HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/17/1968 -,-"---"""". .'~ c . . Fishers Island Ferry District DIorio< 00000I a,...... Ad <I 'I'''' N. Y...... ~ a.... <I N. Y.. ,..,.. a...-..., WILF"RED C. SINCLAIR MANABIEA .. SECRETARY TELEPHQNE 7BB~7""'63 A"IEA CeDE 516 BOARD OF" COMMISSIONERS L.A.WRENCE 8. BALDWIN. CMAH.,_IAN POLLY EDMONDS ALFRED A. GREBE RAYMOND F. DOYEN RICHARD V. FDYLE j~ j ,~J '1 .~ ':, j FISHERS ISLAND. NEW YORK 06390 .~ 1 .1 M1 NUTES OF THE MEET IN G OF THE BOARD 01" C'iWIS3IONERS OF THE FISHERS ISLAND FERH'! DISTRICT Dee. 17, 1.,61 ,,":' , ~ A ..,.eoial melltin, ,.,1' the Bear. .1' COJlU'!\i."i-ner. ",1' the Ferr;r Diltrict _. calle. hv th... Ch.trman an. hel. in the off1c", or thl!' Ferr" Dt.trict Decelllner 17, l,6e'at 7:" p.'~.. pre.ent were Cl'llllmi'li"nl'r. ~al.win', Eilllon." Grebe, reyle an. Doyen. Al.e ~re,ent was W. C. Sinclair, M~I'.-Sec.. Chairman !lal.wi n rea. qU<'ltat' I'ln frel'l tree Tname s Shi:oyar. "c he,al.I' C")"'):OI"''V .ate. Deeel!lher 13, 1'\l6P in the amount (')1' $22'~.35 le'l $1..... allowance f'"r the exi.tin~ hnil"'r. Yott"'n bT Cor"l'l1ias1on...1" Grt'lbe an. .ecl"ln.e. hT Co""",illi,mer Dflyen thll.t thia quotat' "n ~f Thamea ShipyaI'. In the l.lll('\lmt ,,~''':!,;21.e.35 be aeoepte.. Motil'm unanim""uIl'1 carrie.. General .ilculli,-n then enlne. on bill of Mr. A. J. Ga.a in the ~ount ",1' ~122.5' for cel!lt'lnt which thil .i.triet coul. not trananort .Ul' to weath~r. Cemrr. Gre';)e sa':ee. that the Mana~er .hnul. oent.et the Tnwn Boar. rl'lat1ve to the hoiler on the Olin.a an. F.:et the '''' ahea.. nn thi.. The Mana,.t'lr lai. he w"'ll..o thi.. General .1 ICUI. i en ensul'>. on I':etti nrr. l'lr1 CI'>II r"r "Y"Y'haulinf" tne CO"',.,1 nl en,lne. _n." the clutch on line. The :eoar. .treete. the Mana'l'>r tn .raw U1' .",ecIficatinn. fllr haul out of thll My.tie Isle an. the necel~ar:", work thereon. The Man_,er was .irect.... to contact the Town Boar. on thJ.', Genllral .iac'1..111n en.u.lllon th", tariff. l>loti"n l'Ia.e tn a.journ an. unanimeu.ly ca.ri.. at ~:3' F.M.. jj J ~ Ii '1 -~j , ;3 "~ .~ ., ~ ;,/'I! A.proye.: _. . , /) L. S. Bn:Jlr. ) ) /;- .J P/<.....~ Balli.win, Ch.irm~n of l,olllmi.sion.-.r. ,f " '~I , ! ,{ '3