HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/08/1969 .".....,."..,. ..It:. -. -- . Fishers Island Ferry District -... 0...- a, foodoI.... of'.' N. Y. _ ~ c"- 0( N. Y., ...,., a..o... 600' . ",^, FISHERS ISLAND, NEW YORK 06390 WILFRED C. SINCLAIR MANAI3ER ... SECRETARY TELEPHONE 7B8-7-463 ARIEA CODE 516 SOARD OF COMMISSIONERS LAWRENCE S. BALDWIN, CHAI""'AN PDLLY EDMONDS ALFRED R. GRESE' RAYMOND r'. COY EN 'fi RICHARD V. FDYLE ," ~ MINUTES O}<' THE MEE'i'IIIG OF THE BOARD '11" COMMISSIONERS OF 'rHE !,'ISH"~S ISLAND F'ERRT DIS1'RI CT Jan. e, 1'6, '. A .JIIeoi..l meetlnp; of the ~oar. of GeMMi.a1oner. of the It'err', Dia ".rict w... e..ll!'!. 1"" the Ch..irm..n an.. hel.. in the o"'fice of the Ferl''' Di.trict, J.nuary e, 1'6' ..t 7:3' ".M.. Pre.ent were COl'\Jlli.~i~er. ~..l.win, E4iJIlon.., Deyen. Grebe an. W. C. Sinol..ir, Mgr.-~ec. Motion by COMr. E4iJIlon.. an. .econ.e. ti,i;I~. Urebe that voucher. #511'1 thrnu~h #51221 in the amount of .eZ be -p..i.. Gener..l .heu.alon en..ue. on the bill of A. J. G..... in the amcunt nf $122.5' inelu..~ in the ..~ove bill. ren..er~. for December 1'68 repre.enting .. cl..im fO.r ceMent in .. trl1ck which wa. not tran.norte. to Fi.hers I.lan. .ue to weather c~n.ition.. Cel1\l1\. Grehe .~geste. that this bill be p..i. un.er ,rote.t. The M..n..,~r a.ke. Co~. Doyen to renort on hi. conver...tion with Mr. Albert.on an. Mr. Ta.ker. Comm. Doven ..i. ina.much ... Mr. Albert.nn ..n. Mr. Ta.ker ...i. it wa. .. contr..ctur..l lia'hilitv ..n. thet th" bill .houl. be -o..i.. Genera.l .i. eu. don then en.ue.. nn t!;i.. Meti~n by Comm. Grebe an. .econ.e. by Cerom. Deyen that bill of A. J. G..... in the amnunt ('It $122.5' be remClve. fr<"lm the hill .che.ul!'! ~n. be referre. te Mr. R. T...ker, ... nut ..ttorney, for a le~al rulin~ in writinr .t..tin,; why we,.houl. pay this bill. Motion unanimou.ly e..rri~.. The Motion hy Cellllll. E4iJIlon.. for 1!laTin~ the nut.t..n.in/!: "blh:..tion. fer DeceMbor 1'68 waa with.rawn an. a new Motion w.~ ma.e nv Cem~. E4iMon.. ..nti .eoon.e. by COM~. Grehf'l that voucher. #511.,1 throu~h #51221 in th.. aMlll1mt of $1382'.32 rel're.entinl!: the out.tan.in/l: nhli"..Uon. of the Di.trict for December 1'68 be ,.,at.. Ml!Ition lQIanimou.lv oarrie.. Motion hy ~i.. he .olieite. fo" .liPTar. work an. al." t'1l'1t t!:e Mana/1'!'!r have the raft. ('In both ve..ela be in.l"lecte. in accordance w:! th C,,~ lit GUill''' req1drement.. Metic!m unaniM<"Iu.l... c..rrie.. The 30ar. then rea. the .1'l..oif'icatt"n. on the .hi.y..l'. work' f('>r the My.tic I.le. The f'l)llowi nr re.nluti~n w... Intr..uile. by the Chalrl'1.n ..n. "."]!It". hv the un..niMou. ..ffirm..ti.,.e vote ot the ~o.r. ot CO~ill.ioner. .s follow.: Comm. a..l.win, Grebe, Deyen, E4iMon..- Ye.. WHEREAS thl. Diatriot h... nee. of .. reliet JIIur.er for the Myatie I.le AID WHEREAiAlmer DauChtry flf New Len.on, Conn. 18 intere.te. in this .'.ition which ia part time . !i IT RESOLVED th..t Abner D"u/l:htry be enga~.. tor thia po.ition, ..nd ..lIIJIen...tion ah..ll be ti:u. ..t $36. lJ..r ...:v fnr two .a:'l'. only when reqir".. AID l5E It' FURTH;;R RESOLVED that .ubject ""llointMent ahall he effectIve January r, ',,1'6'. ' \ ':!'l.~'''''''''> /!!"T'lJI""!~1r" /llIrrl!'l''' '1"'fr'''......".,-fI'n'' '.~'~I.""' ~1\IIr'r~!f11'fn1mm~~111 , , " "I'" ", 'Ii '" ~l"'Fi . ) II ~.~ l ,;1 t ....'!. F D. 'j ;;. erry istrIcti!r . DflMcco..l"~Adof 'I'M N. Y. Stl:ufl..cpldrwrt(Uaws0( N. Y., J947. Ch.:1pct"6s!9) ". Fis1l.ers Island FISHERS ISLAND, NEW YORK 06390 ;~~: 'i~' /~;f> WILF"RED C. SINCLAIR MANAGER.. SECRETARY TELEPHDNE 788-7-463 AREA CaOE 515 BOARO OF" COMMISSIONERS LAWRE:NCE S. BALDWIN, tHolA,IRMAN POLLY EDMONDS ALF"RED R. GREBE RAYMOND F". DOYEN RICHARD V. FOYLE \ \. \Ccn'T - JRn. r ~') -2- ChaJrmllIl Bal<<w'!) lltat"'d th~t hI< h'Hi "'Inken with N". Jansen ;1"y"'~ '1[, the 1"lr()n"ae<< tar1ff 1ncl'",alles ana K'. N"v,.s L"" state. tll'at 1t was J.nev'.ta'l", that the rate. lTlUllt fl.'" U)1. The Mar:arer r....'" l...tt"'r ~OM 'Ir. A. G'~I'a"n relative to .. n"nllS f"r 'Oh", cr...w. GI<neral tliiSCllllli ~rf' t'H1S'Je.j nn l'It"etinl" with Mr'. Mal"tncnhj.., t.he r:ewly "l..ct;". S'lP.,r'T1~"" ()!' th"'::''''H!1 nf SOllth';lci.. Moti"r, b~,~ '~om:"". Do:ren an" s~c()n';e,.; "hoT en":-' . G-!,,~1]e ..npoint",.. CJ1a,i""..r nf th... Boa,.t!. for i,6P- - 1.,6,. thaI. COIT~. H~19W~I' l'e '40tion l.U1an' 111 n '111 1 ". rar "i,eli. ;1) . 'j!j ~ The B0.r~ .~r.et that t~~ Co~~ls~i0r~". wIl' m~et J..~. IS, lQ6, ..t 7:w P.M. '-'1, J--;;,3"";;:'f;L'Y:"" c~~'~,~t{t~~ ~'. ';. S~ne11~~, ~Fr.-~ec. Mot1 "10 mlltie to .. j"llr!1 an", 1)n..ntl'l~U8]" " I " .) ~,. iliii ,