HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/22/1968 ,,!~j' }', +i . . ~ ~: ~f' ;it-.. Fishers Island Ferry District -- .._"." .... N. Y. _~a-" N. Y., _. a..-fooI ,",SHItRS ISLAND. NEW YORK oe38O "c., :"~ f:i: ;~ Wll.l'lllltD C. .,NCLAI" MANAIIP - BED"nAltY TaLEflHQH& 7....7...... AlIeA DDoo: .'6 1I0A"D OF COM'."..'DNCn LAWRENCE .. 8ALDWIN. DHAI.....N .-aLLY EDMOND. ALP'NED II. glllEBI: RAYMOND Y. DDYil:N ItICHAIID V. P"QVLE ,:~, MIlIUTES OIi' THE MEETUG OIi' 'niB ~OARD OF COKMISSIOXERS OF THB: PISHERS ISLAND PERRY DISTRICT Oot. 22, 1'68 '. ....i.l ae.t1n. .r the ~_r. .t C.-1..1.n.r. ... ..U.. b7 the Ch.iran ... ..1. 111 the .rri.. .t the P.PPy Dl.tri.t, Oct. 22, 1"8 at 12')' P.M.. Pr..ent '''1'. CeftN1..i.ner. ea1.win, Gr.b., ~.n.. &D4 W. C. Sine1air, "ar.-a... .... ..1'. .JI.n.. r.r .Jt.1J17ar. w.l'k tel' th. M/'I 01111& .t IV)' P.M. n. were :i'.. t.U..., I,' ,,''Jiua.. 1111J1bullUna m. R.Jla1l' a_]M.1'Iy :'I1.unt Marlne CIrJl.r.'l.n Wi'h 1'% t. h. ..... t. bl. t.l' ,ar..nJl.rt, IhlJIYar. $)'32... u...el. .. bearine ir .. r..ulr... I tea 1-U $18T2." Jllu. $1.2... r.r .a.a bearin, (2t It r..uire.. It.a 12 - 15 T~ an. Material @ ..... JI.r h.ur. ~1.n ",. C~. Sa.n.. aM ....n... by C._. Gr.b. tHt tab w.rle b. a_r". ~ t.. l_..t bl.."r, n...1,., '!'h. Gp.ellp.rt IhlJ1,.ar.. .'lln UDani..ull,. ;~&PP1... Gea.ra1 .i..u..l.n .n.ue. .n c.ttlne the C...t OuaP4I. In.Jlllct.r :- .. ialJl..'l.n at tll. Hul_t. Cha11'111.J\ ~1lhr!1l r.._M.. M1o" a..rc. D. 117 Ie a.' a. .uo 1......,.1" r.Jlr.'.lltlnr; t.. t.n,. Dl.trl._ at the 7ar.. , aat. lle b... tll. ll_t .. tll. w.rk InT.l.... 1.. ~ 0_. Gp.be an( ....M.. b7 C._. KG.M. that tll. Dlatp1lt hiI'. . G.....L_P..l.y t. a.t .. t" ill'Jlect.r ani r.pr...ntatiT. .t ,.. Dl.tri.t " '.. tM I{IY 01..... _n. It 11 In tM ,.ar.. M.t1ln unan1aeual7 .arrll... n. " ...1'..... ..nta.t Mr. Ta.ksl' re~ar.i~ thl. werle an. the prl.. ta.Pe.n ~. a.k hta '.'tale. It t. the Tewn ~.ar.r.r aJlpreva1. Th. Mana~er 1. te ~...'a" 0_. Ba1Cw1n m. CftII!l. Gre"e whsn the b.at ,.... t. th. ,.ar.. ~etll ,G-.t.st.nera .1". t. uc..,.ny the Te...1. R.l':ar.l~ the 011"a .n lun.a,. ,.i~', nills Wi.,e. tll. !ear. alP... that the M,..>;1I Ill. will run whil. the weatllep . .Ull ..... 1".':\.,:., , 1_ .... '..~ ...1.VIl a.. UIlUlta.u.17 I&rril. .I~.-J CB~' L. I. !4ll.~ Cha1rua 8eul ~ C ..lineN