - 65.06 - 65.21 - 5.,.50/ 76.83 ~. 17.6$- 61.'0 - 11'.56- 27 .so / 10.00 - 10'.'5 - 61.'0 - 67.2.2 - 3~.25 - 1~63.23 - 3.71- 7Mo.00 ,- 2100.00 / 1130.40/ 12.00.- 115.00 - 40.00 - 40.00/ 40.00 - 30.00- :w.Oo ,. '150~~.'- y