HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/04/1968 . - ~ . C AC cl- ;.tt./;;1. f k~7rO 1~1z. "'<f;;:'.~-'''' J " " Fishers Island Ferry District '*"" 0...01., -' Aa 01 or.. N. Y. _ '"""'"""" It- 01 N. Y., ...,.. cr..oc. <ool FISHERS ISLAND. NEW YORK 06390 WILF"RED C. SINCLAIR MANAClER - SECRETAIIIY TELEPHDNE 7..-7-...&3 ARItA CDDE 51. BOARD OF" COMMISSIONERS LAWRENCE B. BALDWIN. CHAIRMAN ..aLLY EDMONDS AL"RED R. BREBE AAYMDND F. CaYEN RICHARD V. FOYLE MINUTES OF Tlfr; MEETING 0J0' TH E ~OARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF '::'HE FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT Dee. 4, 1~6e A a~.i.l meet in, et the ~ear. et Co~i..iener. ef the Fi.her. I.lan. P.rry Di.trict wa. c.lle. by the Chairman an. he1. in the office o~ the Perry Di.trict, Dee. 4, 1,6e at 7:3' P.M.. Pre.ent were Cemmi..i~ner. 8.1.win, Grebe, Poy1e, Rimen.., Doyen an. W. Sinolair, M~r-Sec. The Minute. ef the Meetin~. he1. Sept. 5, Oct. 3, Oct. 22, Oct. 24, 1,6e ..re r.a. .~ a~preve. .. rea.. Motion bv Cemm. Foyle ani Cemm. E..on.. that Y.uche~. #51165 threuth #511" inelu.ive in the amount of $13'63.45 r.pre.entin~ the out.tan.in, ehli,ation. of the Ferry Di.';triet for the .enth .t Ii....e.ber 1,6e, be pai.. Moti"l1 unani!'llou.l,. carrie.. Gener..l .i..u.aion en.ue. en matter. in reneral, en,ine. on boat, rep.ir., ~tc. M.tien by R. Doyen ann ..con.e. by A. Grehe that the lea.e with the city .t New Len.en for a l.n.e. area an. the riparian ri~ht. on the city pier be aeceJlte. fltr $'5' "er year. General .1aeunion en.ue. on . r.lief pur.er. Di.eu..ion en~e. on tAriff ehan,e. ana the Bear. of C.mmia.ionera a,ree. to have a .peeial m~etin, on thi. next Tue..ay. The ~ar. .@:l'ee. after .i.cuuien that the Di.triet ahall ehal',e $1.25 "IIer lift with the fork litt at Fi.her. I.land. Motion by Cemm. Grebe an. ....n.e. bT C.Mm. Eimen.. that the Sunda~ .ehe.u1e .houl. be ehanFe. by a. t611.w.; Eliminat. the 6 & & 7 P.M.'tri~. an. the ~ & 3 P.M. trip. an. ..tabli.h a trip le....in~ New Len.en at 4:3' P.M. an. Fi.heeo Iolan. .a' Sf)- P.M. Metien'unanimou.ly carrie.. General .i.eu.aton en.ue. on / the M/V Olinca. C.... Grebe oai. he theu~t that the Olinlia .houl. .tay -___. in New Len.en an. let Ca,t. ~ieknell uae at hi. .i.oretion. General .i.luaalen en.ue. en thi.. It wa. .ur.~eot~. that the Myatic Iole be breuiht ....er Mon.ay, an. be left here .urin~ the .ay fer work to he .one .n 1t an. the Olin.a make the rlmo. At nirht the Myotic Isle weul. return t. ..w L.n.en. The Mana~er wa. to talk with Capt. Bicknell on thi.. Th. f.11_in~ reaolutien wa. introo.uce. b y . the Chairman an. a.epte. hy the unanimeu. .ffirm.tive ...ete of the Boar. of Commi..ioner. a. follow.: Cemmi..ioner Bel.win Yea Cammi..ioner Grebe Yea C.Nm1..ioner Deyen Yea Commi..Joner Feyle Yea Oemmi..iener Eaaon.. Yea ~. . Fishers Island Ferry District --............oI....H. Y._t-.,a-oIH. Y.._.cr..,...6ool - . , FISHERS ISLAND, NEW YORK 06390 WILFRED C. SINCLAIR MANAIIE.. .. SECRETARY TEL.EPHDNE 7&8-7-463 AREA CeDE 516 SOARD OF COMMISSIONERS LAWRENCE s. BALDWIN, CH.I~MAN POLLY 'EDMONDS ALFRED R. GREBE RAYMOND F'. CaYEN RICHARD V. F'CYLE (Dec. 4/6e - Cen't) WHEREAi Erneat J. Bowlea, Puraer en the Myatie Isle nee.a a.reliet AND WHEREAS Albert Chap1aaki la intereato. in thia part tlme ~oaltlen ~ IT RESOLVED that Albert Cha~laakl of Fiah~ra Ia1an., N.Y. be en,a~ea t. fill thi. poalti~n aa relief ..uraer on the Myatle lale AND BE IT R850LVED that compenaat10n for thia p..ltion aha11be $35 per aay for two ti.aya per week an. $35 per aay for one .ay aa aubalatenee an. for eheokin, the MIV Olln.. AND BE IT RESOLVED that aubjeet apnnlntment aha11 be offeetiee upon presentatlon b~ Albert Chap1aaki of the neceasary aeaman'a aoeumenta. ? /0 Relarain~ chartera an. other Mattera that may .evlate from the uaual the Chairman atato. that ape.tal meetin~a ahould he calle. to rule on thea. Item. t..t are not atan..r.. Tlle BeaX'd. of Cemm1sal/mera authori zed th.. Manap:/lr to enter 1nto a maintenance a/!'I'eement for one yellr with the 3M C"mnary ['or th.. Pheto- Co~jer Machine at a coat of $5t.'$ for one yellr. Tho Mana!';er at ate. that he had aavertiae. for bi.a for eaer/l:eney eloal'lnS of the runwaya at Elizabeth Air~ort as alreete. an. hat the fo11owin" l(uotaUona whlch were opene. Noy. le, 1",6e In the office ef the Ferry Di.trict at Z:" P.M. -'~"--,~ A. C. Conatruction Company A. John Ga.a, General Centracttn!'; Robert Wa..ln~ton. Jr. The Mana~er reporte. that on November 2 , , Mr. RObert Wa..inp:ton ha. requeat.. that hie Qlloh.tIon he with.rawn due to th", fact that he ha. been unable to .rocur. the neceaaary equlpment to .0 thla work era Ia1ana. It " New York n It Motion by COMMiaaioner Grebe ana aeconie.by.Co~~laalon.r Foyle that thla work at Blizabeth Airport b. awar.e. to the A. C. Oon.tructlon Co~pan1 in the aMeunt ef $2e,.. Motion unanlmoualy carrl... The Mana~er atatea that Mr. Miller ha. been unable to ao the au.it work at the Ferr.., Diatriet an. that the year 1,6e auat b. c1eaed out to a11ew time tor the Annual I.O.O. Repert. The ChdrJU.n atate. tlat he weulti. talk: wlth Mr. Albertun l'ocara1nl!; thia. Motion ma.e to djlmrn an. un.u;~arr~~~_ 11: 15 P.M. Apprno.: ~...I'~A",", u. S1ncla~Rir.-sec. L. S. Eala.win, ChaiM1\lln ~.ara of Commia.toner. 1..2),-