HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/30/1968 . . Fishers Island Ferry District ~Or.aHS,~Aaol 'flw N. Y.s.u~(z-o/ N. Y., IW. ~6ppl FISHERS ISLAND, NEW YORK 06390 WILFRED C. SINCLAIR MANADEft - SECRETARY TELEPHONE 7BB~7--463 AREA CODE 516 SOARD OF COMMISSIONERS LAWRENCE B. BALDWIN. eM".........", POLLY EDMONDS ALF"REO R. DREBE RAYMONO F". DOYEN "ICHARD V. FOYLE MIlfUTES (Ii' THE MEE'I'IJlG OF THE MARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE PISHERS ISLAID PERRY DISTRICT S.pt. 3', 1"e A .p.ei.1 .e.tin& w.s ..11.. 11". the Ch.~.raen U. A.l. i. the .ffie. .1' till. P.rry Di.trict, S.pt..ber 3', i,6e .t 12:15 P.... Subject .e.tin& W.. 0.11.. ter till. purp... .t .p..ine ~i.. f.r the .p.r.ti.. .t tllle KJV My.ti. 101. ... ... KIV Olin.. ..h..ul.. t.r lZ:3' P.M.. Pre...t w.r. C~l..l...r. aa1twl., -......, Gr.b., D.y.. ... W. C. Sinclair, M~r-S... AI.. pr....t w.. Capt. Sarl Maxtl.1. r.pre...tln& till. ..w L.n..n ..Yl~atl.Jl C.wp.ny a tlra bl..l.. .. till. .p.ratl... At 12:)' P.M. t.. t.ll.w~ 111.. w.r. .p....% Altr.. S. ~i.ta.ll, Pl.ht... R..., My.tl., C.nn. (Certlfl.. ClIle.k 13~.,e-$S") MJV Olin.. $Z... p.r ..nt. (Extr. trip .,.) MIV My.tle . Is1. tt.::: per ..ntlll (Extra Trlp $125) T.t.l...... .ew Len... .aYicatl.n C.., .ew L....n, C.nB. (C..hi.r Ch..k #584'26 -$~") KJV 011... $,'25 per M.ntlll (Extra Trip $15') KjV My.tie 1.1. $1..l5 per ..ntlll (Ext~a Trlp $2..) Tetal. . . . .-n5'I5'I Alb.rt CIIl.pl..kl .ni D...l. E. Si.cer, ..ank M/V 011..a MIV MJ.t1e 1.1. . $es.. p.r T.t.l.....--.r2Ii. $36.. p.r M.ntlll (Extr. SAlpy.r. I.e. (C..hl.r CIIl..k 15e'751 - $5") Trip $1..) ..ntlll (Ext~a Trip $2..) Tille t.ll.win, r.o.luti.n w.. intr..uoe. hy tko Chalrma. an. a..pt.. by the uaania.u. atfl~tiy. y.te .1' th~ ~.ar. .1' C.aRi..i.n.r. pr...nt a. t.l1.w.: C..lli..i.ner .aa1li. wilt Te. C.IllIrl..i.n.r Gren. T.. C.lII1IIi..i.n.r Eb.n.. Te. C._i..i.ner D.y.. Ye. , C.MIRi..i.n.r P.yl. Abullt WQ..~g THE ~ar' .t C.mml..i.n.r. have a."..rti... t.r bl.. f.r the .perati.. .t till. MjV My.tl. 1.1. an. the KJV 011... AID WHEREAS \u.tati.n. w.r. r...i"... an. .~.n.. t..ay S.pt. 3' 1,.e at 12:3' P.M. 1. tlll~ .tfie. .f till. Fi.lIl.r. 1.1... P.rry ~1.trict after beinc n;'f-''''.' ,e.._...""..._... r.., __.~ ,'. ... ."";:;';'~""'''-''''''-~.',:;~~;l':l<>_"r,..., , ,~ '.T, I>'~. "'!'-'";~"~- ff!':rt'ttfh:,~('~~i~~'Y:,:-. '~'~'*~;o.r.'~_ '~'f,~~i~~~i;"rr~'~f;~"+~" . . ~ Fishers Isla-nel Ferry District Dimlct Cr..urd B, st-:iaJ Aa of <r~ N. Y. St4tr LquI4~ (l.aouI 01 N. Y., 1Q.f7. Owptll" (00) FISHERS ISLAND. NEW YORK 06390 WILFRED C, SINCLAIR MANAGER - SECRETARY TELEPHONE 788-7-463 AREA CODE 516 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS LAWRENCE 8. BALDWIN, CHAIl'll""AN POLLY EDMONDS ALFRED R, GREBE RAYMOND F. DOYEN RICHARD V. FOYLE . ;, ! - S.~t. 31, l,~e "uly a"",.rti..' ... recrlire' by law. !B IT RESOLVED that the bi. .t Altre' S. ~ieka.ll .t Pisht.wa R.a', My.tie, C.nae.tieut i. the a,par..t l.w bi...r ha",inl a qu.tati.. aa f.llew.: M/V OU."a M/V My.tie 1.1. .Z~" per ..nt. (Extra Trin. .51) -'7~11 per ..nta (Extra Tri,. $125) $112.. II IT RESOLVED that Alfr.' S.~iekR.ll .t Pi..t.wa Rea', My.tie m.n..eti.ut \e awar..... t.. C..tract t. .p.rat. the P.rry Di.trict t.rri.., tae M/V My.ti. I.le f.r $7611 per ..nth with .xtra trip. .",er t.. lZ ..ur. at 'llS ~ a.' the M/V Olin'a t.r a rive ..nth baail at $2.11 p.r ..nt. wita .xtra tri,. .",.r the ~ h.url at $51 .a.. AnD ~ IT PURTHER RESOLVED THE C.ntract I.all ~. .tt.cti",. Oet.ber 1, l,~e ... '.at this acti.. .t the ~.ar' .r C.mai..i...r. laall b. .ubject t. t.. a"r.",al .r t.. T.1CI1 ~ar' .r tA. T.W!! .r S.uth.l.. Mr. ~al"will .tate' th.t Mr. Ga.a WUlte' t. ...t wit. tu ~_r' .r C.llu'llia.i.ner. .... t.. ~.ar' alree' t.at this ..all b. '.ne .t the ..xt ..etine. The Manaler was .ireet.. t. o0nt..t Mr. D.an r.l.r.i-c int.EMati.. .n a F.r' Tract.r ~.. ..ul" b. pur.h.... t.r han..linl freient ani .ar,.. G...ral .i.eu..i.. _IU." .n .c....ul.. an' ....1I: w.rll:. R.Car4.inc tae crew .n the M/V Olin'a, the ~..r" acre." taat t..y will b. .i.-1.... .ff..tiv. O.t.b.r lO, 1,6e ... that .a.h .t t.. t.re. ..all b. Irante4. .n. weell:. va.ati.n tiRe. M.ti.n .a.. t. .'j.ur. a.4. un.almeu.ly earri.4. at 1:45 P.M. w. C.Iinelair, Her.-S.e. A:,pr."'.": ;// L. S. ~al.w1., Chairaaa ~ar" .t C.mai..i.n.rl