HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/15/1969 Fishers Island-Ferry District -...O-.lll>_....o/ "''''N. y......'-lw-o/ N. Y.._.cr..,...6ool FISHERS ISLAND, NEW YORK 06390 . WILF"RED C. SINCLAIR MANAGER.. SECRETARV TI:LIEPHDNE 7B8"7"453 AREA CeDE 516 SOARD DF" COMMISSIONERS LAWRENCE B. BALDWIN. CHAIlU4AH paL.LY EDMONDS ALP'RED R. GREBE RAYMDND F'. DaYEN RICHAflD V. F'DVLE .' 11INUTES OF' TIlE t-E.l:!."'1'ING Of'1 rrH:,; !JOAHD m' cOJ.:',nSSI"'NI<::RS OJ<' Till. FISHEHS I3Udm F' &tH.Y DISl",IeT Jan. 15, 1'6' A s"~e1al Me",t:nl1; "f t;he B04I1''' of C01'll!l1..ioner. wa. oa:l.1..o by the Chai.rru.n an. hel. in the ofnce of the Ferry DilIt;r:lct Jan. 15, 1'6' at 7:'~ P.M.. :Pre.ent w"'re CO!llll'li..ioner. Balli.wtn, Grehe, FOYle, an. COIlf'!1. Bo"n... The Minute. of the M"'etin~. hel. Oct. Z~, Nov. 5, Dee. 4, Dec. 1', 186e were rea. an. aUGr~ve. a. rea.. The Retrli. ~f Commi..ioner. ~i!'ecte<< tho Mp~a~e~ to en~a..e the .erv1.e.. of Honal. Kleiman t" a1'tlit the Ferr". D!.td.l1t JII"oic.'::{ i. for 14!'6e anti to .0 the annual Inter.tate CO!llll'lerce C"",~hsi~nr'H" th<'! .um" ,. of $<;('11. The follnW1n.' r.....,lutinn WAS il't"'odllee<li >'y th.. C:,'-1 ~""n an~ llE/ont.""j ....... tho uallnir1O'J!I at'''4~~~~i'~v'' ,.~te of t:,A il"!I1",; .~f COI11":!l!u~orJ""s ar f~J.l"V/,,: CO~~. n.l.win _ y.,. " Gi:'ej-,e _ Y"'II " Foyle _ Y"'II " EliJum.. Yea WHEhEAS th~ lo'fshcrdala. Ferry Di.tJ:'4.ct hll' u.l'~ent nf''''. of a relief uurllt'lr to relieve the l"lUT'.er' en th~ Mystic Isle AlfDWllEREAS WilliaM R. St.Clair hu serve. .." Jlurur on the }-!/V Olin..a in an etfie1~nt an. .ati'factery mann~!' an. :I. well qua1ifi". for this po.ition !IE IT IlESOL'/ED that William R. St.ChJ.r of' 5 La.ley :Ro.., 'tuaker Hill, Conn. b~ en~a,e<< a. relief .ur.er effective Janua~ 15, 1'6' AND BE IT F'U;tTHER RESOLVED that; WDUam R. St. Clair be eoml"lennte. at the rate of $3$ 111'>1" .ay anti .hall re.lP:lll'T'h' w3rk two ..ay. ]'lAr week. General .i.eu..ion then en.ue. on ~arltt chan~e. a. follow.: Item 6.: Autl'l1llo1:>ile Nov. 1 to A.,ri1 3' each year, ROllnti tl":!.JI Nov. 1 to April J' - Eyer,. Tue.., Thur.., Sat anti Sun. 17. B1cye1e. Aaen. att.ere. I'll" unattache. $1.5t, Furniture or Hl)u.e ho1. p;oo.., min. leu th-n $l.t~' refer to COlll!llllltiity rat~. No. 5'-A . #~1I - Min., C~rl!;' .er charter will he$15'.aGh way plu' t.!S,.e:r hr. wdtin~ tiNe. Leek up minute. concernin~ thi.. . .""1'''.1''' ... Elilllinate Statlell..~en.. lea... wi th mateJ:'ial on tOJt amI. 1 n.Ue .hou1ti hay!'! char!!:e . retei' 11. "reYiou minute... . . Petty o..~ PUll. "'01' t!'ei t;ht al!;ent. .hlm1<< he eat.l,lhhe<<. Motinn I'la.e h a.jeurn.an. un.nimoU'ly car~ie. at ':3' I.M. A.pro..... :(.r:~L (~"2.Mt:k- L. S,. ~al.w:ln, Chai1'lllQ , ; I!i~~':/ ;,.~i,';. '~'.>~;:L:,;..>.: '.,.. ,;:,.': ct{>~~W.K~~" .' '~'~"""im'l!I&:_'" ~:~:" ' ' .~'i(':_;-i;j!n.'~' '--"i " ~u~(,TOn..Actin,; s~ret:? ,', ... - .' '.,; ,;;-l\'ri 6-" .~ ;" ,;! ~.., ,.,!.'ii""";~~""'''' . """.'," ,.., ,!'" ;;:':!f~~~jj;'>lli;;~'! .j,,,,',,', ~I!l!- ." 'f.,Ili;, J.k;t';"';'1~~.a'~' '"'.,.-' "li:I~~1!~",:S'~M';~,"" , ,_"',,, " ,~.,.~_""'_