HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/06/1969 r , I I I , . . Fishers Island Ferry District _0.-1&,,.....,,,,,1 ""1'1. y._..........a-.... N. y..."".~6ool WILFRED C. SINCLAIR MANAIIER . SECRETARV TELEPHDNE 78..-7-4.3 AREA CaDE 1516 SOARD OF COMMISSIONERS LAWRENCE .. B4LDWtN. CHAUU4...N POLLY EDMONDS AL,.RED R. GREBE RAYMDND F'. DaYEN RICHARD v. ,.aY~E 1 ":1 '~ .. ~ J FISHERS ISLAND, NEW YORK 06390 ~ l ~ "i :'l . .,..1" ,..t'n. " tho Bn... " C""..'on.r. w.. h." F.'. 6, "6' In ~ the Cltfice of the !"errv J)1atY'ict at 1:3' P.M.. l"r..aent were Com"!!aal"nera j~." :aalllwln, G'l'ehe, F0"Vle, E4Mnn.a ani W. C. Slnclalr. M~r.-Sec. Motl.r"nb;r 11 CO"ll'l'. Lire"e an"i secr"mi.e. ,",v Comm. Etbn...n.a that Tr:l'1chera #51122 thrr"uv,h #51141'; lnclualTe In th.. 1l!'1"unt of $3-.712.-'7 renresent'nr, thl" f)utata"riinr. ohll,;att'ma of th... Ferr" Uiatrict for Jan. 1'6' he nai.. Motll'n UJUlnlmoualy "arrle4. Chili rl'l~n "3alliwln reui. letter fr....'l1 Ravtherm Com"al1:'f 'wl th I nforJ'llation en the :ta..r. Tht' BOllI'. <<irnctes th.. l1anarer to wrlte a letter t() the Fire Denartment authortzln? the"! t" burn the 4'1'111 fiel. an. the .lr~ort. The Bo~r<< a?r""". in tho ahll""nce of a M.nar:"r that any memher of th... hoar. waul. at,-n a c0~"la~nt if the lo~al cf)nat."le .ia"e'r"re,<i anywron,...,.,inr on the Dia"rict property. Thp, Board directe~ that the M.n.~er ai~ an aaal~ent of the NVliW'cH Railr,"'a<< COl"nany leaae in our l("w LOnli0n Ter"l~nal to the l'enn Central. The Man.ver ia autn0ri~e. to lonk lnte State Fun.a for ]toaalhle re~l.cem"nt of tha raclc tencer aystelll.. The 'l'e.ort af the Au.it &;, Oontrol Department eXlll11i nation nr th" f' nancial aftalra of the FerrT ~latrict W.8 rea. and approve. ss r".. Motion m..e to a.jounn and unanim0ualy carrie<< at !:It P.M. .> MTNUTES OF TH': JoolEE'l'ING OF THE ~OARD OF COMMISSIONERS "\'(1';,;" ) ',., 0F 'rHE F1'3lfr:RS 1SL4.1'D FERrlY" DIS'T'BICT Feb. 6, 1'6' / .~,"'vl. C. 51,ncl..lr, M,.r.-Sec. .; Altprovei: '7.(.j.;d-e/~ L. S. Ral4wln, Chalrman ~oar. ot COJ'llTnlsaionera " ,;.~ L.. ',:,;' ,,-',; , i~~',f::~; L!; ...." lrl;''':~;;i:.l':';u,-.J.L'' "'j':" ;;, .. , '''':~~c..:~~~~::;..t,;.ro.,," .~'L,i.i.:D.t.Jl.I:.:~__:.~ _dL.....