HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/05/1968 . . Fishers Island Ferry District __ ClNooM., -' ^" of .... N. Y. _ /.qtoIo-. a- of N. Y.. ...,. ""- "" FISHERS ISLAND. NEW YORK 06390 WILFRED C. SINCLAIR MANAaE" . BECRETAIIIY TELEPHDNE 7...'7-46:1 A"1tA DaOI: 5'. SOARD Of" COMMISSIONERS LAWlIENCE 8. ."LDWIN, CHAlttMAN paLLY EDMDND. ALF'RED A. DRltS IE AAYMDND F'. DaYEN RICHARD V. F'gVLE j 1 I I I MUUTES OF THE M5: F:l' I NG OF THE BOA!ill OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE Jl'ISHERS ISLAND Jo'ERRY DISTRICT Nn. $, 1,6e A Ipeelal ..etlnl ar the ~a.~i at C...laalanera at the Perry D1at~lot nlle.. b" the Oha11"JlW1 ani helli In the attlce fit the Pe~l"1 Dbtrlet, ....S. 1,6e at 3:" P.M.. P~eaent were C_i.ll"n8rl L. :8l1.1....1n, A. R. Payle ani R. Dayen. Alao ~~eaent waa W. C. Slnela1~, ~.-aee. Met1en by. CaMM. Pa"le ani aeeoniei by CaMm. Greba that youeh.ra #$113' thrau~ ,S1l6q. 1nelualn In the &Illlmnt et $121'>62. 76 repruentin~ the autataniin~ abll~atl"na et the Pe~ry Diatr1et rar the .anth at Oetoher be pali. Mot1'on unanlmeual.,. ea~rie.. G.ne~al ilaeuaaien enaued. en auta..bile iama~e elataa. It waa a~eei by the :8.ari ar Cammlaaionera that the a~eratar aheuli pay the 1naurance i.iuotlble en eaeh .la1a. General iia.uaalon .naue' en utl11z1n~ Mr. Ge<<r~e Far1e", aa Inapeeter wh.n we' Ie te the ah1pyar'. The l!l.ar' wu In alt~e...nt anthia. Matlen .... te aijeurn ani unanlaeualy oar~le. at 14-= 2. P.M. ~ W. C. S1nclair, ~.-See. A-,ppnei:-/d ~ ,.a. l!laliwin, Chairaan l!le.ri et CeMMlaalonera ...... .- \w, '\ ~i '$ ',I:;' '.:j ,~!! J[: ':~ .~ ;~ 1 '*", -'; , ,t~ f ,~~ waa 4:.:_ ;'IL ; Grebe, .. ,~ " ~. .,. ~ f 1'611 " f i ;:,.. :t- :.;: ..:~.". '.' ;~ ,~ ~... % 1;';';- :,t ~YJ ~ ~, ~ .~ ~- .- :~!- ,~ - ;'c .4f '~ :{ . Ii. ~ ~ l' tl,- ,,, Jr;.:, ~- F-