HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968 . . CEHTlF'ICA'l'E Of' Ol<' THE FISHERS ~ d:' r -ri J ' '/ 0_' - ~I / WE ,;n-~ <,-<-,1 ( ',;{.,.,~,,,./ t1dbuif 2 aud'ctUth INSP ,,:CTOHS 1)1" ELEC'rION ISLAND FERRY DISTRlcr · ~ ~.c:c:r/;:L:--Z -t:;~ . a. Ins~ectars .r the Electi.. ar AND the Fishe!'ll Is1... 1"e1'1'Y D1Btrict. DO llEHE1"Y CERTIFY as ral1aw.1 On the 13th uy ar Aur,u.t l,6e. the_ADDu.1 Meetin~ rar the E1ecthn at CaMllli.sia.er ar the Fiahe!'. Islan' t'erry District w.. hel. .t the Fi.her. Is1... Fire. Hau... Fisher. Is1an.. Hew Yark .t 2:00 P.M.. S.i. Meetine w.. .uly .al1e' by Natio.. a .apy .r which is heret. annexe., .t.tine the ti... p1aoe .nd nurpa.. or the M~etiDI. Capie. ar ..1. Natic. were pa.te. cen.pio- uau.l,. 1. .t le..t five public planee" In ..1. Dist!'iot, at 1.... ten .ay. prior te the .ate or the .~etiDC. te wlt eD AuCU.t 2. 1,68 .s rellew.: Vetea were cast reI' - ODe a. the eulletin ~aar.. Fisher. I.lan. Clvlc Assaoiatie.. ~isher. Is1.... New Y.rk O.e a. the .aar ar the FiB: New Yerlc One en the ^ulletiJl 1'\"1''' er the Flshers Island 1o'erry Dhtrlet. Fisher. Is1.... .New York OIle eD the H"tar Dear at F:"i l,r;abeth Airpal'"t. Fishers 1.1.... New York O.e an the Deer ar U.i.fi Free School D1st~ict #4. Fi.he!'s Is1.... New Yarlc. At to P.M. after the nil11. had. rell!.,in~. """1'I reI' raur hours, sai. Inspectors or E1eotie. canvas.e. th~ vete and rm the Atares.i. I..peeter. er E1eethn. DO HEHE'W CERTIFY that th~ result. wwre a. tallew.: wert'! oa.t f.r (~'L,l(! a,e.</ffJ~~~ tel' Cenudssiener ter a term !I I ,/' '/" ' I at Five Ye.r. (}-UC;5~ r Vi<'"" ~d~<<j Yl'er Call11ll1..ieJler tar a term <, ~) /J or Five Ye.r. , '(-<2,_ ~_ tar Cel1ll1lias1aner rar a tl'lrM et Fiv. Year. tar Cemmi..ianer reI' . term ar rive ye.r. reI' Cemmi..iener tar a term er Five Year. ter Call1Mi.sie.er rar . term er rlve year. reI' C~i..ie.er tar . term er rive ,.ear.. rer Cammissiener fer a term et rive year. rer C~i..ianer reI' . term or rive ,.ear. rar Ce~i.8ieDer tel' a term er rive year.. 's Island Ferry District Theatre. Fishers 1.1.... ilv.te. (, Votes - I Vote. - were ..at r:lr ware cast reI' / Vet.. were eaat tsr - ____Vetes were ca.t rsr Vetea were cast reI' - Vetea were cast ter - Vat~. were c.~t fer - _V.tes were ea.t fer VOID VOTES / ~LANK VOTES , . . I Au/!uat 13, 1,611 Piahera hI... Surfo1k COUJlt,. New Yerk INSP 1.I:TORS OF ELECTION ,(. ./ k'/ j(4 ~7:C</ C .de" ,#__,d-v' Ch.irm~ - 9*~oth,. E.war.a _&,v~~ ~~- /C:~.4- 1e11er - ~rt S clietti ~~ E: a,~1/-C~tJ..i Teller - Mlldreci E. AJl.rewI STA'['F; OF NEW YORK) CO(illTY 01" SUFFOLK) 55 I On thi s lia,. or Aur;ulIt / J tA, 1,611 b.fore me the lubseri bel', per.o.a11,. Al'p.are.iI-i/cllv:;:.;3:;;4.c.<,:titAi- , J..r....; Ji&-dd~ . a.. . /7: (I t ;Jddvt) C:4;!;1:i~t.[:.c'" , to Ill. p",runa111 bow ami klloWJl te 1IIe ti' e t. e same 1lerB41\1 ea.r . ill and. who e?oo'.ltelll tr.l" abo.ve 1nltrument an. the~ levo"a11,. ".1.1,. a.now1..,... to me that th.,. execute. thp. B... as INSPEC'T'OR~ ')1.' EL;'C'l'I'iN or the l"ISI~ERS ISLND FERRY DIS RICT t,l -t / , L-' j:(~f:Y-/ J;:;(.~(.ii!~' t L- /, Justice .r the Pea.o, 'l'oWlll or Southo1. 811frolle COWlt,., New Yorlc